Why don’t I get girls?

Why don’t I get girls?

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Because you post on here all the damn time, fag

Becouse you don't have a gun

cuz you're trying and not being funny
Just don't give a fuuuck and say mean shit with a smile and people will think you're joking

It’s not my looks?


Will be your attitude definitively.

when do looks have anything to do with getting laid?

its simple, put up with their bullshit but be a funny dick about it. Don't think about sex, hell, I've gotten laid more times by simply asking "do you wanna smoke?" Boom, they like my weed, laugh at my fucked up jokes, gradually they'll steer the conversation. Don't comment on their looks unless you're doing it almost sarcastically "Well ain't you cute?" Take the lead. You're the man, but women have to be lead to the assumption that they're in control. It's a circle logic kinda thing... or more like cattle ranching. You can't put your hands on them, but when you do go for small of waist or when she hands you a thing make sure you're fingers brush on them. Direct eye contact while laughing at a joke helps, don't hold it longer than 2.5 to 3 seconds, anything longer and they'll get weird.

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Don't get girls in what way?

1. They don't respond to your conversation or advances


2. Women don't acknowledge your existence

How do I leave my small town when I'm on probation for being black?

Well your looks aren't the problem, maybe workout? Work on your social skills and become a more attractive you

... Your first problem is that you don't "get" girls. You develop relationships with girls.
Change your attitude towards women and maybe you'd have more success.

just be yourself lol

Do you have any skills that could be used to help employ you?

Cuz ur not balling..Yea Forumsroke motherfucker.. btw I'm broke af. .

Your personality is garbage and you give off a ‘creepy’ vibe.
Work on becoming a normal human being

not OP but number 2

You aren't ugly. But you post on Yea Forums so I must conclude you have at least a little bit of the aspie bug. Either that or your personality when you talk to girls is bland. Like water flavored bland. Learn some jokes.

following upYou're gunna wanna get more wild/louder. Grow your hair out, don't cut it at all, women love a lion's mane. Exercise and focus on your body to boost your confidence. Absolutely don't give a flying fuck. Don't repeat any question after the 2nd time and when you ask it the 2nd time, dumb it the fuck down. Feigning interest is more important than increasing interest as bitches thrive off attention.


Listen to some metal, harden the fuck up. Literally the only people who SHOULD be important to you are your family and friends. Women are just whore's for the most part that need bought with SOMETHING. Usually its attention and greasy food.

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The way you present yourself is a big part of it. Self confidence and body language is the first thing women look at when looking at a male.

It doesn't matter if you're broke, skinny or whatever. If you have the correct presence and understand the social situation it all adds to your game.

I suggest you look up on Andrew Tate on YouTube. He explains this stuff in a way you've never heard before and could potentially change your life

Will you ladies rate my asshole too please?

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Idk u'd look like 8/10 with a little less acne and a more consistant beard

Thanks, I'm gonna check it out

No worries my dude, take his advice on board and use it as much as you can

Because you look like a buzz kill man. Energy is contagious.

Because you're a weird gook.

Yeahh, Elon Musky...you was all time

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My girlfriend died in a train explosion.

Bcuz u homosex

ur cute op if the girls dont want you my cheeks are spread out waiting for you

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