This is the scariest (and sexiest) thing you can show a Conservative

This is the scariest (and sexiest) thing you can show a Conservative.

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Other urls found in this thread:

We all know she's a slut.
Nice try liberal.

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stay scared, bitch


Conservatives BTFO by the most beautiful AOC once again!

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You mean dumbest who thinks NYC has $3 billion in cash sitting around. Jesus Christ so stupid.

Not scary at all. Even Nancy Pelosi told her to back the fuck off. Freshman congresswoman trying to throw her balls around.

Even Nancy Pelosi! OMG!

Whats scary is that liberal actually believe her BS..

>jobs are bad. Not having a job is good
>We can spend this money we dont have thanks to not letting this company give us this money
>No eat hamburgers
>Lets replace every building in the US
>We is funna die in 12 years because of cow farts

There are 12 threads about AOC on Yea Forums right now. Hilarious. Why does she trigger conservatives so hard lmao.

Bitch only got into office due to an exploit.

She has a non-existent brain/mouth filter.

She is accelerating the schisming of the Democrats.

And the media still keeps propping her up and shielding her, which will lead to an even greater fall.

We LOVE her!

They're all from you you fucking dumb shill. You're just as retarded as she is.

okay buddy. just an observation don't panic.

I’m conservative as fuck and really don’t like her ideas and policy. But I’ll say this on a physical basis with her, it does seem like she has a killer body. But to me her face is pretty awful. I’d count her as a butterface. And she’s so damn awful at interviews and public speaking
>inb4 muh trump
I know, he’s not very good at public speaking and interviews either

Even the democrats are getting tired of her shit. I'm surprised they haven't sacked her yet after New York. Even (((Feinstein))) said no to her "green deal".

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Bet she would be OK in a Gimp mask and a ball gag.

Sarah Palin is significantly hotter and actually smarter, which isnt saying a lot.

From behind. That way no looky at face.

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Because we can't believe anyone can be as stupid as she is, and also have a significant voter base just as retarded to vote her into office. You're correct, I am scared.

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She created an additional faction of the left wing. The more factions on the left, the better. Does nothing but strengthen the right.

She does seem like she does have a pretty insane body, but yeah she’s dumb and her face is weird and her teeth are fucked

Jokes aren't scary, user.

Beastiality is wrong you freak

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Why would I be scared? She's already gotten Trump reelected.

> Trump

her skin is like really nice. i thought it was just black people that dont crack?


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Nothing is really "her". She is as dumb as you can get, and with that she is a mouth piece. A lot of people and money are behind her and telling her what to do and say.

She/Group has handed Trump his 2020 election
She/Group has divided and forced Democrats to go even more left

She is the result of what the Democrats have wrecked upon the country of America. Education, Media etc. As well as Democrats having the older (OLD) hold power with no replacements coming up the ladder in the their group.

> triggered cuckservative

Not really if you can pull more than half of that off the Washington Post. It is a crisis for the Democrats, even Hillary is talking about it.

Trump will be in prison 2020.

Do you actually believe this? There's actual proof of Hillary breaking the law and she's not there. Even if he did do something (I don't think he did) it's not very likely.

What's scarier is that a lot of Republican supporters have been told by fucks that she said anything you just said when she hasn't, and they believe it blindly because they don't want to not hate everything that isn't their 'team', so no honest discourse about the Green New Deal (which she was not the inventor of) is had.

>Jobs are bad. Not having a job is good.
Never said, insinuated or alluded to by AOC.

>We can spend this money we don't have thanks to not letting this company give us money.
Never said, insinuated or alluded to by AOC.

>No eat hamburgers
"Eat less red meat" is not only nothing like your intentionally dumbspeak-styled misrepresentation, it is also absolutely fucking sensible advice.

>Let's replace every building
Is not the same as "upgrade all existing buildings".

>Die in 12 years
Never said, insinuated or alluded to by AOC.

>Due to cow farts
This comment keeps getting misrepresented. The FAQ is very clear on staying it aims for NET-zero not zero BECAUSE they CAN'T get rid of certain emissions like the oft-misquoted cow farts.

No, it isn't.

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>(I don't think he did)
You're blind or wantonly ignorant. He has publicly, provably, broken laws including violating the Emoluments clause of the Constitution.

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The fact that you defensively had to bring up Hillary, in an desperate attempt to deflect from talking about crimes by trump, shows you too believe deep down that Trump is a criminal, but you are too scared to say that out loud. It is okay.

Imagine being this retarded.

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Is that a quote from a SNL skit?

He can be a criminal all he wants. Just as long as we don’t have a liberal white house

What the fuck are you talking about? Jesus. The dumbasses are out in force today. Let me guess....... snow day from Jr. High school?

About as real as the lick a toilet bowl against trump thing. A bunch of /pol/ fags put together a discord and made it look like there are people trying to influence anything instead of just trolls trying to collect replies.

You will be gurgling, "but..but... Hillary's email!" as it floods in your area.

I think she's ugly. I let her suck my dick though.


