My mates asleep. How do I wake him?

My mates asleep. How do I wake him?

Attached: Snapchat-217814728.jpg (1756x3648, 1.2M)

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Cuddle up with him and give him some reach around.

Piss in a cup and put it up to his nose

cum on face

Pour gas on him and light it as a prank

With a kiss... you faggot.

do this to his socks and record it

Sit on his cock

Put your dick in his mouth

you leave them alone. Go out for a walk, punch some muslims with knives

I did this to a passed out drunken friend once, and rode it til i came. Was fucking hot.

Or put his dick in your mouth

Plug his nose and cover his mouth

this is rape

Obviously dipshit

Please do this

Shit on his mouth

Fart in face


Dubs have spoken!


Put yogurt/shaving cream in his right hand (if he's right handed), tickle his face with a piece of string, watch/tape him smudge yogurt on his face, post webm

Well I did it numerous times, and it was fun. Was it rape considering we were both underage at the time? I barely knew what sex was

well, whatever you do, if you don't post pics you're a faggot

Put shit in his hand then tickle his face
