need to lose weight fast in 2 months, my doctors dontgive me much time, whats the best way, help
Need to lose weight fast in 2 months, my doctors dontgive me much time, whats the best way, help
Stop eating like a piece of shit, drink ass loads of water, no soda, no sugar, no bread, pasta, or carbs period, eat lean meat, veggies, fruit and make sure to get a lot of rest. With that being said, exercise your mother fucking ass off, sweat, move, and shake your tubby ass until the pounds melt off
I see your still fat. For how long are you going to keep making these threads?
Go to the /fit board.
Ready sticky
If you really want to lose weight, eat one meal a day ( preferably in the morning) nothing over 500 calories, consume your meal before 3:00pm every day, drink water with lemon and tons of tea/water, go for a walk every night when you start to feel the starvation kicking in and get gum
don't eat processed junk. drink water. exercise a little. it's that easy. But you're probably too greedy, fat, and stupid to do something as simple as that.
Dnp 50-100mg pre day
This is terrible advice, don't listen to this person at all. You body will go into starve mode with this bullshit you are talking about, leave the advice to people who know what the fuck they are talking about
Are you a 14 year old anorexic girl or just retarded
More than likely a girl, or a very skinny stupid man with no knowledge of nutrition whatsoever
Keto, intermitten fasting, boxing
Have the dentist pull about half a dozen teeth out of your mouth. Weight loss guaranteed
low carb, i lost over 100lbs
>re talking about, leave the advice to people who know what the fuck they are talki
i live on pasta and rice mostly. cant have meats at home, dont have a refrigerator so
Exercise and drink water. Go to/fit/
Wrong. He will fail if he has no carbs as protein is a shit energy source.
Literally OP, track what you eat. Do weights if you want to bulk up and lose weight, if you purely want to lose weight then do cardio. Don't cut carbs, you will fail. Limit them and have good carbs, yes. Make sure you eat wholemeal and brown rice etc if you do. But mainly eat lean means and exercise. If you stick to a good enough diet you don't even need to excercise, but it's unreasonable and you'll have better results if you do both. Set a calorie limit, and if you're commited enough only drink water and green tea. Soda is the biggest nono, more than carbs. Set a calorie goal per day (a good amount is 1700, but you might work with more or less depending on personal situation). Only snack on almonds and good things aswell.
TLDR: No soda, only healthy snacks such as nuts and fruit. Most important shit.
>doctors dont give me much time
you look like an typical amercian, and they still wont go extinct
show your dick op
OP no home but that tummy Michelin roll got me dick hard and I want to bend you over and sodomize that asshole of yours while you try to fight back. Is that wrong?
i wanna see his asshole.
Move more, eat less.
OP i can help you lose weight, but it will require you to be my dirty little bitch, i w'll have you sexy in no time, but your ass will have been a little stretched by then.
suck my dick, neckbeard piece of shit, cuckold negroid cockroach shit stain.
OP show us your ass, plz.
do intermittent fasting and keto, i've lost 50 lbs doing that.
Yo, i wanna rape you OP. Talk to me baby, sweet chubby lil porker, daddy wants to fill you with his cum juice and coco bits through his meat rod and tube delivery stick. whatcha say porky boi?
This - Its simple
fuck Yea Forums? dis shits justs wrong man.
Was about to say the same about IF. But I always seem to stop at 155ish, any tips?
at this point i would do this if i really could lose a ton a weight fast with this, but it wont work like that
use that "literally" again and I will "literally" murderyou while you busy humping your gf.
And her too
underrated post
Fuck diet regimes. Just do what you think is obvious to what will make you fat.
I.e. spending another hour on the PC when you know you would feel better off going for a 30 min walk around the block or in a field.
Knowing that the extra burger will make you fat etc. etc.
Your not in a rush to loose weight because i doubt you know many people who you wana quickly impress like girls and such. So take your time.
I lost 30 lbs in a month by just not eating. Fuck, it's not even hard.
Fast unsustainable weight loss: keto
Slow sustainable weight loss: weight watchers
Both come down to having the will power to not shovel everything in sight in to your face hole.
I'm 2 months in to WW as of yesterday and I am down 28 pounds.
This, but be careful on fruit too, fruit has a lot of sugar/carbs. Also, limit but don't 100% cut out your root veggies (carrots, onions, beets, radishes, etc), and cut out potatoes all together. Lunch+dinner should be 2 cups veggies, 6-8oz animal protien, and 2tbsp of healthy fats (olive oil or butter, oil is better). Breakfast can be something like 2 eggs and some veggies, or something. Limit your dairy, cheese is okay in moderation.
Ketogenic diet and fasting + moderate cardio excersize. When you cut sugar and carbs out of your diet, weight drops really fast. I lost close to 50 lbs from 220 to 170 in a few months without excersize. Add on excersize and you will lose weight very fast.
>my doctors dontgive me much time
what, are you dying?
Fastest way to loose weight is to go with a VLCD diet. Normally this means you'll drink 6 shakes/day. Each shake contains 100kcal, ie 600 kcal/day. You'll loose 1lbs/day with this diet. In addition to this, do 1 hr of walking each day. You'll loose 40lbs in 2 months if your'e lucky. Good luck. (i've done it)
the only way to save your life is to reduce your caloric intake to the following two items: homemade beef jerky and keystone light. godspeed user
it is impossible to lose weight you can only gain, every diet is a fad and eventually you will balloon back on the same wight and possible even higher, give up now and focus on other things
No sugar. None. I lost a lot of weight after i quit sugar completely and started eating soup. Lots of soup. and eat only that. It can have meat with fat on it. I think you can do it!