So the far left wannabe dictator & failed cocktail waitress is making a "list" of political dissidents & enemies for...

So the far left wannabe dictator & failed cocktail waitress is making a "list" of political dissidents & enemies for committing wrong think. Guess she's planning who to "punish" if she ever has the chance to form her own personal Stasi secret police force.

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Other urls found in this thread:

if you're older than 40 leave

If you're an authoritarian bootlicking proto-fascist Millennial, GTFO my Yea Forums! Gen Z / Gen X / Boomers only.

This. Fringe regressive leftists need to fuck off. Orwell's 1984 wasn't a fucking "how to" manual.

you're right, she is a slut

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what the fuck is wrong with you

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Does anyone else suspect that republican strategists are behind these posts? There's literally at least one thread about AOC at any given time here.

Let me run this through the New Speak translator...
>"Why the fuck do you value civil liberties & basic freedoms, human rights comrade?"

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im not a newfag you're just legitimately retarded and butchering memes you dont understand its why you post on Yea Forums Yea Forums in current year you absolute troglodyte

Seeing that she's the current face of the fringe Democrats, I highly doubt it. That's about as retarded as /pol/acks claiming Jews are behind all the trap / log post / faces of Yea Forums threads. More like user's like to discuss random topics on the random Yea Forumsoard. It's more interesting that you're so triggered by people discussing political figures.

>Pretends not to be a newfag
>Spergs like a newfag

Attached: kek.jpg (480x360, 15K)

More like a new one every minute

Im Chijo the Eternal Summerfag you're a retard

Waste of dubs, user. If you're gonna cry about a politics thread, there's about 3 current trap threads that seem more your style.

>user's like to discuss random topics on the random Yea Forumsoard
"random" meaning the same one 24/7
>It's more interesting that you're so triggered by people discussing political figures.
Yes, you can tell by my post that I'm absolutely hysterical.

nice try, GOP

1984 isnt the book you should be referencing for your argument.

You are all cancer. This site should have died years ago.

>evry thread i dun like iz uh GOP stratigest derp

Stay retarded, Yea Forumsruh.

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>Implying Yea Forums was ever free of tumors.

If no one agrees with her, she won't get support and nothing will happen. If lots of people agree with her, and she has a majority, she'll win. That's how democracy works. Why do Americans cherry pick when they like democracy? "The will of the people as long as I agree with it"?

If a party you don't like wins a majority vote, get fucked. That's how it works. You're on the losing side of history.

Fascism is right-wing done wrong, "Nazi" was mostly based on fascism masquerading as "national socialism". Adolf Hitler was a self-proclaimed anti-communist and definitely right-wing.
Mussolini, the true original fascist, was right-wing too.

Communism is left-wing, as is socialism. They are just as bad as extreme right-wing in practice but in theory very different, which is why you see young libcucks sucking commie cock all day.

Stop embarrassing smart conservatives and empowering libcucks.
Get informed.

Every time you join "left-wing" and "fascist" you're empowering libcucks by looking like a brainless faggot.

it did die years ago its why im here

Implying you retards aren't constantly manipulated by the GOP and Russia.

Stay retarded, comrade

She's so fucking retarded. This is what happens when you believe your own press clippings. Fucking clueless.

lol stay mad kid
you can't deny the truth on this image.

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We live in a representative republic. Not a democracy. So no, popular vote is not what wins power.

>Defending political "black lists"

Very good, comrade.

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will hillary have her killed?

Edgy neckbeard incels now blame Republicans and Russia for not getting laid now...

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Do you remember all the times trump has turned on people for disloyalty and sean Spicer announced that they were keeping a list? Do you honestly disagree with keeping track of the way elected officials vote so that their voters know they are being represented the way they want?

Also, "failed cocktail waitress" is a pretty weird way to describe someone who was successful as a waitress and graduated with an economics degree, then went on to become an elected official.

What are you doing with your life.

Have you read 1984?

true. you only need 25% of the popular vote

yet donald trump's been a democrat most of his life,and has life long democrat family members.but this is who republicans choose to whine about

AOC is in the right. Debate me!

