Waifu t-thread, post your waifus!

Waifu t-thread, post your waifus!

Attached: NISkZre.png (480x480, 252K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Best waifu

Attached: Hoss Delgado.png (272x223, 74K)

Plain Doll for best waifu of all time

Attached: 91hrHqw.png (652x712, 404K)

idk whoyou are but your wrong bro

Attached: WoaviHV.jpg (569x571, 114K)



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I am a shitter

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good to know

Attached: Assassin of Black 13.jpg (800x1130, 485K)


Claiming Earth chan, cause she's got all the support I need!

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big & thicc

Attached: Assassin of Black 83.jpg (850x1202, 190K)

Attached: Tomoko_JM_0003.jpg (979x1375, 111K)

The biggest and thickest.

Attached: no.jpg (1932x2576, 444K)

Attached: Check.gif (365x359, 1.2M)

Attached: Rory_is_in.png (998x1000, 194K)

you should share

Attached: Assassin of Black 4.jpg (809x1000, 74K)

Just put my dick in the ground, how does this make you feel?

I'm sharing, I have no choice, lest I deck about 8 billion people, and I doubt I could pull that.
Thinking about it, removing every conceptionate being so that I can have nature to myself would kinda defeat the purpose anyways.
Worried about your hygiene.
You don't need to put your penis anywhere, the atmosphere and biopshere and everything in them are part of Earth already.

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Attached: tmp_28876-727-1girl grey_hair hairband long_hair pantyhose purple_eyes ribbon solo nayu_(rhododendro (500x732, 229K)

She looks like a marshmallow, adorable.
You can't say that.

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Attached: Ritsu 841.jpg (1920x1080, 820K)

>Somebody paid for this.
Less than 30 Posts in 2h 20min.

Attached: Hahaha!.png (846x899, 425K)

Zero two best girl change my fucking mind

Attached: download.jpg (189x267, 17K)

My babygirl Aobachan

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more pixels

Attached: hawhawhaw24-dbxyx85.png (229x239, 14K)


Yeah, earth Chan looks adorable as well

Attached: wiz_breasty.gif (500x652, 1.86M)

Attached: Fascher.png (280x250, 36K)

that blows you have to share her with so many undesirables

Attached: Assassin of Black 45.png (717x1012, 866K)

Ill say what I want, hecker.

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Earth would be quite dull without all its idiots though.
Damn watch out or I'm gonna say the N word

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Maybe I'm a bit biased but Kool Aid Gal.

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I fucking love kay so much

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This seems anatomically improbable...
Understandable, she really lights up the room!

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Say it you s***y s***age

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Claiming best girl.

Attached: Saya 145.png (1274x1800, 1.78M)

Hello Saya, long time no see!

Attached: fkgrla.png (475x640, 524K)

I like owls

Attached: Wise.jpg (240x240, 14K)

Haiya! How's yous?

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Attached: 20181122_163818.jpg (706x998, 454K)

Goody great, I can post Earth chans again, and I have a very nice and rlaxing weekend! How are you holding up?
Owls can be quite eerie.

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Attached: 5ead80ee0c1225e7d8057ceee1974ad2.png (750x750, 370K)

I am glad you are enjoying being able to post Earth Chan again.

This one

Attached: Newyears.png (675x1000, 594K)

Glad t-to see you are all enjoying t-the Alice hosted Waifu thread

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I would much much rather not have to do that in a paid thread, though.

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W-what a cruel response!

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Was something stopping you?
I'm alright. Played some Dead or Alive 6, now just listening to music and chilling.

Attached: Saya 032.jpg (578x950, 224K)

oh also this thread wasn't paid for. You have Hiyo to thank for it.

The cool way to do nothing, I am enjoying similar things, besides romping in here of course.
The thread either not existing or being filled with paid death squads was taking away some of the entertainment value, yes.
We hung out some with robots though it was ok.
I don't understand, can you elaborate?

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I honestly doubt anyone would pay for people to spam threads. Think it's just one autist doing that..

Attached: Saya 244.jpg (870x861, 272K)

Maybe, from what I'm gathering it has stopped now though.
/r9k/ has been getting quite enarmoured with the whole waifu deal lately, when I came to look at the threads user told me that a few others just started posting there instead to circumvent the spam.
I think I even saw Shinoa, though that may just have been a native robot.

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pardon me

was just walking through

Attached: Cu8.jpg (850x1204, 275K)

Ohh, /r9k/. Never really checked board. Last time something similar to this spam happened people went to /trash/.

Attached: Saya 132.jpg (1157x818, 801K)

I don't usually visit there either, but the way the board works counteracts simple spamming.
Then again, the content driven style of /r9k/ also could make it feel kind of cold, so I'm glad our joint is open again.

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Wew, that's a cute figure. Is it yours?
It does? I got more or less zero clue about how /r9k/ works or what it's about.
Aand yeah, hope it stays open too.. but X..

Attached: Saya 023.jpg (565x800, 454K)

you're a cute figure

Attached: D17.jpg (480x589, 227K)

It's precious isn't it? But not mine, the thought of an Earth chan figurine made out of plastic feels kind of... bizarre, or morbidly ironic.
/r9k/ bans you every time you post text that had already been posted by another user previously, effectively forcing you to make original posts.
The first ban is two seconds long, but it doubles each time. Also, it has some kind of way of scanning your post for actual content. If there's not enough viable content in your post, you cannot send it.
This ain't "just walking through", you'll need a permit for that.

Attached: O0W8AdQF832jPvg.png (156x272, 83K)

I have a permit....left it at home

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I want

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I need

Attached: Uhuh.jpg (902x706, 107K)

I hope

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Attached: Haha!.jpg (450x450, 30K)

Fuck jews

What the fuck happened to this thread? It's fucking dead now, and all of the best posters are all gone

Attached: Everything.png (600x435, 265K)

>2 off
Kill me.

Attached: Oops.gif (500x281, 1.46M)


Someone spammed it for months happened. I'm sure some more life will flow back into it soon.
I believe you, you're free to post.
Have fun doing so, I am gone now, because I am tired.
Don't trash the thread again while I'm gone.

Attached: byGeoM.png (343x365, 123K)

> I'm sure some more life will flow back into it soon.
lol no.

I wish to give to take to make to check.
I wanna see it happen.

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Hiya everyone, long time no see!

How's everyone doing? Prepared for the cold-snap heading down south?

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That's literally what people said nearly a year ago.

Wait wat..

It's still really damn cute.This crying one even more so.
If there's ever been a same post anywhere in /r9k/ or just that thread?
Define content. Just need a number of words in a post?

Attached: Saya 158.png (1280x1128, 798K)





>thread is 6 hours old
>no spam
what happened

Jews happened.

..... Not sure what I preffer seeing. All the spam or this thread being more abandonned than Siberis

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every time

some richfag paying them to stop now

and they said the rich weren't charitable

lets count to 5


Sounds like bullshit that someone's getting paid to spam the threads..

Attached: Chibi Saya 045.png (400x625, 186K)

If the one spamming gets paid per thread, why isn't he making more threads and spamming those?

Attached: Chibi Saya 003.png (400x625, 186K)

S.S. Naked Sun claimed

Attached: S.S. Naked Sun.png (683x384, 406K)

M14 is my waifu!

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Id be more active but work got busy

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