Hey Yea Forums I haven't read any Star Wars books in the new canon since Disney took over...

Hey Yea Forums I haven't read any Star Wars books in the new canon since Disney took over. Is there anything worth reading after the EU retcon? For reference my favorite series are in no particular order: New Jedi Order, Legacy of the Force, Fate of the Jedi, and Republic Commando books.

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Of the post episode 1 era, I've only read three books.

One is the book version of Revenge of the Sith, which was less bad than the movie, but still the same garbage plot and awful characters.

The other two were set in the time between episode 1 and episode 2. One focused on Mace Windu and the other on Obi-wan and a ~16 year old Anakin. They were exactly what I'd hoped the prequels would have been about when they were announced in the late 90s, Jedi out solving problems and training. While the infection of canon from Lucas's awful 3 prequels was unavoidable, the authors did a great job on developing characters.

Disney is only making things worse in life.

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The Mace Windu book was sometime between 2 and 3.

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shame about the new canon. EU had a lot of good shit, and I actually would have enjoyed seeing movies following the same time period as the post-Disney movies using the old canon, even if it had to be mildly (MILDLY!) modified.

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user I’ve read the Aftermath series. It’s good but they do have multiple gay characters, as to be expected in Disney stuff.

The real gold is in the new comics though. The entire Darth Vader comic series is amazing

>Darth Vader comic series
better than the old ones?

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I know you said the newer stuff, but this has been the gold standard of Star Wars novels. The fantastic books we had in the 90s really set us up for disappointment when seeing the eventual prequel films.

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Not OP, but I read the first two and really enjoyed them. You ever read the Han Solo series? They take place shortly after he acquired the Millennium Falcon

No, but was it written before episode 1 came out? Any of that era I will give a chance. I've been suckered into seeing 1, 2, 3, 7, and 8. The Han Solo movie was the first time i had absolutely zero interest and doubt i'll go to any more movies.

WAAAY before then, Han Solo's Revenge was published in 1979. There was a trilogy by the same author with good continuity with the Lando Calrissian stories.

damn... the feels...

The two I have. Read the third, and I think I lent it out and never got it back. Left was published 1979, the right 1980. Not sure about the third.

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Ooo, this sounds awesome. Those are from a time when nobody would dare besmirch han solo.

Disney told every long time fan to eat shit and die as they only want young cool communist to like thier movies....or thats the very strong impression i get from them

>Those are from a time when nobody would dare besmirch han solo.
He actually says something like that in the book. Pic related, near the bottom of the page.

Spoiler: Gallandro is, in fact, a faster quick-draw gunman than Han.

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Well shit, i feel retarded for not having read this book dozens of times. I will get it next time i order books.

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Lucas' prequels were literal lowest common denominator shitty writing/execution, the new disney stuff is lowest common denominator forced diversity is great faggotry. I finally was about to like Finn as a character and then the fat ugly moonbeam asian bitch stops him and says love is the way.

Never thought I'd look fondly on the times we were gifted fucking teddy bears defeating the emperors personal legion of elite troops as the better half of things.

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Get the trilogy, it's good. Damn, it's still in print, that's cool. I've been meaning to track down the old concept art book by Ralph McQuarrie

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>we were gifted fucking teddy bears
More like, we had some gifted fucking teddy bears

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i have a bunch of that saved from an old /hr/ thread

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Just as good. Vader is the stone cold badass we always wanted

As a child I loved them, but getting older its sillier and sillier. Still better than most of the sutff filmed since then.

The original trilogy had its own problems, like insest, but there was enough around it that it didn't matter enough. The newer stuff is the reverse with a few positives surrounded by endless failures.

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Awesome! I had a chance to flip through the hard copy a while back. Thought about buying it, but balked at the price.

I do like the old ones. The single biggest thing that the prequels did have over the old ones was choreography. The light-saber fights were generally better, though some were flashier than I thought they should have been. Prequel saber duels were fancy, but there's nothing quite like that part of ROTJ where Luke gives in to his anger. It had this grim intensity, especially when he has Vader on the ground and is just slamming away, right before he cuts off his arm.

