Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

Time for our daily femanon Q&A thread

You got the Qs and they got the As

As always tits not required but encouraged

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why are women so useless?

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At least you know your place.

Well yes of course. I'm not a gross feminist

How does it feel to be a man trying to become a woman by mutilating your penis?
Do you realize that genes define your gender and not pronouns?
Thanks in advance faggot.
TITS OR GTFO just for the 1% probability you're a whore.


can someone check my trips?

Serious question does, why vacation? Is it to prove you have a cunt?

I'm feeling like everything is awful. I hate work, nothing is enjoyable at home, and I don't do anything else. If everything sucks and just makes me feel awful the only other thing i can think of is what is the point of even being alive?

You mean vocaroo?

Well that and the fact I'm lazy at texting on my tiny keypad.
Plus I find that I answer questions better vocally than thru texts

Stop taking it serious when people claim they think you're a man. Nobody does.

There is no point in being alive.
I only stay alive because there would be people upset if I was gone.
I'm just trying to do my 70 years and get the fuck outta here


I thought you only start these threads when you're bored and your boyfriend is away. Where is your boyfriend tonight?

You really think that? Lol

You must be new here.
Lots of people are serious when they think I'm a dude.
It's not a joke user

You sound like a trap. I have trust in my trips buddy
Also, stop saying like every sentence, makes me sick

Hes taking a shower.
And he takes forever!
I havent been on in a while so I thought.
Fuck it I'll kill 30 minutes

Guess it's a cali thing user but nope I'm not a dude. I dont even sound close to a dude lol.
Maybe a smokers voice though

What's your thoughts on neoliberalism?

Why would a girl being on here be so shocking? They're just trolling you.

Tits are a great indicator user.

>takes forever in the shower

He's either singing or fapping
Can you name that tune?

I understand people being upset if I was gone, but I just constantly feel awful with nothing to ever be happy about. I feel bad too because the people that would miss me if I was gone clearly love me in some way, but I just don't feel loved at all.

chick i like turned me down when i asked her out because she had 'just gotten out of a relationship', but then not even six hours later she's asking what my sex kinks are and telling me hers. whats her angle?

Imo I think everybody at some point in life deals with this feeling even if they don't want to be big enough to admit it

Anna here.

Women are better suited for the home, we’re great homemakers usually.

Nice trips, but I’m female, born that way.

I’ve learned that we make meaning for ourselves, life is ultimately pointless, so devote your life to a cause. That’s what I did anyway.


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Well too bad. And to be fair even traps can have tits and ugly vags now so nothing will ever be enough.
Call me Bob if you want then lol.

Because they're fucking idiots and truely believe this is their secret boys club

Well hes humming something but it's some metal mumbo jumbo probably.

I'm on the same boat user. I have no healthy coping mechanisms.
I just drink and stay ignorant to my suffering lol


Hello my sweet Anna it's always nice to see you around

Hmm...sounds like she’s potentially interested to me, just indecisive.

And hello to everyone, hope the night/day has been treating you well.


I wish I could say it's been a good day but life had other ideas


Hello, how are things? What happened?


Sure you can user lol

>I'm on the same boat user. I have no healthy coping mechanisms.
>I just drink and stay ignorant to my suffering lol

>I’ve learned that we make meaning for ourselves, life is ultimately pointless, so devote your life to a cause. That’s what I did anyway.
I just don't know what I can do. I have tried seeing a doctor for possibly feeling depressed but I couldn't talk about anything going on so it just ended in him saying "try harder in school." I'm not trying therapy but again I can't open up to them at all because I'm not open with anyone. So they cant really help me at all. I feel like it is just all my fault because I can't do anything to actually help myself at all. I don't do anything to cope at all, and I've felt like this for at least 5 years and it has only gotten worse over time.

It pretty much is a boy's club, but that's obviously not going to stop females from posting on it.

Woke up this morning to finding out 2 Friends of the family are in the hospital, My parents almost got hit by another dumbass that were 3 inches away from colliding cars & a distant relative of my ma by marriage died of brain cancer after having fighting it for a few months

found the white knight

I'm in love with my best friend and have been for the last two years.

