What would be the best method of execution for women?

What would be the best method of execution for women?
(the best I mean is the most interesting for the audience)

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why is this so true?

Public use.

thats before execution
what would be next part

Exhaustion is a completely viable form of death.

I don't know, Yea Forumsro.

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impale em

Something inflatable in the colon, the audience gets to pump

Intravaginal electric chair

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Where is that from?

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Is that tim pool?

>What would be the best method of execution for women?
Fight to the Death. in the nude, of course.

can you expand that?

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Like gladiators, without weapons, in a pit.

>have her hold the rope to release the blade in her mouth
>people line up to fuck her


ninja warrior but the water is acid

Spit roasting on a real spit. Or, whipped to death. Or skinned alive until death.
Or, an old fan favourite, burned at the stake.

For maximum pleasure and such, all must be done fully nude.

Once upon a time they used to impale women through the vagina all the way through their torsos. Apparently they could take hours to die from it.

Kinda like in the picture, but it was a large square post with a point on top, and couldn't pass all the way through.

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I like this.

>tie girl to train track
>other girl in shackled to train track
>shackled girl must untie tied up girl
>once untied she can run and get a key to unlock shackled girl

Why not weapons? I'd love if they each got a sharpened kitchen knife or something small like that.

if trips I will begin murdering incels

That's not exicution, that's a survival attempt.


they'd end up getting killed later if they managed to free themselves anyway

Who can be her opponent?

Or how would you execute her?

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Nah, then it just ruins the entertainment value. I think one of them has to die and the other has to survive somehow if you're going with this SAW approach.
Maybe they're both tied to the tracks by a collar through a pulley system. As one pulls themselves to safety and a release switch, it pulls the other onto the tracks to get run over. If neothe rmake it to their release switch, the train hits the rope and pulls them both under its wheels.

make them cum to death

She looks like a better candidate for hanging. Not much to look at really. So just a quick hanging of a few girls at the start of the fighting on any given day as a sort of I troduction to the arena, maybe? Or maybe just have her tied up in the stands to service the audience and don't feed her ever in between rounds, which could be days apart. Eventually she'd get killed by an overzealous patron or starve to death if nobody fed her any scraps.

more execution possibilities?

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Funnelling them into an industrial shredder mite b cool

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Vivisection would be interesting from medical perspective

nothing just let them go, and jerk off a few times till the feeling is gone. LET HER GO

no one?

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How would you use and execute this cum dumpster?

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I wouldn't use at all, just straight bullet to the brain.

Lmao anons have such pent up aggression from being constantly rejected by women they fantasize by getting vengeance by having them die

Death by snu snu

good lord...

this thread.

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Stop using Yea Forums to help you think of ideas for your movies lazy hollywood writer

Death by deep thrusts.

sauce please