Are you guys ready?
Are you guys ready?
Lots of people are preparing
A face that seems to say "KILL ME."
Yeah, my house could use a good cleaning.
For the Dumbcrat party to throw her under bus? Yep
Some are scared, they're not sure what it means
Some are preparing for war, they will fight for your minds. They will fight for your compliance
They know that our prescriptions cost more. They know that we are being sabotaged
my angus is prepared
I'm saying this as a very liberal person. This bitch is dumb as shit. And all the fawning over her liberals are doing is just damn embarrassing.
2020 is coming fast, folks. Hold on to your asses.
God DAMN you fucking Conservaturds are fucking TERRIFIED of this bitch!
>center-right media like CNN constantly attack and attempt to undermine AOC
>"As a very liberal person, I side with right wingers"
Here's a protip: you are not liberal.
no, he is, liberals = neoconservative economics,
AOC is a socialist or progressive depending, and that puts her far left of most liberals. liberals are juuuuust to the left of center. AOC and Sanders farther left
Why is everyone making such a big deal about this person? Everyone scares to easily these days.
This congressperson is the latest shiny object for the Democratic party. They're throwing things against the wall prior the presidential election to see what sticks (i.e. what data trends can they gather on voter sentiment towards issues).
This is all data science now. The platforms that your congressperson runs on a selectively chosen based on data mining of your personal information. I'm not kidding. A solid chunk of budget is put aside for services from data management/mining companies.
1. 12-18 months out (3rd party pays your websites, FB, Instagram, Youtube, Google, Capital One, Zillow, etc.. to gather aggregated information on your demographics. Age, race, creed, guestimated income, etc... Also what your surfing for housing, insurance. What you click on.
2. Middleman purchases information from services firm based on the 'campaign trail' they have laid out.
3. Underwriters put together speech for day you're in town that has 'major issues X' that is important to 'demographic insert here'.
This is all a rerun of a rerun of a rerun. There's nothing original. If i were you I'd click on as much barnyardfuckfest porn as possible. That way your congressperson can discuss with your constituents how important it is that we have insurance for getting out weniers stuck in our goats.
For her to get raped by a nigger in DC? Why, yes, we are.
In other words, politicians tailor their platforms according to data taken directly from the voting population?
Almost like they want to give the people what they want. How can the people possibly stand for this??
>they're trying this out in 2020 by spending $14 million campaigning against her
>The democrats told AOC to protest Nancy Pelosi
>its all planning by the democrats, they're all a secret hiveminded organization
Hey Glenn Beck, how's it going? I heard you haven't been getting viewers lately
I’ve been ready. Get the guillotines ready. Now.
>tips fedora
You actually believe that members of congress care about you and what you want?
They only tell you what you want to hear. Can you imagine someone actually saying 'hey i hear what you're saying but, we don't have any more money for that. We spent all of the tax money you gave us out of your paycheck. Give us more and we'll spend the next two years talking about solving your problems and blame it on the opposite party or the lack of time we had in office... Elect us again and we'll actually get to work this time.
The nine most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help."
I can't wait to get free money for being a lazy nigger.
You realize the military is part of the government, right? Thus, the government going to help Venezuela, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Should terrify you.
Politicians care about re-election. They don't tell yoi what you want to hear. They tell you what they think, phrased the way you want to hear it. That's why a lot won't back medicare for all - they don't believe in it. That's why Feinstein got BTFO by kindergarteners
>You actually believe that members of congress care about you and what you want?
I do in the sense that I believe even the most pants-on-head retarded Congressman understands that he serves only as long as he has the support of his constituents. I recognize that these people, along with the system that they are a part of are imperfect. That's fine, the system can be improved. And even now it does pretty well for the job its intended to do.