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Fucking boomer. Gtfo. Your time is over.

Fat basement dwellers are blaming Putin & right wingers for them not being able to get a a whiff of cunt?

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How do we elect our representatives?

If you dont believe in democracy you're not an american, fucking leave.

Gen Z are "boomers"? Gran pa, your Alzheimer's is acting up

it's a sad day in America these days. Democrat is the non-retard vote. If you vote right, you're voting against logic. the testimony of cohen was such an embarassment for the right. holy shit. it was all ad hominem attacks. nothing of substance.

"liar liar pants on fire"

I don't know what you mean by "25% of popular vote"
Is that 25% of all eligible voters?
25% of actual votes?
25% of all American population?

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You sound like you support proxy wars in the middle East. We elect our representatives by districts that are drawn by representatives. Hmmmm. You're not very observant are you?

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>non-retard vote

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you need to win 51% of the seats, and you get seats by winning states. some states split their seats, but in states where it's all or nothing, you only need to win 51% of that state. So the minimum popular vote to win is 51% of 51% or roughly 25%.

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completely. you're fooling yourself if you believe in the bs fox news puts out. there's a reason the average iq of the left is higher than the right.

Keep trying to change the narrative that incels and pillfags aren't right wing entitled cunts.

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Umm, user? You're actually defending the neo-con war mongering & expansion of U.S. imperialism the Democrats have been pushing for every time Trump mentions bringing troops home? What, you miss the weekly reports of Obama droning hundreds of women / children? Holy fuck, you're insane

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All the same

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American politics used to be a discussion of your opinion on economic theory. it's devolved into science vs religion. fucking climate change deniers. if your political party tries to fight science, you're on the wrong side. that's some 451 type shit.

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> Science

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honestly no clue what you're trying to say here other than "I'm a nazi"

>Thinks there's a difference between msnbc, fox news, breitbart, cnn, or any other corporate "news" outlet
>Claims to be intelligent

user, your parents should have named you Dunning–Kruger. You're a gullible uneducated simp.

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That's definitely not how that works on the federal Senate level.
Beyond that, a simple majority in Congress is rarely ever enough to get anything done. Notice how it took Obama 8 years to get one thing through (obamacare). Notice how Trump can't get shit either. Super majority is the only way to force stuff through. Fortunately it was designed to be difficult to pass laws on a simple majority (51%) that youre talking about.

Every time these threads come up, I ask for an answer. Every time I don't get one.
AOC got elected because she claims solutions to objectively existent problems such as the lowest value healthcare in the G20 and property devaluation due to global warming.

What solutions does the right offer instead?

What response does the right have besides pretending the objective reality of these problems doesn't exist?

Should white non Jews be required to hire blacks?

Answer, YES or NO (you won't)

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understand the underlying socio-political ramifications of pulling out of war-torn regions. When someone gets stabbed, you leave the knife in until you can get to a hospital because if you pull it out, they'll bleed to death. The pullout-method doesn't work in war, friend.

If you cold-turkey pulled out of some of these places, they'd collapse. The American military destabilized them so much that they can't support themselves.

Climate change is now a religious discussion. So that's not really a good example.

Ah, an ascended being. How is the view from your perch above the lesser peons of humanity? I hope you brought a jacket. I bow down to you, oh enlightened one.

On the contrary, her proposal seems like a great way to strengthen democracy by making it easier for regular people to follow how their elected representatives vote.

> What solutions does the right offer instead?

I don't know about "the right", whatever the fuck that term is supposed to even mean, but most anyone with an IQ above 60 (sorry niggers) knows that the best solution is stop the population growth. Yet, this same cunt and all the other Jew NPC puppets scream for more immigration, why?

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>You're actually defending the neo-con war mongering & expansion of U.S. imperialism the Democrats have been pushing for every time Trump mentions bringing troops home?
That would be a lot more convincing if 95% of the Republicans didn't say the same thing as the Dems.

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tl'dr - So you support illegal military adventurism for profit & was crimes as long as YOUR "side" pulling the "trigger"...gotcha. Thanks for proving my point.

