Trump is still your president in 2024

Trump is still your president in 2024.

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Who's his?

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So how does this work? Obama gave Putin a "reset button." Hillary let the sale uranium go through. Putin took over other countries while Obama was in office. President Trump has stood up to Putin. Pulled out of treaties which Russia wasn't living up to. Imposed sanctions.
And yet people think President Trump is working for Putin?

lol stay mad cuck
the lighting is inaccurate and you still can't meme.

This better?

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Feel the Bern?

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Party politics?

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We need kim jongs dick being sucked by trump

Why? Little Kimmy has gotten nothing out of all of this while President Trump has gotten him to stop testing missiles and other things.

Your mom can't meme, faggot

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I am way too damn lazy to edit a photo and post right now, so I'm just going to post a photo of dicks and leave it at that.

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i proudly identify myself as the superior race.

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The only problem with that is it breaks sex rule #1 - never stick your dick in crazy.

> Literally the greatest president we'll have in the 2st Century.

there's no rules in Yea Forums

I'm just trying to help the ones too ignorant to know any better.

there's no rules in Yea Forums though

Trump is a lying moron. He does not care about America, he cares about trump. He lies constantly, he cheats on his many wives.
He will be in jail where he belongs soon.
Trump SUCKS!

What crimes has he committed? More importantly, he may not care about America, but America is doing a whole lot better with him as President.

Kind of ruins your arguement, child.

You must be stupid then,
give me proof that he does not care about America.

I was being facetious. He's done more for America in 2 years that Obama did in 8 years.

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Done more than Obama? Loooooool

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Hi Russia!

Yes. Obama's economy never reached 3% GDP. He's the only POTUS to never have that. Obamacare crushed the economy, he led a racial divide, he allowed Russia, NK and China to walk all over us.

But don't let facts get in the way of your delusions, child.

What exactly do you "think" Obama did for the country?

>The lighting is inaccurate
Fucking hilarious. You think Cortez is accurately lighted in ? The pillows are lit from the left and Cortez from the upper right. Trump is lit from dead ahead. The right can't meme either.

So you're saying Trump hasn't led a racial divide? Or allowed Russia, China, and NK to walk over us?

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Yes. I'm impressed that you got that.

>While trump has gotten him to say he will stop things because the word of the Kim dynasty means something, and then NK refused to denuclearize openly and trump just walked away from the table.

trump sure didnt lead a recial divide in the slightest. maybe you should pay attention to other reps that fucked your shit up the most and allowed russia to do what it does as well as china. nobody cares about NK, they just keep to the script


Lol, you Trumptards are something else. The biggest thing might be delusional.

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He would have been a great president in the 2st century for sure. Nobody could read so his inane tweets would have been a non-issue and his hatred of outsiders and insistence on treating women as bad at anything other than being sex objects and homebodies was pretty much the norm.

>Trade War

Kimmy hasn't had missile tests since President Trump ripped him apart and President Trump walked away from the table because Kimmy thought President Trump was going to be a pussy like Obama and just give in and act like it was a victory. President Trump has made it clear that Kimmy has to give up all of his shit before he'll ease up sanctions.

Not that difficult to understand.

And yet you cannot refute any of the facts I've posted.

>insistence on treating women as bad at anything other than being sex objects

We're talking about President Trump, not Bill Clinton

>Obama's economy never reached 3% GDP
You are fake news. Q3 2014 called with its GDP growth that surpassed anything trump has achieved and wanted you to know that you are a liar or a moron but it can't figure out which. Please post more so we can make a determination.

I'm not trying to you cuck lol. I understand that you can't reason with the irrational and delusional, so I don't bother putting the effort to do so.

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>Harvard professor
>Travon Martin
>Michael Brown
>New Black Panthers
>IRS targeting Conservative groups

B-but orange man bad is what my tv gods tell me

Mommy says politics time is over on the computer for now.

>IRS targeting Conservative groups
Here's a thought: maybe you stupid Teabaggers shouldn't have bragged about your "right" not to pay taxes.

Look, honey. I lived through it. The economy sucked the entire time Obama was in office. I know you didn't notice it since you were in your mommy's basement the whole time.

>Never reached 3%
5.1% is > 3%

OP posting your shit only leads to fun for me. ha ha ha...

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Thank you for admitting you can't.

Nope. Not so much.

So NK still nuclear, orange man good?

>stop testing missiles

Hey how'd that summit go? North korea is safe now yes?

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ha ha ha....

Keep on believing that, kid.

What's "nope?" You don't think you should have been prosecuted for breaking the law?
Like Your President?

So what sucked about it?

Make up whatever number you want. Obama's policies crushed the country. President Trump followed the examples of Reagan and Kennedy and the eoncomy has grown.

>You have to treat them like shit.
Guess which president said this line about women?

>I just start kissing, I don't even wait.
How about this one?

