What kind of nigger tier logic is this? This picture is proof vegans need some saturated fat and protein...

What kind of nigger tier logic is this? This picture is proof vegans need some saturated fat and protein. Fat and protein would help their cognitive functions, as well as keeping them full on less for longer instead of having to bloat yourself.

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I can stop eating for a day and a night and not even really be hungry. The problem are the b vitamins, zinc and iron. Of course they need to get all the proteins and other vitamins too. I recommend the green shit which grows in the other long green shit I don't know the name of.

Fun fact. You don't need carbs to survive. In fact you live 1/3 longer without pushing those useless sugars into your body.

400 kcal of moe
The Other White Meat

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Meat is very healthy.
It does damage the cardiovascular system; but it does contain protein...
Heart attacks and strokes are mostly not too bad

I'm not vegan but you literally don't understand this picture dude

I already hate eating, why would i spend longer doing it for less energy.

This is the weirdest thing I've read.

caloric dense foods are the way to go brosky
3 oz of beef has same calories as 3 lbs of vegetables.
America was built on beef.

meat has alot of good stuff in it
most people survive heart attacks and strokes


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>It does damage the cardiovascular system

How about not eating and drinking sugar, amerifat


You don't understand macronutrients. So yes. The picture is clearly geared to mongrels like you.

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sugar is bad but it has no cholesterol
I don't drink that much sugar but I eat beef because it has good stuff in it too.

> 400 calorie ?

call that "a meal"?
I'd scarcely even call that "a snack".

Exactly. And the type of calorie source energized you longer than the short spurts of energy from virgin carbs.

Implying I'm from our mother shithole

>sugar is good because cholesterol bad

Imagine thinking the building block of your cells is a bad thing.

Well it's veganism. What do you expect?

Unless you plan on calorie restriction. Go for the left for longer energy.

Humans are omnivore's. Eat both!
You can just eat one or the other but both together is better for you.
Meat is super tasty and pretty cheap. You can freeze meat in a freezer and saving it for a long time. Sure killing raising animals for consumption can get inhumane but at least they can kill pretty fast. Vegetables are good for you but can get really expensive really fast and rots pretty fast too. If someone is purely vegan they usually have alot of money to focus on eating veggies. Also, with the high prices of veggies and fruits alot of countries use alot of their water and land to grow them. Water that they dont really have alot of. So nearby villages suffer from it.
So even though farm raising animals seems cruel to animals, farm raised fruits and veggies can be cruel to humans and the land, draining natural resources and scarring the land for a long time. Just take a look at the banana and avocados.

People erroneously think that hunger is triggered by whether the stomach is full or not. This is wrong. If you drink 32oz of water, hunger will not be satiated. Having a full stomach full of low nutrition food won't necessarily satiate hunger. Problem with vegan/vegetarian diet is that you need to plan your meals ahead of time and eat before you're hungry because it's going to take awhile before it kicks in.

I've noticed most hunger is nutritionally related rather than purely calories. Drinking 16oz of soda would be enough calories but not enough to actually satiate and feed you.

>What kind of nigger tier logic is this? This picture is proof vegans need some saturated fat and protein.

A....picture giving you a vague idea of caloric density per volume proves....vegans need more...saturated fat and protein? Huh? Saturated fat is horrible for you and shouldn’t be eaten. Protein is from different kinds of plants than those depicted.

>Fat and protein would help their cognitive functions,

Vegans and vegetarians are more intelligent on average than the mean.

>as well as keeping them full on less for longer instead of having to bloat yourself.

Your stomach causes you to feel hunger based only on how full it is, not on how adequate your nutritional intake is.

Ya, but I didn't write that.
You are dumb. Try eating more meat.

damn i usually dont post but the amount of stupidity made me unironically mad, most of it is bai, but the not bait is just as retarded so.... medfag here:

yes, you need protein, but protein does not equal meet, we have enough protein sources in our day to day diet, should be around 15% of your food, if you go lower, you will get sick because you need protein to build most of the stuff in your body, if you go to high you age faster and damage your kidney and hearth over time.
We dont need meat, we can eat it, but its not healthy for us, the ideal amount that is recommended is once a week and not because of protein but because of a specific vitamin and because of iron.
there are other ways to get iron, like certain fruits or greens and you can (and should) buy those vitamins because you need them.
Meat is not just bad because of the anount of protein in it, it is also bad because the meat you shitfaces eat is poisned by all kind of shit, which everyone should know by now.

Also sugar, or carbs. first of: dont drink fatmaker juice like cola you dumbfuck. you need to keep your body going with energy, we have 2 sources of energy: carbs and fats.
some ppl digest carbs better and some ppl digest fat better, i am a person that digests fat better and therefor eat more fat, its really that simple.

quality matters, most ppl can digest carbs and fats in a healthy way, what matters to them is the quality of the fats and carbs, for example: avocado has great fat while pork has terribly unhealthy fat. another example is how healthy brown rice is ( a carb) and how borderline-dangerous white bread is. both carbs, but one healthy and one shitty.

and to that comes the moral aspect of the meat industry, if anyone cares i can rant more about that actually...

