Im drunk fuck ya'll assholes

Im drunk fuck ya'll assholes

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digits don't lie

Me too!

Drinking gives me nasty headaches every single time. What am I doing wrong?

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You want to fuck our assholes? Pretty gay.

Not taking an unsaid pain reliever and drinking two full glasses before bed.

digits dont fuck what

fucking autocorrect doesn't recognize actual words now

I don’t have access to unsaid pain relievers or I’d take enough to kill me unless you’re talking about Advil and Tylenol in which case fuck that

I love you

Don’t nsaids cause bad reactions with alcohol though

>It's usually fine to drink alcohol if you're taking nsaids- Google
all i know is it that does fine by me

meant for

So you also get headaches if you don’t take the pain relievers?

Sounds like a great way to die.

Yes, but I always drink way too much. I'm currently a pint and a half deep in some 80 proof.

thats an aspirin not a couple dozen xanax

I get a headache from 1 or 2 beers or half a fifth it doesn’t matter I fucking hate it. I love how alcohol feels but can’t avoid the pain.
>I drink to kill the pain but only receive different pain
>why has god forsaken me

Could it have something to do with the fact that I pretty much constantly hit a juul all day every day?

Hmmmm...who thinks...was him..?

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just take an advil and drink two full glasses of water before you go to sleep (after you wake up youre fucked) and youll be fine.