Celeb Thread - /They're bullying her... and then I think they're gonna bully me...

Celeb Thread - /They're bullying her... and then I think they're gonna bully me... OH MY JAYSUUUUUUUUUS! (´ A `)/ edition.

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I love Bella, why hate?

I got that reference! Yay, I feel smart

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hey friend :3
just for completeness sake: I'm still waiting on the response from limp wrist

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>too slow
not the first time i've heard that :/

Attached: Vicky speechless.webm (480x368, 207K)

there are a certain group of people out there, lets just call them "people who rub their hands together" who will attempt to bamboozle you into calling this thing attractive

do not believe their lies

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Attached: jordynjones___BbiMsyCnnWA___.jpg (1080x1213, 115K)


Gold star for you smart user!
PS: I like what I'm seeing in that image. O v O

Hey there. ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Anyone into Jlo or Lindsey Stirling?

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how are you doing friend?

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The beach? The sand? It´s beautiful, I know.

Attached: sarah-stephens-767821.jpg (5309x3543, 1.05M)

Do I even want to know?

Attached: kate.webm (606x720, 440K)

naw, im not into wide pussy

Attached: YSs2zGI.jpg (643x800, 40K)

imagine what her rose bud looks like

Yeah those Apex legends players can be really sneaky

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Attached: K90ZYI.jpg (1936x2592, 1.73M)

Attached: M44irhr8r1.jpg (1000x1333, 205K)

even made a less potato quality pic, now you can even see the calibre on the barrel

Attached: IMG_20190302_224606.jpg (4160x3120, 516K)

Fuck I don't know who to cum for

JJ is too much

Attached: srFRogu.jpg (1080x1080, 567K)

>That body.

Really tho, there's nothing wrong here. Skin can be largely out of one's control, I've been dealing with it for over a decade. The fact that works that hard to look that sexy is incredible.

I'm gonna keep hitting the gym and hope I can be STRONG and fearless like her. :#]

=^ ----------- ^= Just got Bach from the plantation so I feel p good right now. Would be EVEN BETTER had I not tenderized my meat this morning.

NO user! If you looks very closely you'll see there's an sexy woman ON TOP OF the sand. CAN YOU SEE HER?! ;}

Attached: 1521672409054.jpg (2223x3334, 915K)

idk, probably not

Attached: Victoria Justice - (11.09.18) Instagram Story.webm (640x1136, 1.81M)

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Oh fuck bd is back, hide the emmas

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No idea what you mean. i see trees of green, skies of blue

Attached: sarah-stephens-1183142.jpg (1080x1080, 79K)

Soo...he was behind of all that...

Attached: pjv9e1th1ivoyi9yc227845109800.jpg (1534x1183, 131K)

That sounds to me like I probably *do* want to know.

I like this pose a lot. For, uh, reasons.

Attached: kate (48).jpg (2071x3000, 1.12M)

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Attached: HUp5AiU.jpg (1224x1632, 190K)

But I like emma

Attached: 1550884841874m.jpg (683x1024, 107K)

Attached: Jennifer Lawrence 138.jpg (2400x3600, 1.45M)

Name the flaw.

(∗´ ꒳ `) Do what you must, I have already won.

Do you see red roses too?

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Attached: D2SE0i0.jpg (640x853, 117K)

You're really trying to make me break no-fap, aren't you?

Attached: Kate U 64.jpg (1500x1909, 513K)

Attached: qquib0lfzv821.jpg (666x1000, 57K)

Attached: Jennifer Lawrence bikini 2.jpg (1872x2808, 709K)

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Attached: Jennifer Lawrence 47.jpg (2152x3000, 404K)

Only the pose?
I even see them bloom, for me and you :)

Attached: sarah-stephens-1092796.jpg (1080x1350, 145K)

nothing wrong with a bit of tenderizing

Attached: 1526795227278.png (800x1078, 675K)

Me too, I'm just being silly ;)
You always win!

Attached: 1523815227449.jpg (2571x3600, 1.29M)

Attached: E3xcr56tv6-3.jpg (2210x3000, 616K)

A wild succubus appears!

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Attached: Kate Mara buttons.jpg (2145x3000, 695K)

Attached: 7ttyv6vr-1.jpg (1080x1189, 375K)

Attached: Alison Brie 76.jpg (683x1024, 98K)

Attached: Woy6S13.jpg (900x1834, 100K)

You would say that.

Well, the pose, and the body that's making it.

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Attached: Jennifer Lawrence 135.jpg (2000x3000, 821K)

Attached: 53dniemg5v421.jpg (999x1440, 101K)

Oh you! (@• ᴗ •@)

;~~~] You do it too?

Das rite, but it ain't easy, if it was everyone would be a winner like us.

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you know me

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Attached: Anne HathNNNNNG.jpg (656x895, 205K)

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i doubt it, unlike what is portrayed in adult movies, it's actually very awkward and absolutely nothing to boast about

Attached: Victoria justice and Maddie reed dancing.webm (640x1136, 1.14M)

way too often

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nice nice

Attached: ewrpouqrsf121.jpg (2682x3378, 1.25M)

That was a close one.
Do you know what I think to myself? :)

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Attached: My Days of Mercy LQ Tease.gif (444x212, 1.28M)

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Attached: Emma Watson side eye.jpg (620x837, 79K)

i can see the outline of her "stuff"

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Attached: Anne Hathaway 80.jpg (1733x2439, 296K)

That can become a very bad feel, it's worth it to space them out and you know it!