Too hard to understand, trumpcuck? What do you need explained? You have to tell us what you don't get so we can try to help you

>It's ok to have the biggest criminal in history in the White House because fuck you liberals

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Most Republicans agree with you. Criminals support other Criminals. Republican Party is morally dead.

I'll make it easier for you.
>Someone mentions Trump's crimes (he's the fucking president)
>Hurr durr what about that old bitch named Hellery?

How is she scary? She's going to lose her seat in the next election.

>There's actual proof of Hillary breaking the law
>But not of Trump
If you genuinely believe that there isn't proof of trump committing crimes including, at the very least, conspiracy to commit obstruction of justice and violation of the emoluments clause, you're wilfully ignoring reality so you don't have to face the facts that 2016 was lose-lose, so you can feel like a winner as an asshole pisses all over what our nation stands for.

well yes but also
Republicans know he is criminal scum. but at least he is a criminal from "their team".

I think you're next in line for chugging.

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Not when all Foxcunts ever think about is AOC. I'd vote for her just to fuck with them.

>afraid of an affirmative action hire

Lol ok, shes just helping nature return that cesspool known as NYC back into the swamp it has always been

Well the people in her district probably dont like her driving away jobs they overwhelmingly wanted. She's also a fucking moron.

Trump is a complete moron and yet we voted for him.

Daily reminder

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He's fucking billionaire morons cant do that.

It's cute that you actually think that's his size.

>Trump got the inherence from his father
>Files many bankruptcies
>Thinks he isn't a moron

Which is hilarious because he's more opportunist than Republicunt. He has been republican for like 7 years, before which he was independent, before which he was republican again, before which he was democrat for 8 years.

>Has nothing but a single Photoshop.
I pity you.

>left supporting illegal immigration
>supporting criminals
See where you fucked up?

I think she has a cute face. Her face is like the main thing I find attractive about her.

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Still a billionaire

We haven't seen his tax returns.

She's the GOP's best asset. When the insane shit she spews makes even msnbc roast her non-stop & causes Bill Maher, Cenk & the late night leftists laugh at her 24/7/365 - imagine how average middle of the road majority of America views her lunacy.

>Fox News wants her to be an asset so they made her an asset
Fixed it for you.
Notice how retards on the right aren't being talked about, like Sarah Huckabeast? That's because they don't want to hurt the reelection.
Noam Chomsky was fucking right.

This. The far left clapping like seals in AOC's Twitter echo chamber doesn't translate well to the real world when the vast majority of states lean conservative.

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She’s a circus act. If she wasn’t so ineffectual and downright dumb, she’d be more threatening. Even most dems can’t stand her or don’t side with her. Unfortunately, she’s helping trump

> echo chamber
don't use words when you don't know what they mean

>Retards think Gallup is Fox News
Wish I could say I'm astounded at how uneducated an utterly unintelligent far leftists are - but I'd be lying.

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>violating the Emoluments clause of the Constitution
Owning a private business while serving in public office is all it takes. That fucker has "investments" all over the fucking globe. He's been profiting from the office of the Presidency since the beginning of the 2016 campaign. That disqualified him right from the start.



you're scared of her because of how effective and smart she is. she's getting serious shit done already and she only just started.

now show me where the majority of the people live...

They are never going after him for that shit. They all fucking do it. They make 170K a year and all of them are worth millions of dollars.

Name one thing she’s done. Crickets....

> echo chamber

someones triggered

that was a post by an idiot who doesn't follow US politics, it couldn't end the thread

What does some states leaning conservative have to do with AOC?

Why does anyone give a shit about her?

Well user, they still fail to grasp the fact that US elections are decided by electoral votes, not the popular vote. No one's ever accused fringe leftists of being intelligent, let alone sane.

It's a given that the fringe left aren't exactly bright - but even mouth breather like you know population density has negligible impact on the electoral college given that the majority of states - and therefore the majority of electoral votes - lean conservative.

He's too retarded to understand that the fringe left is small and doesn't count in the scheme of things. It's like saying that the fringe right like KKK, Retardo groups, the white supremacists and Westboro Baptist Church count.

>a liberal populist

you sure I should be the one who's scared? you're about to lose control of even your own narratives to this populist and the ones who will come after her.

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I'm not sure if you're a foreigner user, but the US election isn't decided by the popular vote. Each state has a certain number of electoral votes. And the Republicans - your right wing party - the current advantage in state to state numbers.

Holy shit, I hadn't realized it until just now. This is the same chick that protests professionally and has been in porn sucking and fucking a horse...

I can't find it now but I know someone here has it. In one photo she's yelling nad someone is blowing an air horn at a happy guy laying on a root in front of a LOT of angry looking protesters.

Very true.

kek...yeah, no denying that.

The fringe left and right are both stupid. They are just people that believe whatever they are told and only listen to one point of view while discounting dissent.

The smarter you are the dumber you realize you really are

The dumber you are the smarter you think you are.

Personally I think that the scariest and sexiest thing a conservative could see is the wall being built and in the Mexican side its just graffiti of naked curvy women. By the way Alexandria isn't that attractive you guys are exaggerating

she desperately needs a white baby inside her

Why has populism been coopted by the crazies? Both sides use it as a slam now.

