Walk into your bedroom

>Walk into your bedroom
>You find Alexandria Oscario Cortez standing there
Wat do?

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Would smash.

ask her when the green new deal is going through? i dont want to work anymore

Take half of her money like a good socialist

Rape and kill, not necessarily in that order

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She's ugly af, typical American.

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Shoot her with my glock and claim castle doctrine

Yeah, but she has status. If I fucked any of the other girls nobody would care.

Another way of saying "I want to fuck ugly, brown, batshit crazies, the American way". Sad.

Grab her by the pussy.

Explain to her non-stop why her belief set is evil, and she cannot leave until she eats all of the eggs.

kek every fucking time

Shoot her for breaking and entering and moral fear for my life

Ask her what she’s doing here. Also call the cops



I'm that guy

Give her a rake and a weedeater and tell her to get to work.

kill it with fire
the world needs another absolute imbecile like it needs cancer

damn she can't even compete with her own kind

Threaten her to Talk halt about her in an Anonymus Internet Forum like a Big boiiii

"You probably came here to be robbed, raped or murdered, but I'm not going to make a martyr out of you. You see, for only two years, you represent a whole.. less than 0.2% of our congress, and that would be way too permanent and extreme a solution to such a temporary and ultimately unimportant problem. You're surpised? You come to my hovel, into the belly of the beast to investigate and expose an insurmountable evil, only to be greeted with enough civility to deny you your wish. Suppose you sought mercy instead, to rob, rape or kill you would be to acknowledge you have significance when you don't even see it in yourself. You say 'don't have kids' and intend on having none. Either you feel you're a genetic dead end, or realizing that children are our message to the future, you feel you have nothing important to say. I will not honor you more than you honor yourself."

Mozambique drill and the country is a better place for it. God bless castle doctorine.

>great photos of average looking women
>picked the most unflattering picture of a woman

redistribute the wealth of my nut content all over the inside of her ass

Get an axe

Makes me think. She's far below average. Far, far, far below.

Ask what I can do to help her on her next campaign.

Vomit in a 360

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She looks like she could eat corn on the cob through a fence.

7 members of countries that you almost have to google their flags to figure out where they are from vs Brooklyn trash who got into the most powerful congress in the world because her district didn't even show up to vote in her primary (13 percent turnout for the Democrat primary).

The difference is AOC has real power despite being a freshman.

The funny part is she is like a pied piper leading all the other Democrats into the river to drown in the 2020 elections.

theyre al;l hot

tell her she's doing a great job of pissing off conservatives

Say Hi and leave.

>Grab knife
>Grab gun
>give her knife and tell her it’s because of socialism
>shoot her with gun because of capitalism
>tell cops I killed her because a crazy Puerto Rican bitch with a knife broke into my house

Take.my turn in all her holes like a good socialist and get my stds treated with my free healthcare

Check for my wallet

AOC at Cohen hearing: "I'm going to ask some succinct questions about who else we can interview, and not scream about book deals and make Kinko's posters with childish retorts."


tell her to keep triggering the right wing faggots then bang her

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Drop to my knees and beg her to let me worship her

immediately strangle to death, fuck for a week, butcher her and store for food

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Hmmm..So he was behind of that..

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U wouldn’t wanna have her around for a week before you store her for consumption, probably be a bit off by then

hook the baskets to her and go pick coffee beans.

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i say "i'm honored future president"

Force supply-side economics on her.

You know she really wants it.

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im ok with that.. her sour meat would be so sweet

Tell her to stop smiling like a creep

I’d like to eat some of her while she’s still alive and maybe share a bit with her

Thank her for her contribution to the HBomberGuy stream and for her continual work in trying to make your shit-ass country livable

>Take her to the dentist.
>Everyone else pays for it.
>Pay her to fuck.
>Everyone else pays for it.
>Give her an unwilling rape baby.
>Everyone else pays for it.
>Another single mother of color.
>And nothing of value was lost

cherry picking this hard

no if you let her live for even one extra second she will live too long

Start a conversation and try to get a read on her intentions. If I can't see any clear signals, ask directly to secure consent to disrobe her.

Curious, since it really looks like we're heading towards a jobless future (and soon), if the world governments came through and created an automated system that served the needs of everyone (which, let's be honest, has kind of been the goal for 12,000 years now..) and literally no one actually has to work anymore,

Would people like you just shit your goddamn trousers and scream about it everyday?
Inb4 "not gonna happen", hypothetically. Also, yeah it probably is man, that's why a lot of countries are piloting basic income projects.

Any trump supporters or Nazis want to humiliate my feminist gf and take her pics

Kik 1mn0q

ocasio table ,hehehehehehehehe

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This is the only correct answer

Humours a bit highschool..

Tell the bugged eyed psycho bitch to hurry up & mix my cocktail, then get the fuck out. There's new trap threads on Yea Forums to fap to & she's in the way.


Only correct answer in this thread, tbh fam

Lmao, we are on Yea Forums friend. Doesn't get much more high school than that.

/mother fuckin THREAD!

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you have very refined taste, user.

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Tell her to finish the bedroom and then the kitchen quickly, that's why I pay her $15/h.

left can't meme
this image in this post is the original.

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mmmm, yes

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preach it, Yea Forumsruh

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>7 members of countries that you almost have to google their flags to figure out where they are from
American, I see.

erry day fam...erry day!

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She will be the hottest president we have ever had and bonus points for pissing off the Trump ass hats.

Discuss why she's in my fucking house when I'm trying to make meth. It's disrespectful and unsafe, and she should God damned know better.

She's gonna be primaried out of the House of Rep's in 2020, user. She's pissed off the Democrat party establishment & her polls are sinking like a stone. Just watch what Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher & Cenk, David Packman's been saying about AOC recently & you'll get why.

Dude that Hannible movie where he makes the guy eat his own brain still gets me too this day.
i think i like you.

>Rachel Maddow
>Bill Maher
>David Packman

Yep, she's gonna win by a landslide.

>thinks cherry picking is a good way to prove a point.