But she's asexual. How do I stop feeling so fucked up when I'm around her? Just being around her makes me happy, but I constantly just wish I could hold her hand and stuff

What is this, a picture for ants?

Therapy can only help if you open up user. There are medications you can get from a general practitioner like some ssri’s (Prozac etc.) for depression. You need to find something that gives you a reason to keep going, be it religion or a person...

Dang...I’m so sorry. Wish I could give you a hug.

Asexuals can feel romantic attraction, they just don’t feel sexual attraction. Have you talked to her about your feelings?


No need to be sorry life happens, someday even if it's in the after realms we're going to meet & that hug can become a reality

No. I just don't believe people think every girl is a tranny.

That it does...And that would be nice.


>Therapy can only help if you open up user. There are medications you can get from a general practitioner like some ssri’s (Prozac etc.) for depression. You need to find something that gives you a reason to keep going, be it religion or a person...
I'm going to try having a bunch of stuff written down for the next session and just handing it to them and hope for the best. Meds I think is the next thing I would want to try again. I stopped being religious a while ago, and 23 and never had a relationship or anyone that gave me that reason. Far too socially inept and low self esteem/confidence to seem appealing to anyone I would imagine.

You two are adorable, the way you interact together is like you've known each other for years in a weird way

That works user, a lot of people keep diaries and then hand them over to their therapists, so that wouldn’t surprise them any. Meds are hit and miss, sometimes it takes trying a few before you find the right one. I’m on a fairly low dose ssri, and while I don’t feel too terribly different, it definitely takes the edge off. Finding a purpose can be more than those two things, maybe it’s just an idea you really stand behind. For me it’s Papa and the Green Book, whatever works for you.


I'm not gonna get into the meat of this, but I do want to say that genes don't define gender either. Are you trying to say chromosomes?

I think it's time to consider therapy if you have these passive suicidal thoughts. The reason why everything feels so awful is that your brain might not be making enough seratonin.


I'm bored what should i do to pass time?

I just don't really know what to really put other than some of the stuff that I've told other people about how i feel or how I'm thinking. I always find it difficult to remember stuff when I feel that bad. I really don't know what I can possibly find purpose in.

>I think it's time to consider therapy if you have these passive suicidal thoughts. The reason why everything feels so awful is that your brain might not be making enough seratonin.

If you could take a look at my other post.

Personally i find it easy to be open with strangers you just have to find a therapist who you like

Jerk off, smoke weed, watch youtube or some shit.

You need a new doctor, dude. Unfortunately, you're gonna have to buckle down and advocate for yourself. You can't carry on like this forever. Therapy can be intimidating, but all you have to do is be honest. It's done at your own pace. Self medication is a one way ticket to getting yourself in real danger. Trust me. I've been there. Your life doesn't have to be like this.



>You need a new doctor, dude. Unfortunately, you're gonna have to buckle down and advocate for yourself. You can't carry on like this forever. Therapy can be intimidating, but all you have to do is be honest. It's done at your own pace. Self medication is a one way ticket to getting yourself in real danger. Trust me. I've been there. Your life doesn't have to be like this.
I really dont know what i should be doing other then trying therapy more. I'm going to try having stuff written down and just handing that to them and hoping that helps. I don't think it was the doctors fault it really was on me for being unable to open up to them as well along with everyone else.

What's the quickest & the least painless way to off myself?

The fagatory levels within this thread are reaching maximum levels of cringe. Imma tell y’all to shut the fuck up if it escalates any higher.

I might join you this time user cus this is getting hard to watch

I'm a lesbian. My fag levels are always off the charts, dude. Try to keep up.

Therapy helps. Also having a good support system. Does anyone else know what's going on?


>Does anyone else know what's going on?
a couple online friends know, but that's all i really have. Plus i feel like i bother them more often because I feel like i just complain about the same stuff. Therapy hopefully will help but so far it hasn't and thinking about it not helping just adds more to the pile of negative crap to think of.

A lot of getting help is being vulnerable and letting people help you. If you're on good terms with your family, let them know what's going on and that you're trying to seek treatment but need help.


If you are not bot and are not getting paid for these threads I am truly sorry. In any case please reconsider your actions.

