Been dating gf for almost 2 years and Im not sure I want to be with her for the rest of my life

Been dating gf for almost 2 years and Im not sure I want to be with her for the rest of my life.

She has never done anything wrong to me, ever. We have never been in any fights. Anything I want to do , she does. All my hobbies are now her hobbies too. I know it sounds stupid but I wish that once she would disagree with something I said. That way it can somehow bring change to the relationship.

One of the things that makes me not want to break up is how much she idolizes me though. I know she's head over heels with me. Anything I tell her to do I can make her do. But I just don't feel that way towards her? Is that bad? Am I an asshole?

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If you don’t mind me asking, what’s the age difference?

I'm about to turn 23 . She's about to turn 21

Holy fuck user are you me?
3rd year with my gf and shes fantastic.lovely person whos mad about me, shes 22 im turning 24 soon and we've been through alot together (pregnancy scares, i nearly died at one point long story) but's weird. I was madly in love with her before but i just feel sort of....distant or something? Almost bored with the relationship. Like i still respect the girl 100% but now I'm not entirely sure I want to get married with her as we always talked about.

It fucking sucks and is confusing, hope you're ok Yea Forumsrother

Ah ok, so not a huge difference in ages. My gf acts somewhat similarly to yours, what I usually do is make sure I’m not “pressuring” her into doing what I want because I’m not aware of it. I ask her if she really wants to do (insert whatever) here, because we don’t have to.

Yeah believe me I'm bored. I felt like before I was excited to go out with her and stuff but now it's just not the same. I understand all relationships hit a slump and you know everything about each other but she's just so complacent and unmotivated.

Good luck as well man

Haha no I don't want to make it seem like I make her do things. I always ask before we do anything and I know when she doesn't want to do something. I just wish she would help ME. I know it might sound dumb but I felt like I've been helping her grow. I've been helping her stay on top of things and getting a new job, etc. But I feel like I'm still the same guy from 2 years ago. I feel stuck.

how often do ye see each other? i see her maybe a few days a month, 1 week max. Shes in college im working so we're doing a bit long distance stuff and I think that's also taking a toll. I should be missing her more than ever but I kinda....dont? It's not a chore to see her or anything just not as exciting.

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Maybe try doing something different, like a road trip or something?

Don't do that, it'll kill off your relationship by you one day being fed up with the constant asking if a thing is okay. Just do your thing, if she wants to tag along, that's fine. I tend to do this myself and end up doing fuckall in the end with a fucked relationship.

You know maybe that's it too. She is very emotionally reliant on me I think. I see her almost daily and most time she wants to be texting thruought the day even if we have nothing to talk about. I know i might be coming off as a complete asshole,but if she doesn't text me or anything I would be okay. If I don't text or something I know she's overthinking things and maybe thinking I'm gonna break up with her.

oh same man, it fucking annoys the crap out of me talking about nothing. LIke sometimes it just seems forced to have a conversation, normally things would be natural. Idk it's weird. In your scenario id take it as you spend TOO much time together you might feel like youre becoming the same person rather than being with the person you fell in love with. Identity is a key thing in a good relationship, yes it's good to have your partners back and be there for them, like similar things etc but at the end of the day, you're two separate identities that came together, not one.

You will regret after you break her up.
You will realize how much you miss her after you are being single. Woman is only existed only to serve and pleasure the man like bible instructed us.

Still OP here. I know I may be contradicting myself or may just be spewing random shit I don't like about my relationship but my point is :

She adores me. She does and agrees with anything I say. She is head over heels in love. I know it. I'm here first boyfriend. Her first anything really. But I just don't feel that way towards her. I have been waiting for her to maybe change and become this amazing woman who helps me see things in a different way and makes me change some of my shitty ways but she hasn't . If anything she has picked up all my bad habits and accepted them. I just don't love her as much as she loves me.

i think you need to tell her this, how you feel. not necessarily a break up but it might push her more. it's not overly fair youre suffering for it, both of ye should be happy.

sounds like a you problem mang, maybe ur just boring

You sounds like a dumb as fuck. Tell her that.

I would love to tell her to go find her somethings to do without me and explore and stuff but do you how fucked up that comes out? I understand your point and I completely agree but she's very sensitive (not like suicidal or cutting or anything) and would take it in a mean way.

But then I think about it and it's just complicated because if I really did love her that much I would want her to do stuff with me.

You're right. Thanks, user.

yeah i get you
it's a tricky thing to be in, to try and motivate someone to do stuff without making it seem like "fuck off i need space"
i agree with if you just break down how you feel, make it seem like "oh cool femanon you should try this hobby/sport etc" make it seem like YOURE interested but not wanting to do it, but thatll be something new for ye to talk about and give each of you guys space. My gf is an animator, i can barely draw for shit but I'm always mad into what she draws but I respect that its HER thing. Same as she respects writing is MY thing. you get me?

It’s gonna be ok user, you just gotta be open with her man. Make sure you tell her that you want things to improve between you guys

Thanks will do. You really don't know how much your advice will help.

no problem user, some of this was a bit of an awakening for my problems too. Hopefully we get something fixed. Me and her just need to find some even ground and spice it back it up again, ive a feeling its all down to her still in college. I do feel a little out of touch.

Best thing for you guys is communication. The way I see it, you DO still care and love this girl otherwise you wouldnt be on here with this problem, youd have just dumped her. So hopefully that means something.

I was in a similar situation and bailed and I regret losing her I have not had a girl like that since. Would take her back anyway. Choose wisely

oldfag here. every relationship hits this phase after a few years, it's normal. just ride it out. finding a decent woman once you get out of college/over 30 is nearly impossible

if you don't appreciate what you have you will lose it, be thankful, be patient