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Every time these threads come up, I ask for an answer. Every time I don't get one.
AOC got elected because she claims solutions to objectively existent problems such as the lowest value healthcare in the G20 and property devaluation due to global warming.

What solutions does the right offer instead?

What response does the right have besides pretending the objective reality of these problems doesn't exist?

Going twice...

Wow, user - it's almost like both parties are beholden to corporate interests in profit from illegal wars. You mean they don't have our best interests at heart after all?

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>Wow, user - it's almost like both parties are beholden to corporate interests in profit from illegal wars.
Sure but on the other hand nobody dies in those wars but hillbillies who want to (they see it as part of the cost for a fun hunting trip for sandniggers), and they're paid for by fiat money that costs taxpayers nothing, so really there's no problem at all.

go suck the dog sperm out of your grandmother's asshole

retard doesn't know he's a retard

Ah, so as long as your left wing overlords are arming inbred trailer trash to slaughter brown kids, it's all cool with you. Thanks for confirming what everyone else already knew.


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Someone should send her the video of Obama saying we should secure our borders or Hillary saying marriage should be between a man and a woman.
Lets find vids that put her against the people her own party, and watch the chaos unfold.

> warns of 'list'

Don't doubt her. I head she worked for both Chris Jericho and Grayson Moorhead Securities.

K, Grand pa. Here's a (You)

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Democracy doesn't work but it's the best thing we have right now. Just like capitalism. What would improve democracy in my opinion is a voting licence. You'd have to pass a test about basic knowledge in history, economics and so on (with freely avaliable study material online) to be able to vote. Also voting age should be higher. How can an 18 years old child vote? And many countries are now pushing it lower to 16.

>Ah, so as long as your left wing overlords are arming inbred trailer trash to slaughter brown kids, it's all cool with you.
It's cool with everybody, that's why it's been going on for 20 years across 3 administrations, including the current one that has re-doubled-down on Afghanistan again. I wouldn't characterize any of those governments as "left wing", but okay bud.

>Also voting age should be higher. How can an 18 years old child vote?
Stupid people are always stupid, doesn't really matter if they're old and stupid.

Third time for all the marbles:

Every time these threads come up, I ask for an answer. Every time I don't get one.
AOC got elected because she claims solutions to objectively existent problems such as the lowest value healthcare in the G20 and property devaluation due to global warming.

What solutions does the right offer instead?

What response does the right have besides pretending the objective reality of these problems doesn't exist?

>when you are required to vote what the party wants and not what the people you were elected to represent want.

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I am a stupid person but I was literally retarded at 16 when compared to present me.


Does Yea Forums now like Kamala Harris because he’s wants to legalize prostitution?

I just don't think political choices work that way, since none of them are "blow off homework get high and try to fingerbang Angie"

No, she's a cop.

>Left wingers denying they're left wing is desperate bid to defend illegal American imperialist war for oil / profit.

You can deny your motivation all you like, comrade. But in the end, it's still greed-driven leftists befitting from the deaths of 3rd worlders you obviously see as subhuman.

Over 100 million slaughtered by far left authoritarian governments in the last century simply proves how efficiently you've become at ridding yourselves of those you see as undesirable. But I'm sure you see that as a good thing.

>>Left wingers denying they're left wing is desperate bid to defend illegal American imperialist war for oil / profit.
>You can deny your motivation all you like, comrade. But in the end, it's still greed-driven leftists befitting from the deaths of 3rd worlders you obviously see as subhuman.
OMG you are precious. Capitalist imperialism is a left wing phenomenon...I bet you were trained up on that old Cleon Skouser or some crazy Mormon shit.

Republican trolls need to try harder. You're just embarrassing yourselves.

I know that you desperately want an oligarchy and autocratic government. Russia has one. Maybe you should pack up and head over there. Assuming you can leave your mom's basement.

>Over 100 million slaughtered by far left authoritarian governments in the last century
I might believe you if you said a hundred gorillion

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>Greed driven left wingers deflecting to justify their slaughter of those pesky brown people to secure resources for the motherland.