I had to go through my dad to get help as i cant drive so he knows, but i feel by far the least comfortable talking to family about it.

I've got nothing else to do. And I have a job, so I'm good on money. Do people actually get paid to sit in threads and post shit?


Your fuck can have thick cock but average length, or long cock and average thickness. Which one you'd prefer?

Thick, for sure.


I think I might have a crush on one of the femanons what should I say to them to let them know how I feel without being weird about it?

There's only like, four of us on a good day. We're all seeing it now, dude.



Trips checked

Would you call 16cm cock 14cm circumference too small, satisfying, very satisfying or too big?

That’s sweet user.

Watch YouTube, masturbate, eat...

Don’t worry too much about what to write, just write whatever comes to mind. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even make much sense, as long as you get it out.

Well...probably a barbiturate like Nembutal or Phenobarbital, overdose and just go to sleep.

Not much else going on for me user...

Thick but average.

Just say it, honesty is the best policy.


LMFAO I bet my life this is that SD faggot that likes Anna

>Don’t worry too much about what to write, just write whatever comes to mind. It doesn’t have to be perfect or even make much sense, as long as you get it out.
I have to make sure and take the time to get stuff down and have it actually be useful for them in some way. gonna be tricky but i hope i can do it.

Hey Anna!

Satisfying. I could go a little bigger, personally. The dildo I use is about that size but it's kinda small for my taste. Just a bit longer and thicker would be preferred.


Way to let him possible do it himself ya dipshit

I’m sure you can user, good luck.

Hey Lesanon, hope you’re feeling better!


I actually am, today!


Same question to you, Anna

Whoo thinks was him..!?!

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Good, I know having mental issues can be rough, I have my bad days, and they can get bad. I’m glad you’re better, nobody should have to put up with anxiety, depression, etc.


Thick, average length. Once I had a bf who had a thin but long cock and I kept getting UTIs so I dunno, I'm kind of scared of them now lol. Kind of felt like he was hitting my uterus haha and it wasn't good. Never get that with thick but shorter cocks, so.
Ps, hello fellow femanons here, I'm joining the thread.


I think satisfying. Just ya good ol classic cock tbh haha.


Yeah, I was having a rough go of it. I took some time for myself and also let myself be surrounded with nice people. I also got the fuck out of my house and went outside and that helped loads. I agree, no one should have to put up with this shit.

Hello, friend!


Might as well say it now & hope for the best but it was me talking bout you

What's it like to wear a bra

Hi v. Love you so much. I want to make black baby's with you

Honestly, it fucking sucks. Not enjoyable at all. They dig in and leave indents in your skin. I wish I had small enough boobs to not need one.


I have relatively small tits so honestly, I hardly ever wear a proper bra. I usually just wear a kind of padded bralette just so my nips don't show through clothing lol. But on occasion I wear a proper bra and it's...fine. Some girls really dislike wearing bras, but I think that's girls who have bigger boobs who really need the support. I've just never really needed the support so they don't bother me much. I'm just in my pajamas right now so I'm not wearing a bra. But about to get dressed to go to work, but I'll probably just pop on a bralette.


Lol thanks for the offer but I'm good for now


I’m not great, but then again I never am. I’m used to it now.

Sounds like you have the wear with all to pull yourself out of that bad place, with me I’ll languish for a while before finally coming out the other side. It sucks but that’s life a guess.


Not fun, the underwire constantly pokes you. The best part of the day is coming home and taking it off.



I relate to this song way too much for comfort

Hey Lesanon, what do you find attractive about women aesthetically? Are lesbians as body part oriented as men are?

Yeah it's me although I probably just embarrassed the hell outta myself I couldn't keep the feeling in anymore without driving myself insane



Yet they’re all whores. Kek you’re a fucking retard.
I would kill a lesbian. Especially you bitch.

Trust me mate ik I'm a retard you don't have to remind me

That’s very sweet...I’m a bit preoccupied right now, but maybe later on we can have an actual discussion on discord...


Alright then.

That'd be fine

Sorry your not doing well, hope things get better

When was the last most enjoyable orgasm you had? What were you doing to make it so good?

If your closest friend died how badly would it effect you?

Shut the fuck UP!