I really want Ivanka to get into porn after she gets kicked out of the White House. Yes I know she's nearly 40 with 3 kids. I know.
I know, user.
I know.

>never stick your dick in crazy.
it's so hard not to though
for about 15 minutes things make total sense

How about admitting your President needs to step down from a position of power and face criminal charges?

NK hasn't grown in their power under President Trump the way it did under Obama.

Did I dumb that down enough for you?The summit broke down because Kimmy though he could push around President Trump the way he did Obama. He was wrong. Only Kimmy's minions and the left think Kimmy did well.
Of course, if Hillary were POTUS and the same thing happened the left would be lining up to suck Hillary's dick.

Put up, or shut up, honey.

Bragging and actually committing a crime are two different things. Like, President Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women but Bill Clinton actually did.

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>It never got above this number!
>It did though so you are factually incorrect
>Well it was still terrible!
Yeah your anecdotal opinion doesn't really matter compared to the fact (as in, actual, real true information that can be checked and confirmed) that Trump has not once exceeded Obama's best for GDP growth.

Please, quit now while you're not TOO far down the rabbit hole of alternative facts.

Are you being serious? Double-digit unemployment. Wages going down. Millions more on assistance?

Sooo..he was behind of all that..

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Which women have filed charges against him versus the ones who did against Bill Clinton?

For what? Two years and they've not found anything related to collusion.

Tell you what, prosecute Hillary for what she's admitted to having done and then go after President Trump.

>Make up whatever number you want
You ignoring reality doesn't make you right, not does it make actual economic figures 'made up'. It makes you ignorant.
Educate yourself.

Ok, Ivan. Just spew whatever you are told to without actually providing any facts. Earn your pay.

Double-digit unemployment. Wages going down. Millions more on assistance....

>Which women have filed charges
Several. If you want to ignore his history of racism and misogyny go right ahead.

When you have that many members of your staff indicted for illegal business with the Russian Government, it quacks like a duck, user. When are you finally going to stop bringing up previous Presidents and focus on the criminal in office now?

>Obama was a NIGGER
just say it and get it over with

IIhan Omar did 9/11

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I assume you know how to click the word 'data'? You're welcome.

Please list them.

I'm afraid not Dick.

Wow, nice fiction bro

That's not what they've gotten in trouble for. It has been for tax issues and lying to the FBI.

Also, I know this will blow your mind, but there is no actual law against collusion. So, what he's being investigated for doesn't exist.

you're 12
everyone knows about the "Grab em by the pussy comment"
and that Trump was investigated by the FBI for refusing to rent to black tenants.

Shut up, faggot. That means no more posts.

Yeah actually it is why they got in trouble. Mueller indicted several Russians as well, but your buddy Putin wouldn't honor that.

You literally defend a traitor, user.

Just because you are a racist doesn't mean everyone is.

I had high hopes for Obama. I felt he had the chance to be a shining example of what people could become. Instead he not only stood up and held African Americans to a higher standard to raise them up, his policies hurt them. The influx of illegals took jobs away from African Americans because the illegals would work low paying jobs for less than minimum wage.

>A bunch of stuff that is not to do with what you have been proven wrong about.
Nice deflection.

So back to the thing you said that was factually incorrect. Obama has done better in GDP growth than Trump has ever managed and did, on multiple occasions, surpass the 3% you oh so incorrectly stated (as if you knew shit) that he never did.

>I had high hopes for Obama
>but he turned out to be a NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERNIGGER

admit your racism you fucking coward

Put the direct information up - that's how this works. Prove your bullshit rather than make people look through a bunch of stuff to find what you think supports your crap.

Again, I lived through it - and I don't mean in my mommy's basement like you did.

Wow. A foreign government indicts you and you think your leader should hand you over?

Again, taxes and lying - not collusion.

Again, just because you are a racist and not intelligent enough to think on your own doesn't mean everyone else is.

Keep raging at your computer screen, honey. Your mommy will bring you your hot pocket soon.


You literally keep making posts defending the traitor you elected.

Facts don't care about your feelings, honey. I posted the facts - ignore them all you want. Just please don't vote with your ignorance.

I'm not the racist user.

You also elected one.

Memba when we had a real president?

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>I'm more intelligent than you
>but Obama was a NIGGER
>NIGGERS can't be President

No, I elected President Trump. You voted for someone who admitted to ignoring the rules of Classified information and such.

Again, President Trump has stood up to Russia. Obama gave them a reset button and Hillary sold them uranium.

Keep failing, sweetie.

Anons are triggered as fuck that we elected a black man to the Presidency twice
their electing Trump was revenge, take a look at how each one of Obama's policies have been reversed in some petty manner.

I did not vote for Obama either time.
I'm sorry you were wrong?

Obama isn't a racist

stop posting

Oh honey, it's ok. You'll have to take a nap at sometime.

stop posting

Yes, we know the comment but there is no proof. However, we know the actual assaults Bill Clinton did but no one on the left cares because he was a dem.