What a wonderful Sarah?! :3

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Attached: Jennifer Lawrence 105.jpg (1998x3000, 559K)

Fuck guess I'm giving JJ my cum for the 3rd time today

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Attached: I will ban you.gif (490x200, 1.04M)

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Close to what?

I understand.

I do. All too well, hun.

Attached: kate (67).jpg (1280x1920, 166K)

she a cute

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no such thing

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Attached: QY6FkkY.jpg (1360x1813, 399K)

>When you go over to BD's place and he brings out the good hotdogs.

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Great ass

Is this a euphemism or are we having dinner again?

Attached: X4eN654.jpg (1267x1462, 461K)

Attached: Kyv5cng.webm (1280x720, 561K)

the cocks? cute..

Attached: Emily Ratajkowski 17.jpg (1118x1489, 333K)

Attached: Kate U 81.jpg (693x1040, 155K)


Attached: QKiJN6a.jpg (1000x1500, 169K)

Attached: Giivyul.webm (1010x1080, 1.24M)

The best ass

Attached: 77087127_joquvnp.jpg (583x1079, 113K)

What a wonderful celeb thread this could be :)
Close to..dunno forgive me I´m drunk
No u! Also dubs cheched

Attached: sarah-stephens-878355.jpg (1200x1572, 309K)

Attached: 1550672204245.webm (576x720, 1.35M)

there is, when it starts to physically hurt
don't scare me like that

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it was nice running into you pixnon, i might swing by again later. take care

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Attached: 0om8her.webm (1280x720, 1.72M)

Attached: Alison Brie backstage gunrack.webm (694x720, 1.86M)

Attached: 35.jpg (2400x3600, 922K)

holy fuck, is that Miley's ass?

Attached: Kate U 65.jpg (980x1485, 400K)

Attached: xQaF7j7.jpg (640x960, 163K)

I'm somewhat drunk, too :3

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Attached: emily rata.webm (360x640, 699K)

It means you must be an incredibly special woman for me to want to bring out my good 'dogs.

Play your cards right and you might get to sleep in my bed tonight... ;}

(Clothes on and you have to leave by 10:00.)


What a wonderful celeb thread this _IS_!!!! Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ

Attached: 1529773341625.jpg (1200x1800, 311K)

Why you gotta be so elusive?
See you, tho.

Scare you like what?

Big ol' squishies.

Forgiven. I wish I were drunk.

Attached: kateshrug.webm (544x688, 150K)

Attached: Emily Ratajkowski 6.jpg (1300x1704, 146K)

Attached: 8hb7yv5at.webm (1920x1080, 1.25M)

Compelled intoxication

Attached: 2039923.jpg (1120x700, 82K)

no pain no gain

saying you know me too well :P

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Attached: Hayley Williams 2.jpg (768x1024, 113K)

Nice steal

Attached: qloknkS.jpg (1600x2435, 590K)

Thank you

Attached: Powerful.jpg (1920x1080, 285K)


Attached: Miley+Cyrus+Miley+Cyrus+Concert+Brooklyn+NY+3km8YfR2TXcl.jpg (594x457, 100K)

if cum is what you call gain

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Attached: 9iunu8by7br.webm (1072x804, 1.47M)

Attached: Kate U 67.jpg (1280x872, 190K)

would simultaneously swallow poison to be together forever in the afterlife / 10

I know :)
You rum, I whiskey
Yes! If you just always were like this.
You can do it, user

Attached: sarah-stephens-787452.jpg (670x1005, 285K)

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i had the word "pleasure" in mind but i like the way you think

Attached: Emma Roberts black set.jpg (1060x980, 85K)

I'm gonna cum 100% to that vid

oh it's you, silly me
I am out of rum though and I don't want to go downstairs and grab another bottle :(

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you're weirder than me

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Attached: Kate U 7.jpg (1024x1071, 258K)


Attached: zaralarsson.jpg (700x466, 40K)

I can't, actually. There's no alcohol in the building.

Well, maybe I do. Maybe I don't know you well enough. Who can say?

F / K / M

Attached: kate (32).jpg (2534x3964, 413K)

Attached: Emma Roberts bra flash.webm (988x760, 907K)

Attached: 39522732.jpg (1500x1000, 226K)

Here's another you can steal. and post 2 hours later. Your welcome

Attached: 7789.webm (1280x720, 451K)

I'll take that as a compliment

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I would if I wasn't stroking to JJ

Attached: Uiub7tvs.webm (640x640, 228K)

Attached: 0wp7UXi.jpg (1080x1349, 187K)

I already stole that one. I appreciate the thought though

Attached: BePJuzN.jpg (1080x1080, 171K)

( ;  ̄ ︶  ̄)

Attached: 1531084331206.jpg (933x1400, 431K)

You emptied the whole bottle? wew, laddie
What a sad building this must be :(

maybe just a good reason to get to know me better :3


I'm pretty hyped about the dogs ... but
Sleep in your bed clothed and leave before I sleep?
I don't understand!

Youre king of the day

New Thread

lmfao. the all beef Nathan's


your mom goes to college