I dont know if being able to eat only vegetables links people to being smart. I think the link between them is that you have to be financially secure to be able to sustaine that kind of diet. Being financially secure gives you more time to better yourself. While I do agree a meat only diet is bad for you, to say eating vegetables is like reading a book is kind of derpy dont you think?

>Your stomach causes you to feel hunger based only on how full it is, not on how adequate your nutritional intake is.

see this:

sadly almost noone cares . rip

The brain runs on saturated fat.
The more animal fat you eat, the smarter you become!

exactly. the reason we have large brains is because of our ability to cook food and eat meat. Meat is extremely energy dense. The only reason there is a correlation between vegetarianism/veganism and intelligence in the first world is due to education teaching it. There is no positive correlation with intelligence and vegetarianism worldwide, an inverse correlation actually. Poor nutrition leads to poor intellect.

It's very expensive and difficult to be vegetarian and eat healthy. We're not ready to implement such a thing as we already struggle with nutrition as it is.

Whoo! thinks was him...!?

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Did you come to that conclusion because none responded to that wall of text in 5 mins?

>samefaging your own post is gay

...good b8

No shit they kill them fast. What’re they gonna do? Drag out each animals death like an isis video?

Ever seen the Chinese killing dogs?

>Brown carbs (unprocessed carbs, still has wheatgerm, fuck white bread)
>Raw veg (rule of thumb is, more colours in your veg, the wider amount of vitamins/minerals
>Healthy fats like Olive oil, Coconut oil, Avacado
>Oily fish

Stick to these as a backbone to your diet, but dont be too hard on yourself, eat some shitty delicious food now and again, not as a 'cheat day' or 'reward' or other bullshit. As a responsible fucking human being, know when enough is enough.

Learn how to properly prepare veg and salads and how to properly season your meat and you'll never have a bland shitty healthy meal again.

It took me 30 years but I've finally got an excellent diet. I've kept it really basic and focussed on making the healthy food delicious, Mix that with a walk every day and boom. You'll lose 55lbs in a year like me.

>Diet is subjective as we all have different digestion/behaviours/cravings/habits
>Give advice in a constructive way, don't be a preachy asshole

My two cents

Did you get the internet a week ago?

We aren’t talking about China

Even if I did, what’s your point? Is it that you’re retarded?

its called a diet. for fat people who love thousands of calories.

sound logic. glad the whole world is fucking retarded. like, yes, we’re omnivores, we can digest meat but obviously we aren’t supposed to eat it/can get it’s benefits somewhere else. there’s a reason a cats stomach is different than a humans.

not bait
I wouldn't tell someone to stop running because of risk of broken ankles
I wouldn't tell someone to stop eating meat because of risk of heart attack and stroke

there's good and bad in most things

If vegans/vegetarians eat so much how come everyone is always calling them a bag of bones? Kind of contradictory

>Just have a stroke, you’ll be fine

It’s totally preventable why would you not prevent it? No way in hecking heck this ain’t bait

Hey you stupid fucks?

Processed carbohydrates will fucking kill you.

Let your body run on fat so it uses it.

Wait, how did you know I was retarded

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I self project a lot. I’m also retarded.

Veganism is contradictory to the typical, American diet.
Plant based vegans eat relatively very little fat and most of their food is not calorically dense.
Vegans can eat pretty much all the plants they want and still be very thin.
Plants Flesh. It's like day and night

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>why would you not prevent it?
why do you get in a car? if you don't, you'll never die in a car accident!
why do anything risky?


Just showing you it doesn't have to be fast.
Wasnt talking about ISIS either.

lol wat

I eat ~70% fat.
Tastes good man.
Feels good man.
> I also weight 280 but whatevs

Cats are different because they are different animals. They get most of their nutrition from meat including water.

America is for everyone
Except vegans lol

Meat is not cheap, the only reason it appears cheap is because of massive government subsidies. Other than tundra regions beans, rice and potatoes are all going to be much cheaper than meat.

Farmed raised animals also require much more land and resources than any plant so I'm not sure what this "draining natural resource" point is trying to prove. If you think the resources associated with agricultural plants is even close to that of animals you are an idiot.

Yeah fuck it, at least when you die of
or Heart disease
or a Stroke
or Kidney disease
or Fatty liver disease
or Bowel cancer

at least you can say you got dubs

I eat meat and drink soda and drive my car. But what you have said about heart attacks and strokes is just plain stupid, feller

The reason I included that is because they can digest raw meat no problem but humans cannot. Just try it. Go take a bite out of a live bird or something of the sort and see if you get sick. Almost like your stomach isn’t made to process it!