It means that conservative-leaning states have a numerical advantage on national politics & AOC's influence is contained for the foreseeable future.

She was not elected by merit but my parading her around as entertainment. I am a moderate Democrat and I firmly disapprove of her appointment.

Conservative leaning states are leaning less conservative. As people move out of liberal states and into cities in conservative states they are turning them more liberal. There is not such thing as red states and blue states as no matter how hard the states swing one way of the other cities are blue rural is red. The suburbs have become the balttle ground and as young white educated people are loving out of the cities the suburbs are becoming more liberal. These aren’t judgments they are just facts.

For me it's that neck. Do want.

I am not sure if you are retarded or just trolling. AOC is new and young so she isn't much of a influence for now and later. The fact that you even barfed that drivel shows us that you are actually scared of her for no reason. Trump and conservatives can't even control Pelosi. KEK!

She wasn’t appointed she was elected. And she was elected by the poor people on her district because she promised them programs to help them get out of poverty. Whether you agree with her or not that’s her job and what she was elected to do. She is one of 435 and represents a small geographic area. If you don’t live there why do you give a shit. If you do live there you’re poor.

LOL. That horse cum gargling girl? Nah isn't her.

White flight into traditionally red states has turned numerous states more moderate / centrist, which is undeniably a good thing. And, as numerous current polls illustrate, the vast majority of states prefer more moderate, centrist domestic policies, a more isolationist foreign policy.

You seem upset, user. U.S. politics trending center-right has you a bit agitated.

I dont even know why this kind of thread is here
The only reason I can think of is that her supporters dont want to go to /pol/ because its full of people who disagree with them

I would agree with you if I never moved to Austin. The city is liberal as shit and is being ruined by liberal policies. The state is conservative as shit and being ruined by conservative policies. There is no moderation only crazy.

>Gets rekt
>Tells others they're upset
>Literal projection

She literally has no effect on anyone here’s life. If she does you have bigger problems because her district is shitty and poor.

/pol/ is full of autistic faggots who masturbate each other in their cum drenched echo chamber.

Us politica have been trending center right since the 70s. No one here really remembers a time when they weren’t

A d he doesn’t have to show them to you

You mean you can show a Democrat. As she’s basically threatening their existence as a credible party

Surprise!!!. AOC's boyfriend is a white guy, so all you white incels can now dream about the one chance in a million to hook up with the latina queen.

He almost looks like a white supremacist.

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Yea Forums is a bunch of misinformed children screaming things that make no sense

My god he’s a ginger. You can’t spell ginger without nigger.

user, you've gotten "wrecked" this entire thread, by multiple people. You're down to trolling now.

It would be nice though. Obama didn’t have to show his birth certificate but he did.

I know he doesn't have to show them to us. So quit making the claim that he's a billionaire.

accurate as fuck.

Are you talking about the other thread? Maybe you're in the wrong thread?

>People make valid points about how shitty AOC is

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>Nancy Pelosi doesn’t understand stir-fry economics

>AOC is trying to socialism me

>Trump is a friend of Vladislav Puritan from Prussia

What a quote! She’s an idiot! I can’t believe she said that!

Oh my god!!!! Where did you get that picture!!!! This is going to ruin her political career!!!

I think it's kinda great actually, but I'm working class so there you go. Dems doing it is nonsensical, their entire (credible) complaint about Trump is that he's a populist panderer who would sooner kiss 1000 babies than develop a complex understanding of, say, tax law. This is true. Basically I see that in her, she claims she'll do impossible shit and uses her own party's arguments for her to calm down as a springboard to more populism. Meanwhile just like how I don't actually give a fuck if a wall gets built, dems don't actually give a fuck about the environment and her dumb ideas will probably simply never be held to account.

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She's ruining her own career just beautifully :)

Given that AOC threatened today to create a 3rd "progressive" national party due to the backlash her hard left push has caused among Democrats - I sincerely hope she continues to fracture the Dems. The ensuing chaos is guaranteeing GOP victories for years to come.

He is a billionaire. He just isn’t worth the 12 billion he says he is. But he won’t show his tax return since he claims 50million dollar properties are worth 1million in order to pay less taxes.

>he had to pull the "le funny" trumpster wojaks

Yup, vote for her, you will shit your pants

“Populism” is not real. It’s someone pandering to a group of people and saying someone outside of that group is evil. It’s not true populism. And I don’t care about the wall but I certainly care about the environment.

/thread, she is starting to cause a serious rift and beginnings for a civil war on the left. Just in time for 2020 to

She will be your president

She will win because she is sexy, and the sexy candidate always wins

One party hasn’t dominated national politics for more than 10 year in a very long time. People get sick of one party and vote for the other. Then they get sick of the new party and think maybe things with the old party will be better

Yea I would fuck Trumps fat ass

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>muh apocalypse

HAHAHAHA you cower in fear, I hope she wins only to taste your tears.


>someone outside that group

like republicans, who are nazis that want to rape the earth and put brown children in tiny cages?

honey, it's populism when you do it too :3

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