Rule #1 - liberal = hypocrite

>I posted facts
>That got disproven
Your said Obama never exceeded 3% GDP (by which you mean GDP real growth over previous period because total GDP is NOT measured in %). I stated that Obama in fact achieved greater than 3% on more than one occasion, and as you can see in pic related Obama's economy surpassed 3% growth in 9 different quarters and has achieved growth of 5.1% which is higher than anything Trump has managed.

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>President Trump has stood up to Putin

Because Zio-Neocon Jewish supremacists told him

>but there is no proof
>durr bill clinton

stop posting trumpshit


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user you are "arguing" with a racist who can't handle that a black man left the Presidency with a raging economy
and that we didn't need to "elect" what we have now. He's never going to stop being a faggot how many facts you confront him with.

Actually it's harassment of a US Representative and you should be reported for reposting that, as it's already gotten several posters v& already.

>samefagging his own thread this hard
user I am disappoint

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There is plenty of proof of Trump's attitude toward women in his own words. You can't just pretend he didn't say them when he said them publicly.

Economy is growing over twice now as compared to Obama period.

if a video is taken but Fox News doesn't show it, did it happen?

>giving Obama no credit for fixing Bush's disaster

She should be raped by illegal immigrants that she supports.Now that would be a real harassment

Because Trump's policies haven't fucked up the economy yet. It would have continued on the same course if another President were in office. We've been through this.
Don't post like a 12 year old.

I'd rather watch you get raped by your fellow fat trumpshits.

tell me user, did you go to church today?

Bush? No it was Lehman Brothers a private Bank,not owned by Government.

sure would have been nice to have had a trillion or two to spend to prevent the recession wouldn't it? Oh wait we torched that money in the middle east.

>The Jews did this
fuck some of you are so easily manipulated it's frightening

arent you retards bored and tired of your own pseudopolitical bullshit ? you know nothing about world and how it works anyway

oh please do enlighten us oh wise sage

Let me guess: We're puppets of both parties and you had no hand in electing Trump.

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The econmical crises literally started with Lehman Brothers,it'a a fact.I never said the jews but you admit that it was ...

user some of you really have this rather autistic dangerous obsession with Jews, user. I'm wondering if you should be allowed any firearms.

>those weak slav genes
wow he's a tiny little manlet

he didn't admit anything, he correctly guessed your assumption

''On September 15, 2008, the firm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection following the massive exodus of most of its clients, drastic losses in its stock, and devaluation of assets by credit rating agencies, largely sparked by Lehman's involvement in the subprime mortgage crisis, and its exposure to less liquid assets.[3][4][5] Lehman's bankruptcy filing is the largest in US history,[6] and is thought to have played a major role in the unfolding of the financial crisis of 2007-08.''

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He basically said that the economical crises in 2008 was started by Jews.
I said Lehmon Brothers,and he said it was the Jews.If he wants Jews to take responsability for doing a damage to the entire world with their banking...


user, don't revise history.

The Financial Crisis and subsequent Recession, which began under Bush, occurred because your supposedly "fiscal conservative" President failed to see it coming, user. That's the reason.

Now seriously, if you don't have some kind of therapy to deal with your obsession with Jews, I suggest you get a job and find a program with a sliding scale. You need to talk to a professional about this.

lol ok

Racist ...Racist... Racist...

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Are you scared that liberals will one day return to the White house?

We're scared you might develop reading comprehension.

I'll admit to some of Obama's accomplishments:
Shipping manufacturing offshore, increasing tensions in the race war, somehow going from a poor civil servant to $40,000,000.00 on a $400,000 a year salary.

>Obama is the reason corporations use foreign labor

Who the fuck do you think you’re fooling? People who’s political knowledge beings in 2012?

>Obama was a NIGGER
>NIGGERS can't be President
admit it coward

>going from a poor civil servant
>NIGGERS can't be lawyers either

That’s doesn’t fit the liberal narrative so it’s not true.

It's literally stormfag type character assassination.

Nothing enrages Trumpers more than a non-white woman who is more successful than they will ever be and is way too hot to sleep with them.

By which metric, exactly, given that we've already proven Obama has better GDP growth? As has already been said, if you make an assertion, provide evidence.

Trump CAN'T be president 2024 you fucking uneducated repubshit your SO FUCKING STUPID, you can only sit tWICE.

All her former cronies commit suicide, had heart attacks, or died in car accidents.
It’s safer being one of trumps people.

By the metric that a President with 6 bankruptcies can take credit for Obama's second term.

>it's safe in mommy's basement

Cool, so what we established in this thread is that the economy improved dramatically under Obama after the recession, that is is still improving under Trump (only slightly less dramatically), that trump fanboys can only ever repeat lies about this and accuse Obama of never breaking 3% which is hilariously untrue, and that sarcasm seems to be the best way to /thread in 2019.