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Also, Carrie Fisher was fine as fuck.

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The problem I have with the newer saber fights is they DO look very choreographed. Sure it looks flashy and fancy, but there is zero emotion in it. As you said, Seeing Luke railing on Vader after he learns about Leia, or Obi-wan and Vader dueling slowly as they talk for the first time in a generation means way more to me than what amounts to a well rehearsed dance scene.

I do enjoy the duel of the fates (largely from John Williams), but none of the fights have any emotional connection after 4-6. It becomes more about the novelty than anything else.

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Yeah, it's a shame. The brief fight when they first encounter Darth Maul on Tatooine was convincing, but other stuff, like Palpatine spinning over his desk and skewering 3 senior Jedi in 0.08 seconds was junk.

Also: youtube.com/watch?v=_XWomD6TazQ

Forgot troll webm

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they made an actual lightsaber building toy with the express purpose of making even more ludicrous designs.

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>Palpatine spinning over his desk and skewering 3 senior Jedi in 0.08 seconds
I understand that the shitty 'plot' required that to happen, but that didn't make it any less stupid.

Jedi went from being the ultimate mystical warrior to being Bobby Hill.

>required that to happen
No, fuck that, they went down without doing jack shit when they had the initiative. They knew they were dealing with a Sith Lord, they had their sabers out, and they went down faster than... something that goes down really, really fast.

They should have cut some bullshit earlier and had him fight for a bit and use lightning, which was his fucking thing.

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the plot hinged on 100% of all the jedi in the galaxy being retarded for 30 years.

Yeah... so many what-ifs. What if Mace had just killed Palpatine? Or if Obi Wan had finished the job wrt Anakin? Just... abuncha simple shit that would have prevented everything. The original didn't suffer from that.

I still thought the whole thing of a 10 year old or whatever being too old was stupid. Teaching children to suppress negative emotions was also stupid. They should have learned how to keep calm, and how to cope. Modern psychology could have easily prevented Count Dooku and Anakin from falling.

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Especially since V and VI were based on an 18+ year old getting his first (and limited) jedi training and that worked out okay.

Really we didn't need children anytime ever in star wars.

yeeeaah... I mean, even though it almost didn't work out, he did pick things up pretty fast compared to starting from 5 years old.

I blame Yoda.

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I actually found these books at 2nd hand book store in the Philippines (printed in english) great read. It was a single book with those 2 and 1 more SOLObook combined.

Disney ruined it all. It's all shit now, not even worth the paper it's written on. Don't bother.


Empires End : explains how all that wreckage ended up on Reys homeworld, Jakku.
An absolute cringe fest, one male character tries to re-kindle his failed gay-romance and succeeds. Clearly just part of the story because its fashionable to include gay-romance in star wars now and even uncludes a written, graphic gay kissing scene. If that wasnt enough, female lead casually drops that she regrets never 'finding a husband or wife who loves her' revealing that she is bisexual with no relevance to the story. JarJar is in it for 1 chapter only, where he acts like an idiot and falls into a fountain for the amusement of a young disabled boy, and does nothing else.
Im not homophobic but this forced-gay-agenda really felt on-par with product-placement in movies. May as well have just plugged that Han and Chewie drink Monster energy drink and use iphones.

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Why did the artist not make the first poster the falcon going twords the first dethstar to keep in theam with the 2 other posters

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Yep, it's a trilogy. I posted the two books I have.

You know, it does remind one of product placement. I don't know who profits, but it does come across as an inserted, non-story bit.

I think it makes more sense thematically the way it is.

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How? It's just lea in the cruiser, and the second film the falcon spends the entire time running from the star destroys / empire

All glory to the hypnopepe

Note the titles and their placement:
>ship fleeing desperately to only hope
>attacked and forced to flee through a significant force
>we're back, motherfucker

Then there's the whole thing starting on a home planet, being chased to a decidedly non-home planet, then ending it in space.

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