What keeps you going on when everything is ultimately pointless, Yea Forums?

What keeps you going on when everything is ultimately pointless, Yea Forums?

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My 6 year old son. If didn't exist, i would have divorced my bitch of a wife

you've got it backwards. it takes more effort to end life than it does to simply live it.

i have a friend--stupid bitch--that doesn't accept my belief that we have no free will and that the future is predestined. i told her to just try to lay there and do nothing. she won't be able to avoid eventually getting up to do something and it won't take any effort to finally do it. of course, there are complete rejects that might lay there until they die, but whatever... if that's how your organism was set to go, then that's that.

you will go until you stop. that's that.


How do you know everything is pointless? That question keeps me going. I concluded things were pointless once, and sat around, unhappy, unmotivated, and doing nothing, because what would be the point of doing anything? But then, something someone said made me wonder, what if there is a point? There probably isn’t, but I felt like I should check to make sure. You can’t really check to make sure by sitting around, shitposting, so I started doing new things.

Was curious to see what reasons other people have to not an hero.
And free will vs predestined is a weird thing. I felt like making this thread, but was it meant to happen since this morning? Weird to think about, but fun.
Good bass in that song.

"What if there is a point?" true never thought of it that way either. As a whole species there might be, but as an individual I can't see one. Kinda accepted i'm not hot shit in a useful way, so that's why its hard for me to see one. BUT, that's not to say i dont like your answer.

supporting my mother after my brother suicide. Also never quite sure if my father will turn up and abuse her again

Hope for the future in your son.
Questioning reality because it questioned you.
Protecting someone who's had too much.

I don't really have a reason to keep going i just do. Just a dogged refusal to give in. Or Maybe a fear of hell? I'm not really religious, I prefer my world view to be based on science, but there's always that part of me that's skeptical. I want to though. Im tired of being here. Tired of failure and being alone. Knowing how shit my life is going to be makes this kinda hard.

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Too stubborn to let it take over it sounds like. As for hell, I don't feel like hell makes much sense for someone who kills themselves. "So, I know the pain in your life was too much for you to handle, but go to hell and have some more pain" Seems like a fucked up thing for a god to do. But that's not new.

The hope of getting a gf and ending up with a happy family

Spite and contempt

Must be young, huh?
Ha, I like you. Spite and contempt for what though?


>Ha, I like you. Spite and contempt for what though?
Well, it goes something like this

Ah, the absurdist view; nothing matters and everything sucks, but I'mma keep going because I make my own meaning. And for Al (and guessing you too) it's to spit in life's face

The thin, wan, hope that my idiot ass might figure out how to fix the damage I've caused, or figure out a way to.make things better. But to be perfectly honest, I feel like I'm coming up.on the end. I feel an overwhelming sense of dread almost constantly. I just want to go to sleep and not wake up, and it's getting harder and harder to say no.

Mostly just to keep yelling profanities to the universe.

because its you who decides what is pointless in your live and what is not.

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I'm curious what damage that is, but I get you on that last part. An infinite dream.
Hope you're getting creative with your obscenities then

I figured saying "...everything is ultimately pointless" would give a hint as to what i think is pointless.

Or it would say that you think everything in a universal sense it pointless. you know, existential nihilism and stuff.

Exactly what I was meaning

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nothing is pointless. decartes said "nothing comes from nothing". inversely, that means that anything that is, must cause something to be.


so, what cause and effect basically? If there is no cause there is no effect?
That's not really doing it for me anymore, but cool that it's working for you.

Well than my reply still stand. We humans tent to give everything a subjective value. Doesnt matter how minute it is in the greater scheme of things. I do stuff that I enjoy and dont care quite frankly, that it might be pointless. My joy in my live time is the only thing that matters to me. I dont know how this joy will manifests itself but this is also part of the motivation of "keep on going."

To make a long story short, I've made many people believe that there was something good in me when there really wasnt. The worst thing in life isn't being a bad person, but a mediocre one, and people discover that about me when I let them down.

If everything is pointless, anything can hold profound significance.

My mother, when she dies I'll kill myself

I thought the same thing, phenomenon the last coherent things my mom said was to not give up. She made me promise. I love and hate her for it.

Enjoyment for what things life has, regardless of meaning.
I feel a twinge of that too. That I'm not the happy, loud, smiling, fun loving moron everyone thinks I am. For some reason I'm loved at work, but I don't get how.
Again, the absurdist view. And I'm not calling you absurd, the philosophical name of it is absurdism.

Once you understand -why- the universe was created, then you'll understand every organism's purpose.

And YOU know?

If my post ends in 2, I do.

weed,Yea Forums and hentai

I bet weed's nice. Never actually had it or anything else other than booze.

That the universe has purpose and my life isnt pointless

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But you feel it too, don't you? If you want to keep a hold of that, don't let it creep up on you. Cause, woo boy, will it not let go.

Yes but more intrinsically, because as soon as you enjoy something, you give it meaning for you. That doesnt mean it has meaning in general but that doesnt really matter because there is nothing that does not have any meaning, at least in a practical sense. The sheer fact that you reply to me or I reply to you means that even for a short periot of time that exchange has meaning. Maybe it means a little, maybe it means a lot, regardless it means something.

