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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck you

face it
you're jealous of this OP

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Socialism is literally the only way himanity will survive

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Same with Communism. I’m so proud of Antifa


Hi, Sweden here. We have a broad experience of running a socialist society.

But Yea Forumsto common.. Trump is like the only good president you guys have had since Bill Clinton, Obama being the worst (lol even worst than George)


Sweden isn’t socialist.

Daddy Trump is best president. If you don't like him you're just gay.

well memed

Trumps a fucking criminal and he is going to prison republitard you need a new god

Attached: donisyourpres.gif (581x430, 55K)

fuck yeah! Lets all be Nazis!

Not my president never will be try harder.


Compared to the states it is.

I bet per you're definition of socialism there are no country in the world that is run but socialism.

Get the fuck off. Talking reality here not hypothetical utopian version of a system.

For what you fucking potato.

Attached: !crywithtrump2019.png (900x900, 1.19M)

Do you even English bro

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This is true.

If you can't accept your leader, revolt. Become an enemy of the state. I believe that is what OP is trying to be.

But honestly it seems rather childish to take that stand on an image board who don't really give a shit.

Nice picture tho I agree with it.

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Define socialism.

>virgin detected

Bait is getting lazy yo.

Attached: Lol05.png (640x360, 194K)

No? I just said am Swedish?

Do you even prata Svenska? Nej inte det? Beklagligt, men att ge sig på någons begränsningar i att uttrycka sig i ett språk de ej talar som modersmål, måste ändå ses som rätt trasigt. Jag utgår ifrån att du inte har något att tillföra egentligen och bara säljer att fjanta dig med triviala uttryck.

Or something like that Broooo

this retarded

weak and predictable

denies reality

Sad faggot doesn’t know his own country


thinks english is the same world round

weak and predictable

googletard detected

you're wasting your time looking for rationality here..

More likely a version of Globally AI controlled Government using resource management that might be more similar to how we view communism.

I mean.. if we really wanted to save the world just using numbers and logic.

And no am not talking about skynetting humanity.

stay mad kid

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Fair enough.

Am out.


Attached: Vacation I Vacation.mp4_snapshot_01.23.31.jpg (1280x720, 139K)

weak and predictable

yes you are.
don't worry it has already happened

Wut a tardread

Attached: v4DXKmB.jpg (900x504, 64K)

Because all humans are already dead and this is just a simulation being run that we are experiencing?

I'm down with that as long as it's socialism of a certain stripe.

Attached: hgyj.png (610x800, 620K)

Nazis got smoked. Lol. Being obsessed with a bunch of fuckwads who ruined their country.

There is a ticket to Venezuela with your name on it.

More just fascism in general. I'm fairly ambivalent on the Nazis- they got shit done, but they had a particular kind of Germanic autism that I don't care for.
In any case, it's certainly better than any idea you have.

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real capitalism hasn't been tried yet

No dude. I think we’re on the same side here. Im all about some sort of Hobbesian Leviathan.

remeber when hugo was bragging.

Literally everyone in america knows about him and he's president. I think he's doing something right, no?

I’m also not down with the whole ‘let’s exterminate people’ thing. Just a waste of resources. Ship them out, whatever...but yea. Nazis were pathetic losers if the Soviets weren’t held back by the Allies - there would be no Germany...

>I’m also not down with the whole ‘let’s exterminate people’ thing.
I don't believe that that happened in Germany, but I agree that it is indeed a waste of resources. Repatriation is easier and better for everyone.
>Nazis were pathetic losers
I wouldn't go that far. They took a state that was being exploited in the interwar period and made it a continental powerhouse. The same goes for the Italians. That American materiel and Soviet human waves crushed the Axis is more reflective of the fact that they were woefully outgunned than reflective of any moral weakness.

Third positionism is the only way forward for the West. If you have a problem with calling it fascism, then don't, but the only other option is globogayplex.

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he is tho