It's Friday night and I want to TERRIFY me some Conservaturds

It's Friday night and I want to TERRIFY me some Conservaturds.



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i was wondering who would be the new boogeyman since soros, hillary and obama have been staying out of the spotlight


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oh yes, bow down to Trump OP.

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I think she's the best entertainment the Democrats have provided since Walter Mondale. She's a fine example of Democrat thinking and will surely be very helpful to the Repub... that is, to the Democrat party.

Daily reminder that AOC and Bernie are against the corporate democrats (aka right wing) just as much as corrupt conservatives.
AOC is against Hillary, Obama, Pelosi.

So your comment gotta say that AOC terrified msnbc, Rachel Maddow and the corrupt democratic establishment just as much as right wingers.

yes, yes AOC is a pornstar

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I can't wait for free money

We already have free money. That is the establishment/ right wing financial policy.
Print money, tax breaks, worry about paying for it later.

Naw, doesn’t have horse teeth like AOC.

I meant the free money we get after pillaging the rich

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Honestly, Republicans aren't scared of her.
Democrats are.

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>tax breaks
>free money

>not stealing from taxpayers is free money

what a hot take

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not an argument

sure kid

permavigins detected

Shes got great tits

>not an argument
neither is "not an argument"

She isn't really a commie no matter what the Trumptards say. Too bad. I want the gulags and the 6 hour waits in line for mismatched shoes because America deserves it.

I like her. I love anyone that can come in and fuck up the country club that is the US Government.

lol stay mad cuck

Jimmy, mom wants you to stop being so "edgy" and come eat dinner with us. We miss you son.

that's going to be Kommissar Cuck soon. See you in the gulag, faggot.

Picture this
>she only got elected cuz Trump grabbed her by the pussy and she liked it
How does this make you feel?

You know the democrats are trying to come up with a way to get rid of her right?

Spoken like a true soyboi

weak and predictable

Further proving conservatives are racist, and can't tell the difference between minority's faces.

fuck off Boris

Bhahah the commies are trying to bait the good guys. This is why sophisticated men and women laugh at your campaigns and your canadites. You're just too fuckin stupid to deal with.

Not an argument

Yeah facts a bitch

Why do you think she scares us?

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>George W. Bush
>Sarah Palin
>Donald Trump

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Yeah they trolled you guys pretty fuckin hard with Bush.

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Is this supposed to be a meme?

Don't you wish Typepig, Type for your master, Type for your distraction. Type for your fat belly. Go on type the fat away.

And then the military did the right thing and bombed the shit out of the rest of the socialist in the middle east.

Can’t understand why you mouth breathing fucktards argue over people that could not give a solitary shit about you

>Not using uBO
You have to go back dot jaypeg

No it suppose to make me laugh at you.

Well you failed.

Because of policy. Most Americans agree with her policy. Not with Trump. Not with Hillary.

When Hillary debated Trump neither of them could attack each others policy because they are the same. Only personality.

AOC and Bernie can freely attack because they don't have to lie they are on our side.

That is why fox and msnbc do hit pieces on her.

That is why she is so ungodly popular. Same as Bernie.

>socialist in the middle east.
uhhh... what?
They bombed them with money? Israel gets bombed by butthurt mudslimes not the Bushs.

"Most Americans." This guy is a straight up fucking liar. Off to the gulags Nazi boy.

Should lay off the koolaid there for a second.
Also, no one cares what you think cause you don’t even have an american passport

She can be popular as fuck all.
So why didn’t that dream new deal pass again?
Oh that right, cause it’s shit and not feasibly possible


Lol. You are either in California, Minnesota, or you're a complete cuck. AOC is the best thing that's happened to the Republican party since Trump was elected. Her policies are batshit insane.

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Can someone tell me why americans are so fucking pathetic?

The new queen of Yea Forums?


O, if you can’t explain it to us, maybe you’re pathetic as well

They stopped playing reruns of looney toons

lol stay mad kid

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So bow down to her if you want, bow to her. Bow to the Queen of Slime, the Queen of Filth, the Queen of Putrescence. Boo. Boo. Rubbish. Filth. Slime. Muck. Boo. Boo. Boo.

Why does jealousy flow uphill with non Americans?

I didn't know jealously was a fucking liquid. How about you go read a book about how not to be an idiot.

Already am. Your providing me many examples of what exactly not to do

It kinda is. It manifests itself physically as a liquid with your tears and constant foaming at the mouth over americans

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Found a better woman.

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most Americans that don't live in some one-horse shithole town full of uneducated dumbfucks who take pride in being under the boot of the corporate/fascist/uber-rich asshole who teach you to be blindly patriotic to bullshit fairy tales of how America never was

She can't even afford a shirt.

She can afford a penis.

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So what're you saying....I'm weak because I haven't been in prison yet? There's no reason to go down there with them fucking people. That's basic suicide. So what else is there, selling expensive dope? To who? Then get fucked up for stepping on toes I've never met? You're crazy, kid. Fuck off.

I don't know how the fuck you got all that off what I wrote. Must be the fumes from the cow shit in your podunk town.

Wong you're not me, how wold you know?

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what about the rising population of brown people that statistically consume more federal dollars than they pay back in taxes while also committing the majority of the crime is that something to worry about?

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that would be a different kind of fearmongering

El Mayo

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>imminent collapse as producing demographics shrink while consuming demographics swell numerically visible
>haha lmao whats wrong wonderbread why fearmongering? rofl

I'm not on your side, El Mayo. Although I hear a lot of "bro" being said to me by a bunch of the niggers in town. I'm pretty fucking sure they don't mean it.

The law is on your side, amigo. Haha.