What does a hemorhoid feel like, desrripe how it is

What does a hemorhoid feel like, desrripe how it is.

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Like a warm slice of butter ontop a big ol' pile of flapjacks

It’s a pain in the ass that stops you from living your life to the fullest because when you try to do some mundane thing that others can do you realise oh fuck I can’t do that I have this fucking thing on my ass and I can’t do much about it

External feels fucking horrible.
If it's swollen and protruding,
you can't sit normally without intense pain.
Many people resort to hard liquor, but alcohol makes it worse.

They are the fucking worst OP.
It hurts when you walk.
It hurts when you sit.
The simple act of taking a shit, once a pleasant experience, becomes a war of attrition, trying to not pass out from blinding pain to push out a couple little nuggets of turd.
Coughing and sneezing hurts.
Wiping hurts.
They just really fucking suck.

Gonna get surgery soon. I dont wish this on my worst enemy

Post pic of sphinctre tumor

Good luck user, I wish you painless sits and shits.

my good lord.

it's like a skittle you can feel stapled to your asshole. You can't sit comfortably and it rubs when you try to walk. Very painful, very frustrating.

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Ewwwwwwwwwww lol

>i clicked on a thing i didn't like why is this happening to me ewwww

>needing to be this superior in a thread about hemorrhoids

My buddy had one a few months ago and he spent a lot of time stuck on the ground writhing in pain.

Im the one that asked to see it dumbfuck

Worst pain ever was getting one removed. Felt like I had to shit for 3 days. Shat about 12 times a day. Blood every time. Felt kind a broken lightbulb had been shoved up there for a week. Laughing is painful, sneezing is death. I still have 2 more but it was too painful. I can't do that again. Eat your fiber kids.


Y'all need to quit sitting on the toilet for so long, or eat more oatmeal. I have one from pushing a kid out of my vagina and you guys act like you are the ones with pussys. It only ever bothers me when I do anal sex, and by the next day its already calmed down.


shut up faggot


take your shirt off and show your tits,roastie.

Imagine being in constant pain and you can't escape no matter what position you sit or lie you'll still feel the burning

TL;DR - Fuckin painful

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