I love this question!! Aesthetically, I love how soft women are. Soft frames, soft eyes, soft hair, soft smiles. All of that. I wouldn't say I'm specifically body part oriented, but I do prefer thicker women or women with athletic builds. I love tits and asses of all sizes. I like women that are taller, as well. I don't speak for all lesbians, of course, but I don't think we're as body part oriented, no.

If you can manage to kill me before I kill myself I'd be impressed.

The last time I masturbated high (probably a week or so ago??) was pretty good.

I think I'd be inconsolable. I'd have to take a break from school to grieve.


It’s ok, that’s life.

Eh, maybe last week. Thinking of Papa.

Judging from my life...pretty fucking badly.


My question is: How do I know if a very shy girl I've talked to a very small amount a couple of times is interested in me? I would just try and talk to her again, but I don't want to look like an autist that isn't getting the hint.

I get this. This is gonna sound creepy but I remember the first time I touched a girls skin I was absolutely shocked at how soft it felt, not like my skin at all

I'mma go try out one of those suicide methods now

No, I totally get what you mean! I remember the first time I kissed a girl the first thing I noticed was how soft her lips were. Women are very soft and I love it.



Not all are in the heart though.

I'm well aware. I'm just talking about aesthetics. In my experience, women are more emotionally available than men in relationships. However, I've definitely gotten my heart broken by a woman and that shit hurts. Such is life.


how to visually tell how used up a vagina is? obviously the extremely used up are easy to tell, but what about the inbetweeners?

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Vaginas are elastic. It doesn't work like that.


Why do women like manbutts? You can't even fuck them.

Not femanon, but a vagina can shoot a baby out I think it can handle most dicks

but how come pornstars all have the very black looking flappers? also nipples turn darker due to friction right is that not the same mechanic?

Why do some dudes like feet? You cant fuck fe.....nevermind

not saying they can't handle it, just trying to ask the changes the vagina undergoes through lots of friction

I should too.

How do you visually tell how used up a penis is? Obviously all that compression would shrink it down.

I've been trying to tell people this! Women are the way to go!


Some women just have darker labia naturally. Nipples do not turn darker due to friction, and neither do labia.

I wish I fucking knew.

There should be no friction during sex. If there is, it's most likely she'll bleed or it'll hurt and she'll stop. There are no changes that the vagina goes through in terms of elasticity or color.


Rate my roommate?

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He looks like that dude from The League

I mean a woman can't necessarily fuck any kind of butt, but at least you've got a vagina close buy for ladybutt.

Not bad. Cute guy.

I just love ladybutts, my dude.


How did you figure out you were gay, Lesanon? Did you always know, or what there an Aha! moment?

Also who was the first girl you thought about while masturbating?

I'd had boyfriends in middle and high school, but I was always uncomfortable after a certain point. I kept getting in relationships with a guy I thought I liked and would, after about a month, get super uncomfortable and want to be single again. I knew I liked girls starting at age 13, but it really clicked that I was straight up gay in high school. I was just really fixated on boobs as a kid and by the time I was 13 I realized it was because I was attracted to girls. The first girl I thought about while masturbating was probably my last girlfriend.


For me it was the girl whose locker was next to mine. She got huge boobs super early, and.I was constantly peeking down her shirt.

What time is it?

how do i get my girl wet manually consistently? sometimes its wet af i haven't even done anything or maybe its just a shoulder massage othertimes i can't get it wet for the longest time doing all the clit rubbing she normally likes.

Most of my friends were girls when I was growing up and puberty was a wild time for me.

Time to get a watch!

Honestly, heavy making out for a while is what does it for me. I get wet really easy, though.


How do I talk to females? They are a bit of a mystery to me, which makes me slightly scared of them.

Also checked

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I talk to girls the same way I talk to any friend. Also, thanks.


Remember theyre people? Don't put them in a pedestal. Find ones with common interests and go from there

>tits not required

GTFO faggot

Oh god, I can't even being in the girls locker room while in the throes of puberty! Just have been heaven/hell

Honestly, it wasn't that awful. I was just as insecure about my body as everyone else was. I did occasionally see a girl in a cute bra and feel ashamed for looking, though.