I was a nihilistic neet for 6 years. I gained 100lbs and was failing all my classes at uni. I was a militant atheist and though that everybody who had faith was an idiot. I know what me saying I have faith means to nihilist like you guys.

I was fortunate that my love of history got me interested in the biblical stories. Otherwise I would never have gotten out of that hole I dug for myself.

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i spent my 20s in grad school and then years in postdocs and unemployed because pajeet took muh jobs so i'm just going to enjoy watching the country fall apart

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Ever since I found my faith I have had purpose in my life and have been able to set goals for myself and fulfill them. I lost practically all the weight I put on ( went from about 350 to 220 I'm 6'4)

I changed my major from some useless computer programming degree to a bachelors in Biochemistry, I have brought my GPA up to nearly 3.0, and I will be starting my internships this summer. My relationship with my family has never been better, and I had recently started dating for the first time.

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many factors are involved collectively
> you think all is already set
> you think all happens by will and action

There's a reason, we can't put that to equation in a simple way. That's why life is called a mystery. You can only present a theory of life , its working.
Reality is human brain CANNOT define how life operates, this flat realm operates.

The understanding of depression.

Mybbest friend killed himself and about a year latter i helped a buddy tow his truck home

He really wanted to go to a rodeo and rather than risk him breaking my beater truck i told him it was broke down.

I was the last guy to see both of them alive.

I feel like the biggest piece of shit every second of every day.

Watching my now best friend trying to scrub his son's blood out of the carpet will forever male me break down thinking of it.

Not only was it life crippling. But i did a short stint cleaning motel carpets in Vegas. ...blood doesn't come out.

Red stains in general are the worst but blood is the only substance i know of thst is impossible to clean.

I tried to tell him scrubbing the carpet would just make it worse but instead i just hid in a closet and cried until i passed out.

Hiis cunt ex was kbocked up tho. Cutting a piece of carpet out proved that he was the father.

Dude killed himself 2 days after graduating high school and didnt know he was a father

I have to sock God just once. Not out of spite or hatred, but to bring their faith in humanity. Much like you'd tease your siblings or family to be closer. I don't know if there's a giant powerful space alien out there, but we live in a massive body of billions of human lives that automatically group and organize, and even moreso since the advent of the internet. With this collective, it has its own structure that consumes and shits like any other creature. I don't know what you'd call god, but I want a say where this while thing is going. To have a say in this body means to have a say where your part of it goes, and you're only alive as far as your willingness to make it so, otherwise you're still just mud and matter. So I want to spread faith. and if there is a great cosmic being, I want to include them within this body.

My family has seen enough tragedy without the selfishness of me ending it and putting them through all of that again.


I don't know, don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Spirituality is important. Please don't let this convince you that you beliefs on based on reality, though. There is no substantiated evidence for anything supernatural.

Something being true doesn't mean it's what will benefit you.

No, free will doesn't exist. It can't. Free will isn't possible if you understand a lack of intrinsic self in anything.

This stuff is so fucking easy to understand. I can't even graduate highschool but shit that I never see discussed just comes naturally to me. It really fucking pisses me off.

Just that, I'm not even that emotionally attacked to my family but just knowing there's someone who cares about you regardless of what happens makes me want to live life and make something of myself.
Once they die, I'll strive to make a family for myself and take care of my children, the same way like my parents did.

attached* god I hate to write after I wake up, I sound absolutely retarded.

Everything may ultimately be pointless, but so what?
What does that have to do with the life I'm currently living?
Since I'm here, I might as well do things that I consider worthwhile and enjoy whatever time I have here.
If everything is ultimately pointless, why care about the end of everything, it's not here yet.

If I died now I wouldn't be able to play Outer Worlds or Cyberpunk 2077

Two things. I know I have it better than most and my dog.


What field/job?



>just lost job due to lawsuites, company essentially imploded
>gf of 6 years cheated on me 2 months ago and gave me hpv
>mom diagnosed with emphysema and may not make it past next year
> generally depressed all the time
> diagnosed with psychosis after having a bout of bad alcoholism
>liviing off of unemployment with no motivation to find work
> some nigger broke into my truck last week and stole a bunch of tools, cds, and other stuff
Am i crying....nah Man Up and drink whiskey faggot.

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I believe in a small amount supernatural stuff like that God exists and Christ rose from the dead. I recognize though that most of the biblical stories are old wisdom implicit in metaphor. I believe in evolution, and the universe is not 6000 years old I am a biochemistry major with a focus on genetics. Actually I believe science is moral good. I believe the truth is a sacred thing and science let's man know the truth and is therefore sacred. There's alot of complicated theological stuff to come to that conclusion.

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Well it is pointless for most people. Just being exist, surviving, working, eating, shiting, pissing, fucking, til we get old or god forbid die young because of sick or accident. But i refuse to accept my existence is pointless after two times i nearly died, but still taken back to life.

You've made a conclusion and then made links that frankly aren't there. This isn't a great revelation it's just stupid