I just want her back. I want her so badly

I just want her back. I want her so badly.

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you'll get over it champ


No you don't, she was a bitch and you know it. You put up with her shit for too long. Good riddance !


I can't. I simply can't. I think about her every day, even when I don't want to. I miss her so much.


Would you sell your soul for her?

I know a guy

What happened with this slut user?

guessing this is your first breakup
you'll get over it. especially when you find someone who fucks you better than she ever did

Anyone else traumatized by getting cucked

It is. The shameful thing is that it's the only real relationship I've ever had. I've been alone so long and this great girl comes along. I thought I made her so happy. She was the only person in my life to ever want me.

Then she doesn't want me anymore.

I'll bear the shame of being a loser who has only one relationship.

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figured as much, I felt the same way when my first gf cheated on me. really didn't want to meet anyone or anything but met someone way better a few months later
it's not the end of the world

The difference is, you were probably in your teens. I'm not.

I've spent so much of my life alone only to feel the slight touch of love that it cripples me when I don't have it.

I was 19, 22 when we split up
you're placing too much value on relationships. you need to learn to be content on your own before you worry about being happy with anyone else

I won't exactly say that's a lie, but I disagree with it. I was never happy by myself. But when I was with her, I was happy all the time. To the point where I recognized it was a legitimately alien feeling.

I never felt that way before, and I felt great. I''ve had a fucked up childhood and I have a bunch of things to deal with, but when I was with her, I felt like she was the one missing puzzle piece to complete me. When I had her, I wasn't sad or anxious or worried. I was at peace, finally. It's what I always imagined what love what like.

just trust me, there are plenty of other women and plenty of them will make you feel even happier
I had to break up with my most recent ex and I still miss her but I know being alone is best for me right now and I'm really not looking for anyone
the first one is the hardest, it gets easier after that. you'll begin to realize that romantic love is a made up concept


I get that. I'm just so old now.

I'm introverted and it's hard for me to meet anyone, especially someone romantically. Maybe that's not an excuse, but I'm still really lonely when people around me say 'get over her', like it's a bodily function.

you should be the one crying the river because your such a lonely faggot who probably hasn't left his house in the past 2 weeks.

but she betrayed you!

you don't need it move on man.

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I'm introverted too and I don't go out and socialize. getting over it is easier said than done and it's pretty insensitive to just write it off like that but just stay positive and with time you will get over her

The thing is she's the only person to ever see me as 'me'. I know I'm starting to sound like a brick wall at this point, but I can't get over her.

She was like a breath of fresh air, she proved that I could be loved and desired.

so now you know you're capable of being in a relationship. use that to give you confidence, there are so many people in the world. I know the feeling, as I said I had to break up with my recent ex and nobody gets me like she does. it's normal to feel the way you do
would you like to talk about why she left?

I can't. Every time I think about our relationship, I think about how rare it is for me and how she drew that out.

I am and always was a loser, but with her I didn't feel that way. I felt so warm and safe with her. I felt like a man. For once, I didn't only feel like I was happy, but I also made someone else happy, which is my ultimate goal.

I feel u user, deleted all connects to the girl who ghosted me feels bad feels good i dunno.

I did the same and now I want her back.

Yea same but fuck it dude you really wanne keep holding feelings for someone who sleeps well ignoring you? I dont its tough but owel

I can't stomach the thought that she could still want me, and all I need to do is ask.

I know that sounds pathetic as fuck, but it's all I have now. I don't want to be with anyone else.