Theres a femanon called vchan here already. You're gonna need a new name

How do you feel about body hair and pubic hair on girls and guys?

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I have no issues with body hair. I prefer when pubic hair is trimmed on myself, personally. Everyone else can do whatever they want.


I see. I've been described as Grizzly Addams by co-workers due to my beard. Haven't had any luck on tinder so I figured it was because I looked like a bear. Or maybe I'm just not that great looking who knows.

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What kind of open so you watch? Do you have a high sex driv e? Do you masturbate a lot?

I like teacher/student stuff. I can't tell you why. I have a very high sex drive but don't masturbate all that much because I have a roommate.


Invite them to join in np. Unless they uggo in which case nvm.

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That sucks. I did no cap last year and I went absolutely berserk.

I did nofap November last year. I succeeded but I damn near lost my mind. I can't imagine going a year.

You went a year? Jesus. I don't think I could even make it a month.


Oh, no i meant no fap november. I made it about two weeks and almost blew a hole in my ceiling.

How do you feel about guys that carry a multitool with them every day?


I know a lot of guys who do. I appreciate them being able to cut open shit for me.


you sound like a guy to me

Is squirting real?

whats the last reason you declined sex

I got really nervous and needed to stop.

I think so? I just can't.


She literally doesnt

Have you been with any girls that could squirt?

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I have not, no.


Does liking futa make me gay or bi?

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No. You're just an open-minded straight guy.


It is. My ex would squirt like crazy, especially from oral

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Oh neat, this thread again.

Hi anons


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though to fair, I think this is more accurate.

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Guess I'm borderline gay. Makes sense.

Guess what femanons I started talking to this over weight chick on POF she's already interested in having sex this is the second chick I found on POF that was wanting to fuck me. I gotta remember how to eat pussy so share some tips.

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Anything worth eating is worth savoring.

Focus on the clit.


hi anons yes im a real girrrrrl

and to answer your question, yes, my balls do itch sometimes

What is pof? Watch those nina hartley fingering/pussy licking vids on porhub etc.

It was a few days ago when I figured out it I kind of 'scratched' my clit, on top of my panties, it was way better than if i just pushed down on my clit and rubbed it. can't believe i didn't figure it out before.


You never know with pussies, they're magic af


1.Foreplay, foreplay, foreplay.
2.Consistent rhythm, speed and pressure are important.
3. If your doing something then is obviously working, keep doing it. That is not the time to change things up

I don't know if I 'like' them, they're just cute


cute enough


Love the tone of your voice, could listen to you speak all day

Because I was sick and felt like I was gonna shit myself.

Probably? I can't really do it. Closest I ever got was a sort of... Dribble?


I don't think YOU can do it. It's all just about what frame of mind she's in. Sometimes, it's just not happening. Don't be hard on yourself.

Like your regular human being


I don't care on either. But on myself, I like to keep my pussy trimmed or occasionally completely shaved. That's only if I know someone's going to be seeing it though, or if I'm going swimming.


Yeah, I have phases. I'll have a week or so where I'm masturbating all the time and watching heaps of porn, then I'll go a month without any porn or masturbation. Just depends.


my wife gets mounted by our dog.

any other femanons try this? how common do you think it is.


I didn't like the guy


What do you like to watch?

I'm gonna hit the hay. Good night femanons. And regular anons too I guess. Fun thread.

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I'm into girls masturbating, mostly. I'm straight but I don't really care about watching guys in porn. I think because it's more relatable when I see a girl masturbating. I can understand exactly how she's feeling. Even if I'm watching straight up fucking between a guy and a girl, I'm always watching the girl because I can relate to how she's feeling while getting fucked. I also love squirting, even though I don't squirt. I like watching visible contractions. I also like voyeurism.

Woops forgot to add:




Yeah, solo biomarkers awesome. It doesn't feel as staged or forced. I really like when you can tell Angie is into it.

Autocorrect fucked me againf

Yeah, solo stuff is awesome, I like when you can really tell the girl is into it

Oh, and it has to be amateur. I'm really not into porn that's overproduced, or as you say, stage or forced. Just some cam girls or something.


Hahaha that's ok, I got what you meant!


