I'm tired of being fat

I'm tired of being fat.
I'm also tired of playing crappy video games all day.
How do I overcome the crippling depression and be physically active?
I'm rural btw so very limited things to do.

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Get a job

booze and drugs

get into hobbies like hunting and fishing, cooking, garden... will keep you occupied the whole year around and you might even become an alpha like me

Join a gym.
Read non-fiction at least half hour a day.
Start practicing shooting/archery.
Cook for yourself.
Stop drinking if it's a problem.

>t. the alpha gardener

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meat, fish, vegetables. then cooking your own stuff. the feeling of accomplishment is awesome and should cheer you up, op.

learn to enjoy and appreciate the outdoors. outdoor activities are fun as fuck once you get passed the physical exertion required. if you just start doing it, your body will get used to it quickly and then it wont be a struggle. keep at it and next thing you know youll be fit

let me give you some real advice.
If you don't wanna be a fat boi then stop doing fat boi things.
Build habits start walking around your property start small like 10 mins and then build your way up to jogging then running.
Dealing with mental health talk to a health care provider can't afford it find a free online service.
start growing some fruit and vegs
You're real problem is that you're lazy and you can't be bothered putting the effort and time it'll take. Let me tell you it's gonna take a while.

Telling yourself and other you're alpha only makes you seem like an insecure cuck

Social worker fag here. This is not a troll. If you change your life your life will change and before the hur dur dur think about that. Constructing your mind to believe you are ok is a coping mechanism akin to placebo. You don't feel good but you do. The problem arises when you know on a regular basis that you living a fantasy made to shift your mind from your pain. Only you can make a descision to get out of the house and make friends or lose weight. If you can't your too weak. Period. And there's nothing wrong with that. Find something to cope with and not alchohol and drugs like the 1 idiot said even if it's just lying to yourself everyday. Ever notice how people laugh when they get hurt even though they're clearly in pain. My point.

The depression is your body telling you that you need to make a change with your life. Dont ignore it. Pay attention to it. Start exercising. At least 30 minutes a day. Really who the fuck cant dedicate 30 minutes to their own fitness a day? Get in better shape. Best of luck.

Also this but if your mind is to weak to force change medication may be needed. No not pot that's the absolute stupidist thing I hear all the time. Stay away from Prozac and lorazapam and the such they completely ruin anyone I've ever had tell me they took them. Vitamins and lots of water with small doses of upers not stabalisers. BTW social worker fag again. Not a MD but just what I've seen. Also if you use a headset take on your games take it off. You may be addicted to extreme social contact with a safe distance which could be destroying your interactions in everyday life

where are you from op, and what is your weight and height?

Dude, weight is 99% an issue of diet.
If you wanna lose you gotta choose carefully what you eat.

Now for the vidya part do what makes you happy, if you dont wanna play how about learning to program?
or psychology?
These apply to video games and have real life value

So many badass games out now.
But walk water wruits wegetables

But I'm exhausted in no time and every move feels clunky

Being rural is a positive thing. Just go walk around the woods and shit, might feel more comfortable without everyone watching you. Also start small, most people fail because they think week 1 they have to workout 5 days a week only eat chicken and veggies and shit. Jus go for a walk a few times a week your first week. Limit your soda to maybe 1 can with dinner, then slowly fade it out. I know your fat ass loves soda but that shit is the worst.

Slowly get yourself into a routine. Building your exercise up, then join a gym if theres one close.

Dont give up hope buddy. I believe in you.

He’s almost there.

It starts with building confidence, then skills, then more confidence, then controlling every part of your life you can and then, if he did everything right, he will leave this website and live a happy, fulfilled life

But I don't want to make friends. I had many friends in school but the minute I was done with school I could finally be alone and enjoy the solitude


People who are full of energy are always moving.

Bodies don’t just do things, they adapt to the situations we put them in.

Also, stop fapping, stop eating/drinking so much sugar and get more salt in your diet

>get more salt in your diet
OH no no no no no

>still thinking salt is bad

Create a sign (even just a paper one) where you check a box each day you exercise at least 10 minutes. Post this on a wall by your TV & games.

People are strangely motivated by ticking off boxes, and it helps you remember 1) that you need to exercise and 2) how long it's been since the last time you checked a box.

No matter what, it's gonna suck ass at first. It's not easy to power through it, but that's exactly what you need to do.

This. It's a lot easier to not eat 100 calories than it is to burn 100 calories. Fix your diet and the weight will disappear.

Serious advice to you and anyone else who needs it. Ive been there, baby steps man. Take it a little bit at a time. Congradulate yourself on every small victory. “Hey i got out of bed this morning before 8 am! Yay me” “hey i walked a mile purely for health reasons, yay!” Shit like that will help. Its not instant and you only get out what you put in but keep working. It will happen. Never give up to that asshole of a vouce in your head telling you that you cant. You can, you just need a little effort to get the ball rolling.