Wtf just happened with the universe

wtf just happened with the universe

there was a huge spike in the time-space fabric

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OP stopped being a faggot for a micro-second

just your average dark matter passing through your body causing a direct trippy head attack. continue your day

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its happening now.jpeg
you aint seen nuthin yet

You ain't seen shit yet. I'm only warming up my dark-matter energy harness, fuckhead. The lost dimensions are gonna be wack, son.

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I want it.

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In this thread, schizophrenia.

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I've noticed it too actually things have been happening when they shouldn't be it's almost like the collision's of dimensions Chris told us about is coming true.

Physicists have gathered evidence that space-time can behave like a fluid.

It’s a neutron star merger about 500ly away in Lepus. Picked it up on LIGO about an hour ago and we are still feeling the effects.

That would be real keen. I want a three-way with Princess Daisy and Anna.

Lunar Niggers

I believe I've just experienced a small mandela affect. I seen a posting just 10 minutes ago, refreshed the page and one word changed. I swear my memory is not that bad, I know what I read. One word in the sentence changed. Kinda spooked bros

Wait what's happening? I'm confused

yeah, me too

princess harem 3/2/19.

the world as you know it has been altered, within the last 24 hours.

What kinda alterations?

ffs explain more clearly

Whatever it is, it's a big one this time. I think there is more coming....

I'm cumming.

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Im interested. Can you explain?

been nice knowing you, Yea Forumsros. we might never recover from this one.

wtf happened?

As if millions of Yea Forumstards suddenly cried out in terror....

Pleasure. They cried out in pleasure.

Not sure if this has any correlation with the recent space X mission.

Don't forget to say your prayers tonight

fade to black... white?

See you on the other side, user.

someone please explain wtf happened

Tbh I've noticed a surge in 2016 election related stuff and old fappenning posts last week or so. Thought it was odd.

I have noticed the stupidity of b/tards is significantly heightened recently, this would explain the spike in dumb. Many thanks.

Ok I'm kind of freaked out for real. Lots of weird posts on the last hour related to this.
Also I was browsing wallpapers and while scrolling the wallpapers started looping but when I scrolled up because I wanted to check if I accidentally scrolled back they weren't there.

i poop with my butt

Vtech just kicked in, yo.

Go back in time and fuck your mum, Marty.

That's where the poop comes from, don't it?

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Your mom farted, tearing a giant hole in the space time continuum.
We must find the continuum transfunctioner

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>wtf just happened with the universe
>there was a huge spike in the time-space fabric
No those are just the new pain spikes in your feet from diabetic neuropathy.


Been there done that Biff

Wtf? Can somebody Plesse explain???

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just all parallel Dimensions merging into one, Nothing to worry About, we are now at the state how its supposed to be

i didnt mean to. itll probably be fine.
something might happen tomorrow though, prepare for anything 'cause i dont know whats going to happen.