Is dating today really hard or is it just me? Most girls will actually fuck you on the first date and then ghost your ass and its happened to me more than i want to admit. I don't think theres anything wrong with me because ive had plenty of serious relationships, its just that rn im single. Theres no way its my looks (im decently handsome) or job or personality so it just leads me to believe that modern females just don't want to be tied down, which i get.
do i chalk this up to "people are strange"?
or is it because current american society is chill with females being sluts? like i don't care but i feel sometimes like I want the girl stuff in a relationship (comfort, empathy, attention) and they're the opposite.
TLDR: like holy shit im not a pussy but why don't women want relationships and whats so empowering about being a slut?

Honestly, I've only had a couple of serious relationships in my life, and they did seem like they just...happened. I've never found any success from actually actively trying to date. It just seems that it happens when it happens for me. But yeah, it could be that girls don't want to be tied down which is understandable. Or just simply, they're not interested. Even if you're good looking and you have a good income and personality, sometimes people are just not into you, plain and simple. Nothing you can do about it. Also, I'm Australian and I also have never been much of a 'slut', so I can't speak on behalf of American society or sluts lol. But I'm sure there are women who want relationships and others who just want to fuck, there's nothing wrong with either, they can do what they want as much as you can. If they're into you, then they won't ghost you. But don't take it too hard if they just want to fuck and ghost your ass, that's their prerogative.


Kill yourself rude cunt.

What was the best sex you've ever had? What made it so good?

Not OP but I've also done this. No idea how common it is. Anything you want to know?

I fucked an ex uni teacher of mine, and we went to and stayed in an apartment overlooking Melbourne from the 17th floor. Just the combo of him being an ex uni teacher of mine which felt naughty, and fucking in front of a huge open window, watching the people of Melbourne below. The whole thing just felt overwhelmingly dirty and also emotional. So it was so great. I'm still with him, have been for two years. But at this point, the relationship was kind of new so it felt particularly 'scandalous' because no one knew about us. No one who had been in my uni class or anything. And just the idea that maybe, if someone had binoculars or something, they would've been able to see us up on the 17th floor. Maybe from another apartment building. The idea of being watched. Fuck yeah. Sorry if that was rambling lol.


No, that's not as fuck! Is he much older than you?

I've never tried it and I never would. I'm unsure of its popularity. Actually, my major is philosophy and once we had to discuss the ethics of a similar situation. If a dog were to perform oral sex on a woman, while she wasn't forcing it to and it had the freedom to walk away anytime, would it be morally wrong? I don't believe so, since dogs just lick shit and they don't know that act is inherently sexual. Especially if it's free to stop and walk away. I suppose that could extend to being mounted by a dog. Anyway, kind of irrelevant, but interesting.


Yes, he's almost 50 and I'm in my early 20s.


I'm My dog mounted me with no real direction. After awhile, he would jump up on my back and bark lol.

Haha well I don't know if there was anything weird happening there. That just sounds like a dog being a dog.


The fact he would essentially advertise he was horny and wanted to feel good was what made me laugh. Not unusual lol

This is the most virgin comment I’ve read all day.
You’re such a retard

i want to know how much nut he can make per go

Yeah, hot as fuck. Lucky bastard!

I used to know a dog like that. His name was Elton because he only went for guys lol. Gay dog. I surprised he could distinguish gender and that he had a preference.


Yup, he's also into the idea of 'showing me off', so that's why we liked the idea of fucking infront of a big open window like that. We've talked about next time we're staying somewhere, we want to go out to a bar or something and I'm not going to wear panties and he'll just sit next to me and spread my legs open for people in the bar. Just subtly showing off my pussy to strangers. Anyway, yeah, pretty hot.


I never measured it. I would guess 40-50mL each time. It was a lot but not like flooring or anything.

Mine would go for it before every shower basically haha. He never tried to mount my friends but he tried to mount my sister (I think it's because we may smell similar) so he's obviously picking targets.

Probably because he was more comfortable with your family than your friends because he knew you guys better. Idk lol.

Oh, ps,

lol forgot

Damn, I'm getting a little worked up here! Public sex is one of my fetishes, but I've never gotten a girl to try it. the idea of being so turned onypu don't care where you are or who's l watching...