You seem upset, comrade. Truth hurts, I guess.

I don't share your sentiment. I remember when I was 16 one popular politician would constantly tell people to fuck off on live TV and I'd vote his party just because he had "cool sick burns." The fact that he was an alcoholic burning the taxpayer's money didn't interest me at all because he was a "cool guy." Right.

So according to your ideas about motivation, Cuba, being resource poor Communists, should be like invading half the world

>Extremists think genocide's morally justifiable when "their" side does it.

>I remember when I was 16 one popular politician would constantly tell people to fuck off on live TV and I'd vote his party just because he had "cool sick burns." The fact that he was an alcoholic burning the taxpayer's money didn't interest me at all because he was a "cool guy." Right.
Dude that's like at least how half of 50 year olds vote.

I don't think it's genocide and that you're spouting CIA propaganda while pretending to be le edgy.

>We're morally justified in taking other nation's resources. We're simply "seizing the means of production", comrade.

>Only a CIA propagandist would be morally outraged by the slaughter of 100 million, comrade.

>>We're morally justified in taking other nation's resources. We're simply "seizing the means of production", comrade.
Okay then, why isn't that happening?

100 million of who?

Because Cuba's in America's sphere of power & influence. The U.S. has the military might & global ties to secure resources, while containing Cuba & keeping it isolated from foreign markets that would enable it to flourish. But of course, you have zero problems with that since you profit from American hegemony.

> Being this uneducated
Why are extremists always so woefully uneducated?

>Because Cuba's in America's sphere of power & influence. The U.S. has the military might & global ties to secure resources, while containing Cuba & keeping it isolated from foreign markets that would enable it to flourish. But of course, you have zero problems with that since you profit from American hegemony.
But you said that America is controlled by leftists, wouldn't they want Cuba to flourish?

>Stats on communist deaths
sounds believable.

they have none because they are Russian bots, bro.

Or they are actual retards. Probably the second one at this point honestly - Russian Psyops ended after the election!! Ivan's and Boris's plz go home!

My favorite is when it's all in broken english.

>posts a thumbnail

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She terrifies you. You are weak.

Go back to /pol/

The incels always have been and always will be left wing faghots cry harder soi boi while we breed your bitches

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>Fox News

Yeah, Nah. You're retarded.

Yeah the people wanting to dissolve the majority of government want more government control.

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Go back to /pol/
Don't care about any of this shit

Yeah it has to be a trusted news source like cnn

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She does something different and to my penis


I chuckled.

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Fucking retard. If they were just going to vote dem every time we wouldn't need humans to make decisions.

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>liberals are getting a new assfuck by embracing populism

it's just too funny, they're losing narrative control over 2020 to a single freshman cunt who can't even choose the correct shade of lipstick

maybe 4 more years of The Amazing Orange will reveal their stupidity to them but I wouldn't count on it, they'll probably just scream at scented candles or some shit

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>failed cocktail waitress
she was a really shitty bartender

Make me, you soft little fag.

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I am not a huge fan of hers personally but I do love how sh triggers conservatives.

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What are you going to do, throw an avacado sandwich at me?
Soft little millenial. All talk. No action.

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like my dick triggers ur mom in the sack

using fear to grab power. lmao. your dead now bitch. you challenge the fearless you fool. our kings and queen are people with talent, character, skill and knowledge. you can't steal this power of have it gifted to you.

>Yeah the people wanting to dissolve the majority of government want more government control.
>Dissolve the majority of government
>Leaving only pigs, prisons, and military
Seems like that's all you need for a shitty police state, user.

how many relatives of her are convicted illegal criminals? these are good odds here

feminist lesbians cant do shit in life

not too into politics but funny pic lol

I'm a Lib-tard, but who does this beaner think she is? Fucking weird big eyed, big mouthed cunt isn't known or respected on the Left, she just showed up one day.

well there's your problem idiot, liberals aren't leftists, they're simpering centrist capitalists

Doesn’t understand that the military and police are parts of the government wew there lad

Doesn’t understand your mom's a part of my dick wew there lad.