We were talking about the American meat industry though. Do they kill cattle’s like the Chinese do dogs? No

this guy gets it


Read about short- and long-term regulation of hunger.

>what you have said about heart attacks and strokes
look it up. most people survive them
personally, I know 4 people who had heart attacks and 2 that had strokes. they are all alive.
sure, people die from them from time to time but also from car accidents and shit like that

this guy is nuts.

I wasn’t questioning whether people could survive them. Your quality of life is extremely altered after something like that. Especially a stroke. My papa had a stroke before he died of his second stroke and he couldn’t talk or walk properly up until he was in the ground. Four years of not being able to talk or walk. After your whole life of being able to do that. What’s the point at that point? Obvious b8 is obvious and you are oblivious

No China is worse, but do you think the vast majority of American cattle live and die in "humane" conditions?

Why do you think Ag-gag laws got implemented within the last 20 years.

I never made the case that it was humane, get those words out of my mouth. It is quick though, which from the initial post was my reason for responding. He was justifying the death of the animals by saying at least they die quickly. I thought that was an awful justification and pointed it out. They have a fucking gun where you pull the trigger and it slams a piece of metal into the animals brain. No way in heck is it humane but yeah, it’s very quick

I see you made that argument on feelings and not facts.
There was a huge lake in Russia that Russians diverted to raise cotton. After a few years the lake dried up and became so salty it killed everything around it. Towns around it had to relocated and most people who live around it die because of the harsh conditions that draining the lake caused.
In Mexico avocados make alot of money because vegans consider it a super food. Cartels took it over and demand the farmers pay them or risk being killed. Since the demand for avocado is in such high demand they only plant them and I dont know if you know this but it takes massive amounts of water to grow them. In some countries you can own water rights. Farmers horde the water wells so villages suffer from it. Another thing is that planting only one thing leads to a parasite or disease to easily thanos the plants just as what happened to the potato. People die and lands are left scared from it. I'm not saying raising only animals is better but you have no idea what resources it took to grow your food. All you know is your eating veggies. There are unseen effects that you dont know about.

>I don't understand ketosis
>fat clearly makes me fat
>i keep eating brain but i don't get smarter

Actually it's better to slit their throat because it drains the blood and prevents riggamortise.

haha - just being honest user
My diet is mostly meat and cheese
Everything else is pretty much deep fried.
I would weigh alot more if I didn't spend most days on my feet

At least its quick with a 1/30 failure rate on first attempt.

Is this what you actually believe? Americans, according to statistics, are fatfucks.

That happens a little bit later down the line. They smash it’s brain, drain the blood, rip the flesh, power wash, zap, power wash, cut it up.

Yeah, I’m not saying it isn’t quick. Just not a good justification for killing anything. If a man is shot in head for no reason you don’t tell his family “at least it was quick lol”

and europeans aren't far behind.the world in general is getting fatter.

You know, eating mostly fat with very little carbs makes you thin, right?

Your body uses what you give it. If you give it blood spiking carbs with the fat, it gets lazy and burns the carbs instead. Spiking your blood sugar with that garbage leads to about every illness there is. Fat on it's own is very fucking healthy.

I'm not sure what kind of Auschwitz slaughterhouse your talking about but it doesn't take that much effort.
When I go hunting we just stab it in the heart and drain the blood. We then hang it,skin it and take the meat. It's so fast and easy!

Wrong person.
I'm saying even if the method is quick it isn't even effective, and why many countries outside the United States have banned it. It is cheap and easy, that is why America does it. In a survery of slaughter plants 36% were found to have "acceptable" standards with a higher than 95% success rate. 64% of these slaughter houses fail in killing cattle on the first attempt more than 1/100 times.

Right on. I’m still talking about the American meat industry and not personal kills. Don’t even know where to buy a smasher gun

I wholeheartedly agree that it’s fucked up and we shouldn’t be doing it

Ya brosky
I eat mostly fat with low carbs like hotdogs, butter, cheese, gravy and shit like that.
I guess I'm just big boned or something lol

Imma be honest, you're a damn fucking good troll whether you know it or not. I still can't figure out wtf you're saying.

I'm pretty sure a company looking to harvest meat as fast and efficiently as possible doesn't do that. It takes much less effort to do then what you are implying.
Your sorce of information must be bias and use old information to overegzagerate the processes.

I eat low carbs and high fat but I still am technically obese.
I don't know why you think Im a troll. Im just being honest.

Who the fuck eats their food like that?

please stop using literally like that. you sound like a fucking idiot. can he figuratively not understand the picture?

so you get the same calories but with less food.

1- saves the world from starvation since less food is used
2- prevents acid reflux because stomach is not full
3- less food means healthy lifestyle, my mom told me so. Therefore you'll better and more fit by eating meat.

I only eat Andy Sixxs log of shit. Les calories AND more filling

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