Is she asking for it?
Is she asking for it?
Yes, she appears to be requesting money.
Is there a spoons opposite this Sainsburys? I recognise that cash point.
>short tight dress
>the cloth shapes her body perfectly
>still not asking for it
the bitch is craving to be taken by the hair and be raped, anyone who thinks differently is a cuck
Asking for what? A beating for leaving the kitchen?
She's so obviously begging for it
nice highschool joke
I would give it to her but that ass is flabby/ dumpy. One and done. Big fat asses are fucking gross. I’m not a nigger by the way.
You'll get to tell those. Next year
Not slutty enough if you ask me
Nah. Simple dress.
Lol I'm laying down in bed with your mom. I read the joke and your post out loud to her. She snorted and took my heart away. Chicks who snort uncontrollably are adorable to me. I am going to make love to her for hours now. Thanks user!
Post more women who are “asking for it”
She may be, but not from a sperg like you
>making love to her
lol what a fucking cuck
The only thing she should be asking for is some of Nutty Neil's Peanut Sauce!
Lol what's wrong? You don't think your mom deserves to be made love to? You think girls like your mom only deserved to be fucked like nigger trash?
I'd love to invite her over and then worship her feet !!
>Is she asking for it?
>From you?
I thought Gilbert Godfrey was dead
I like Sainsbury's.
>white cuck
>thinks he can fuck
good one
No but I am
are you arab?
Unless she literally asks for it, she's not asking for it.
show us your tits bitch
well im in bed with my mom. shes casualy laughing about my blushing face. told me shes going to touch me again and yep shes gripping it talking to me about life
a nice skirt doesnt mean disrespect her right?
Fuck it I'm going raw.
some minutes ago she was literally asking for Atm
no. She's even dressed modestly by today's standard.
>Is she asking for it?