Fuck sakes, are parents this retarded enough to let their child be affected by this shit?

Fuck sakes, are parents this retarded enough to let their child be affected by this shit?

It's not even legit.

Attached: momo-challenge.jpg (615x409, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:


that's true i cant believe that a 16 year old fell for that shit

yup, talking to my guardians and momo came up. idiot asses said they cant monitor everything their kids do, i said its up to the parents to teach them to not do stupid ass shit that would harm them. so fucking idiotic, its not up to youtube to babysit them. they just looked at my stunned.

She cute

you don't have children and you never will

cringe ass nae nae baby dies from scary picture


Attached: kitten-leaping-energetically-white-background.jpg (1300x1104, 131K)

nerve gas

My kid just laughs at that nursery rhyme

The internet is a mistake

Attached: 1544461040829.jpg (750x573, 44K)

please stop. this is annoying. a thread died for this. i hope you die.

Attached: berdabros.jpg (256x256, 10K)

Attached: 1551363818643.png (510x495, 147K)

What the fuck am I even looking at?

Also, sweet quads.

Why do parents even let their kids watch YouTube? Just turn on Nick Jr or the Disney channel for them

The video exists. If someone can tell me how to post a god damn link without it getting flagged for spam every time, then I'll link it.

Can someone cue me in on this normie meme?

Click bait media don't fact check, WOW.

Dumb parents let their kids use their phone for YouTube kids and there is this spooky hacker group that hacks into kid friendly YouTube videos or some shit and display the Momo image and tell the view that it's going to kill you if you don't drink bleach or put a fork in a electric socket, which makes guillable kids believe in this and not know that stuff like drinking bleach will kill them. I saw clips of some of the YouTube kid videos, where one showed a Peppa Pig character's decapitated head lying on a table in a pool of blood

post the ?v=TU1K48N-JGk part faggot

replace . with dot or something, eg youtube.com?v=123 post it as youtube dot com ?v=123


It's on facebook nigger faggots

Attached: momo.jpg (1053x604, 130K)

Not even from this year

>Smart parents let their kids use phones.
Fixed that for you user.

Lol, isn't this better for the earth? Let nature take its course.

It sucks to suck. Nothing personal kid.