Best way to kill yourself? Looking for painless, not messy, and quick. Tired of living

Best way to kill yourself? Looking for painless, not messy, and quick. Tired of living

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Breath from car exaust

that bag thing with the helium.

go to sleep
die peacefully


Don't do it user.

it sounds like you are having a hardtime.

maybe you should reach out to someone?

OD on pills+alcohol and tie a bag over your head. Pills+alcohol kill you and your liver and bag makes sure you die but you pass out from lack of oxygen and dont feel it.

The bag over your head also will contain any and all vomit that may or may not happen, thus making it very clean.

of old age, rich and with a whores mouth on your cock

either do it or fuck off i'm sick of you people wanking to the people who tell not to do it

This is the best way

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I think people would benefit and the outcome out weighs the cons. I can give my family all my money
I dont have a garage and dont wana get caught. Im thinking of a place to park

If you cant think of the way to do it, you definetly wont do it.

Im thinking i can. I just know when it comes down to it, naturally, i might back down. So if i do it while drunk, i think ill follow through. I just dont wana have my family see me a mess. If i could disappear, i would but no idea how that could happen

Quickest, painless; shotgun through mouth towards brain stem. Don't think just barrel in mouth, do it and it is over.

Oh, the "not messy" part. Meh, go in the woods, queer.

How long does it take to get a gun in california?

Fuck if I know, where I live I can go into a sporting goods store and walk out with a shotgun and box full of ammo quicker than I could shit and wipe my ass.

Might do this honestly. I just dont want my family seeing me obliterated

I'm the user you replied to, same here. I'm just seeing where life goes for now. I'll wait for my folks to pass before making any brash decisions if things don't get any better before then. I'm trying my best, and you can, too.

Theres nothing for me dude. I dont care enough about my familys sadness if i go. Theyll be fine. I wana die everyday and i see no reason to keep going

Take metal wire, and make a noose. Get on top of a large building. Once you've secured the wire around your neck, glue your hands on either side of the head. Jump.

Super original. Do it yourself brainlet faggot.

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Devil May Cry 5 comes out in a week you idiot, buy a ps4, play it, and realize what life truly means.

Really? DMC 5 is what you got? DMC is SHIT dude and it has been SHIT since after 3.

Die in battle with the enemies of your people.

heroin overdose

I feel same way everyday. It's hard but think about who it would affect.

I guess you haven't seen literally any of the trailers huh

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We're alive at the best fucking time throughout all of history. Never has there been a time when so many new experiences were available at such a close distance. Imagine all the foods that are available, the ease in which to travel and the availability of information and resources. If you're tired of living your life then you should change your life not end it. Write a bucket list of thing that seem almost impossible. It'll give you goals. Once you have goals you have direction. It's hard work but it's worth it!

I can guarantee that using any of that money would bring them great pain and sorrow. Im sure you have lots of people who love you user, sometimes there are bad times. If there weren't then we wouldn't have good times. Darkness without light is an abyss, lightness without darkness is blinding. You must have bad times now so you can have good times later. Always look out for number 1, sometimes its good to be selfish.

literally just running a bit helps, exercise is good for a reason. Start walking if you're too fat. Try C25K from the app store.
All of this sounds strangely familiar. You won't do it OP, do this instead .

This. Would post the tutorial how-to but I'm too lazy to get my memory stick.

Doesn't work any more. Too many heroes used it and they started mixing just enough oxygen into the helium to not kill you.

Is it this?

Attached: suicide by helium.jpg (1239x795, 378K)

Yes, thank you based user. Sweet dreams OP, you were too good for this world. God knows I'll be joining you soon enough.

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Good night sweet prince

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grab a fucking shotgun do it Kurt Cobain style. Be sure to do some heroin before you do it.

I hope it's not too late but I just wanted to tell you that even though I'm a random person on the internet, I don't want you to do it, and I guarantee there's tons of people who also don't want you to

OP literally you have accepted death , now you're free to do as you please , just do it , go out ina blaze of glory and not as some fucking idiot in a car in his garage. At least go out after handling all your enemies for fucks sake