Time to suck, liberals!
Time to suck, liberals!
I think she might need a bigger throat
bigger throat = bigger cock sucking dynamics
I love that the right are shit at photoshop
Liberals always suck
You can't even put up an argument, dumbass.
I love that the left are shit at everything
>trying this desperately to bait
>posting 3759 threads about some retarded political bitch
>"I'm not triggered, you are!"
Hands aren't small or chubby enough. I once shook his hand on the set of home alone 2 lost in new york. He's just as tall as me at 6' 3" but his hands were like what i imagine mickey mouse's hands without the gloves on are like. Also, no one has reported on it yet, largely because it's a rather innocuous thing compared to the allegations of child rape and baby cages that he faces week to week; he licks the frosting or glaze off of the tops of donuts and then throws them away. I'm serious. On the 2nd day at Trump Tower our caterers brought in the usual fare and as I'm watching McCauley get positioned for hotel room scenes i get nudged on the shoulder by one of our producers and he points me to the snack table. I see this tree of a man licking in a circular motion all over the tops of the donuts before throwing them in the trash. He did this maybe 7 or 8 times before he moved on to wash it down with a coke. He wasn't drinking the diet stuff yet because it was still considered for women. Man oh man was that just some weird shit. I also got to meet his wife at the time and she was PISSED at him. There were always rumors that she was chesting on him out of spite with our extras. I don't actually believe that because she was barely there and only really came down from the penthouse to hang out and flirt with the camera crew.
All this aside i felt bed for McCauley. He got a raw deal. His parents ended up stealing his money again during the shoot and the kid begged the director to just cut him a check, but we couldn't do that because of his contract and the director isn't the paymaster. We all hated having to tell that kid no. His parents ruined his life with their greed and thievery.
why would he feed the troll? There's no argument coming from a dick sucking shill
Right-wing rape fantasies are always kind of disturbing. It makes me question their mental health.
sure kid
my goodness where?
>sure kid, if the thought of raping women makes me mentally unstable then why do i think the government is trying to take my collection of discount guns and and loli waifus?
Republicans: 1
Libs: 0wned
Are you worried that if you ever get arrested the police will ask you about the amount of andy six pics and shit memes you have saved? What would you say?
I thought so. Man I miss filming in those days.
Collective narcissism.
wouldn't he be completely waxed down there? I would if I was prez.
i'll just tell them the truth: that I suffer from schizophrenia and that led to my coprophillia