Why don't they call it pedophilia when Chad does it? We need to arrest all those fucking sickos not just the weird ugly ones.
Why don't they call it pedophilia when Chad does it...
>But but the TV told me pedophiles only look like this!
you worry about other people too much
Jews can get away with more.
It's ok if they ride in a limo.
fuck this shit, I'm going to the moon with the spaceniggers.
Because they're not even chads, they're part of the elite. Also, I don't call them pedophiles because I go by the scientific definition, which is attraction to pre-pubescent children. All but one of these fall under ephabophilia and the other hebephilia.
Plus most of these are legal in most states.
Pedophilia is being attracted to pre-pubescent children, I hardly call 16 pre-pubescent.
you mean "afronauts"
got your pedo leader right here
The term "Chad" only applies to high school, retard. Some day your balls will drop and you'll stop talking like a fucking faggot.
what about r kelly and alleyih
If you didn't tell me they're 16 i could have thought they're at their mid 20s, i guess people in america ages like fucking milk, kek.
Is no one else bothered by the fact that Wilmer Valderrama is labelled Paul Walker?
I was
Has anyone actually believed this was real, and not just propaganda to smear lgbt people?
Did you even know 16 is legal in more states than 18? There is a federal rule about dirty pictures of people under 18, but most states let you fuck 16 year olds. Look up "age of consent" on the internet.
Because 16 is legal you idiot Incel!
Even for you
Ok, 22 and 16 are fairly damn close, so that one is invalid. Though the others are fairly fucked up.
No, I meant spaceniggers.
16 is aos in some states fyi
Not really. The right couldn't run a smear campaign to save their lives
Top right kek
age ain't nothin but a number
Ughhh, pedo has to due with PREPUBESCENT, nigger.
this one is so hot. shes so tiny when shes young you just know he held her down and forced his way in.
Lol noticed that
Desiring girls with secondary sexual characteristics isn't being a pedo retard.
underrated post