Are you sexist?

Are you sexist?

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I think women are pretty worthless outside of giving birth.

What do you think?



What else are they going to do? Create things? Maintain friendships?



Make you shoot up a school when you laughs at your swc

I fight against it but eys I am.

I like women, I have female friends but the animal urge in me does not respect them.

My wife is very old school. She is the only person who understands my position and the struggle I have to be modern but cant respect women.

Before we got married I told her that we can't go forward unless she understands the principle of marital rape and how I dont believe it should be illegal.

We had a long chat that ended with her saying that she knows exactly who she is marrying and that if she expects me to be faithful to her then she expects to have to give it up and take a slap occasionally.

Has it happened? how did she react?

Both have yes, a couple of times a year.

I'm sexist and racist.

Intelligent whites are superior to all.
All women belong to the intelligent whites. Beautiful women are wives, ugly women are sex slaves.

All men of other colors are labor slaves.

no, but I do despise women

Western woman sure are.

Where else in the world can you be so stupid as to get $100,000 + in Debt for a qualification that pays an average starting salary of $30,000 a year and typically taps out at about $45,000 after 10+ years experience.
That's utterly retarded.
At that level of thinking you'd be better working your way up at Mc Donalds.

No, I’m a realist.
Men and women aren’t the same mentally or physically. Equality is likewise stupid because the two sexes cannot and will never be equal. They just can’t.
You can treat both with respect, but you even do that in different ways for both men and women.

Yes, truly. But only to the majority of vapid women who believe I won't punch them in the face if they hit me. I have mutual respect for the ones who respect men


The longer I'm alive and the more I experience, the more sexist I become. Women should not be in positions of power. They don't process information they same way men do. You can have a very smart woman in power, but a lot of her decisions will not be the most reasonable and logical. They will be about what feels best.

And that's why they are stupid monkeys afraid of everything when driving vehicles. They don't have an instinct for defense and attack like the males. They were supposed to stay back in the cave taking care of the small ones while the male was hunting for them.

A little bit.

I am the mirror man. How you treat me that's what I'll give you in return. 99% of women treat me like shit, so...

no you're an autist

Grosses me out, but as long as you two are happy with it...

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There is more to life than economics

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This is the only correct answer.

You sound like an orbiting white knight faggot.
Got your trilby handy, fuckboi?

very De Beauvoir

this woman is perfect!
is there more or sauce?

and question needs context.

when if comes to sex, I am very sexist
everything else I dont care

>De Beauvoir
Not really. I’m not a feminist nor even an egalitarian. Different sexes (of which there are exactly 2), different ethnicities, different societies - all are not equal.
You can be respectful, but to treat them all as the same is both a lie and a disservice.