>tits not required but encouraged
you dont get to change the rules
tits or gtfo.

I think it is that. We smelled/looked similar so he thought he was allowed to mount.

He was around my friends changing clothes and he didn't try anything. If I changed in front of him, he at least barked and ran behind me lol.

Yeah, that time in Melbourne was the only time I've ever really done anything sort of 'publicly', or there was a chance of being watched, but I'd love to try something public. My bf and I are really into voyeurism and just being watched in general, so public sex just makes sense. He's also kind of a cuck and likes the idea of watching me fuck other guys. Even though I've never actually done that either, but one day!

Lol it sounds like your dog has a crush on you my dude


lol I'm not sure it's a crush, I just think he associates my naked body and feeling good.

I guess I was getting at your first post. He tries to initiate all the time. I have to say no or else it'd be daily tbh.


Hahaha it sounds like he just sees you as a kind of sex toy. I guess some dogs are just like that.


STFU you stupid bitch.

I don't know about all that lol. I just think he thinks naked = feels good and acts on it.

How did that whole discussion go? (in ethics class)

Well it was based on a show here in Australia called Q&A, where an Australian philosopher Peter Singer actually posed that question. He's a big vegan/animal rights activist, and yet he was saying that there's nothing morally wrong with it. But most of the people on the TV show just laughed at him and thought it was gross, and that's kind of how the class reacted too. But I think if they really thought about it, I can't find many objections. The only thing that kind of got me is when someone in the class said 'would you say the same thing about letting a baby do that, since they don't know it's inherently sexual, they're kind of in the same boat as a dog?' That one kind of got me for a second but I think the difference is that a baby will grow up into a person who knows that's a sexual act. Whereas a dog never will. Also, a baby doesn't naturally lick things like a dog does. You'd have to somehow force a baby to do that. A dog would just do it, especially if you just put some peanut butter on your pussy or something hahaha. So I think it's different.


I'm not any good at philosophy but I think it is pretty different. All I have to do is get naked and bend over my bed (or get on all fours). That's it, no training (or peanut butter).

Like I said, I'm not good at philosophy but I literally have to do nothing lol.

Jesus fucking christ this thread is just a wall of text by beta women and trannys

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Haha well I mean I don't think it's morally wrong on your behalf then

Sorry lol


Eh, I'm just kinda drunk and too talkative. Sorry if I was annoying haha :/

There isn't a single thread on Yea Forums that isn't pure shit.

Haha you're not annoying


How should I bring it up to a new bf? Should I at all?

I think wait until you know them a bit better. I think you'll know after a while whether that info will be accepted well or not.


That was my plan but I'm not confident in it :/

Asking any guys: what would you personally think about this?


So if you told him an user was furiously jacking off to the thought of you getting railed in front of that window, would you guys like that?

if you were my gf and came clean i would ask you to take my pitbull lol

but seriously i think its hot

sounds normal. yep.

>There are no changes that the vagina goes through in terms of elasticity or color.

Dear Lesanon,
Middle-aged fag here. I consort with two women who are post menopause, and at that stage, elasticity can be an issue. Which can be sorted, but still.

I'm larger/thicker than the average, and my wife only had a little trouble because of it. Our side girl (an old friend of hers) hadn't had intercourse in like 10 years, and it took us weeks to get her opened up again so she could take the whole thing, as it were.

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I'm drunk and can't tell if this is serious or joking :/

I guess I'll answer questions about it if anyone is interested, until I fall asleep.

What do you look like?

not saying too much but short-ish, black hair, pale skin


Fucking nice. Stroking.

Back for now.
Though its 4am here and I should be sleeping!
Though I slept like 11 hours this morning


how big is he



He's a black lab and about 75 pounds.

He's 7'' long, if you wanted that.

Is my dick too small

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>> Caring what women have to say about literally anything

And that's why you're single :)



Any advice on approaching someone you know for casual sex? I'm not looking for a relationship, but id really like to get laid. I think she's putting out signals, but I don't want to be creepy if I'm misreading it

I'm not good at keeping who's who straight atm so I'm sorry if I mixed up questions lol