Nintendo switch thread

Nintendo switch thread
Just bought a Nintendo switch, now I'm totally broke, is there someone so generous to gift me a game?

Attached: Nintendo_Switch_Logo.png (844x422, 14K)

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Here is my mail [email protected]

Assuming you arent full of shit, what were you thinking of playing?

I tried the demo of snipper clips and Rayman legends and they seems good
If there are other good games i didn't know I'll accep5
accept them
I just wanna play a switch game

>Just bought a Nintendo switch
>now I'm totally broke
Setting aside for a moment the fact that you spent all of your money on a Nintendo switch, did it never occur to you that you might want some games to play on it? Did it even cross your mind that maybe you should wait until you have enough money for the Nintendo Switch and a game to play on it before asking your mom to drive you to Best Buy?

I bought it with Mario odissey, but I finished it already


Well, then maybe you should use all that free time to get a job so you can earn enough money to buy a second game, you broke cunt.

>buys a multi hundred dollars handheld console
>asks Yea Forums to buy him gaemz
Go fuck yourself with a cactus

I'm looking for work man

>NOT your personal army
>NOT your mommy!
>NOT your daddy!
>NOT your loan shark!

Then you shouldn't be wasting time playing video games.

Holy shit! I thought totally gullible nigger faggots like you were a myth. I really didn't think faggots like you actually existed.


lol ok man
Have a nice day

Sell Mario or trade it for a New game you fucking tard

I used to come here because I had such incredible respect for the amazing, brilliant, genius anons that were here.

Now I come here to laugh at the incredibly stupid, moronic, retarded, amazingly useless and incredibly-easy-to-manipulate-and-take-advantage-of anons that are here now. (That means all of you.)

>Things sure have changed!

Fucking brain dead amoeba.

You’re the fucking moron


> implying Yea Forums was ever good.

Fortnite is free

I'll try so, I'm a noob at those games but I'll give it a try

Plenty of free to play good games

I like your thinking. I was just going to tell this kid to get a job. Like dude no one's gonna drop 60+ on you for crying about not being able to afford a game. Maybe he should get his shit together before dropping all his saved lunch money.

I am sending him the money right now....


Thx man

If the unit isn't too new, you can hack the thing; you know that right?

This will set you back about 50$ if you don't feel like doing it yourself:

When will there be a price drop in EU? I want a switch, SSBU, and Mario Maker 2 but this shit is expensive as fuck in Spain.

Attached: 1550694327168.gif (400x204, 44K)

get a job

I have a job.

>Paying to hack

Just hack it for free and don't pay for thieves to sell you the same hack

but do you have 2?

Attached: dab.jpg (125x89, 2K)

Attached: 1.png (1030x684, 520K)

Only American serfs get two jobs. Europeans have enough self-respect to demand equitable pay.

Deltarune chapter 1 just came out on the switch a day or two ago. its free

ok ok stavo scherzando io sono dal italia ciao! siamo come fratelli!

In the end I still don't have any other game

Wow there are some decent people. Good for you. I still think he needs to get his shit together.

I will GIFT YOU A GAME, OP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go to
Fortnite is a free game. Download that and play it for free. There you go, a gift that keeps on giving.

I don't even want anything in return. You're welcome.

I would have made him suck my dick and swallow for a $60 game. You're a cuck-soi-boi user if you gave him a game for free.

How is he going to learn this life lesson when tyrone rapes his ass because he took a pokemon gold cartrige thinking it was 'for free'

How often do good jobs call you on the weekend? We all got hobbies. While you like to beat off in your free time, this man like to game.


but so fucking true.
