It's scientifically proven that the further you are from gravity the faster time moves and considering when you're dead...

It's scientifically proven that the further you are from gravity the faster time moves and considering when you're dead your consciousness most likely can't perceive gravity at all time should move infinitely fast and according to common logic you became conscious from literally being nothing before so the very instant you die you should be born into another state of consciousness. It could be anywhere in the infinite universes.

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If you're lucky you can be reborn into a "human" body while the earth still exists. Statistically you'll live the same life over again no matter how long it takes. Numbers we couldn't even imagine. But if it happens once the odds are it'll happen again 100% and even faster with slight variations of the same life. Much faster in fact.

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There's no escape. Everybody is afraid of dying but the truth is we're all doomed to live forever with infinite more lives being introduced at an astonishing rate. The best you can hope for is a comfortable life with high intelligence. We might even be as dumb as worms compared to other forms of life we can't comprehend but are doomed to live as one day. Imagine feeling sympathy for the though of being human alone. The truth is it would most like be so irrelevant you wouldn't even think about it.

Whenever you're feeling down and want it to end just remember you can always sit in a dark room and watch anime. It's better than living the life of a slug. Gambling your odds at something similar or better to the life you live now is a long shot even though it will eventually happen.

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If the Big Bang theory is true anytime there's enough void a "Big Bang" will happen which statistically should happen the same way every time because complete void is literally 100% the same conditions the last one happens in with no variation which means an exact copy of earth and everybody who has ever lived is being created infinity at all times. Which consciousness you enter should be completely random though. You've probably lived as everybody and every life form on this earth billions of times and that's only this earth with this specific Big Bang.

When I say "this earth with this specific Big Bang" I mean the replica earths and other planets that hold life because it should be impossible to be multiple consciousness at once although living a coulple hundred/thousand lives in the same copy isn't impossible just not at once unless everybody is one conscious at different times but that theory is way to complex to explain although it's my favorite.

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It’s a reminder to you all that you're doomed to a never ending series of changing consciousness. If a never ending form of consciousness existed it would have already happened at a time so long ago you wouldn't even be able to comprehend it.

I believe we're all the same consciousness living in different bodies at different "times" and time is something we've or you've created to convince yourself you aren't alone in the universe but whenever I try to logically explain it I get anxious because I can't get all the information out before people leave but in a small way it kind of plays into what you just said even though theoretically I'm explaining it to a version of myself who hasn't thought of it yet.

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This is referring to the "eternal black" that everybody is scared of aka the boogeyman of intelligent consciousness even though it's literally impossible due to consciousness and time existing in the first place.

The only thing keeping you attached to the flow of time is your body and consciousness which gravity effects. Once you 404 you will accelerate at an infinite speed because you'll have no attachment anymore and just the same why you seemingly magically were chosen into the consciousness you're experiencing now from literally nothing and no place you'll instantly be "reborn" into a new one even if it may not be ideal. Chances if you're reading you you rolled a Yahtzee so it's best not to waste it and just enjoy life.

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It's already proven that time is different depending on how much gravity you're experiencing and time is relative. Just because people are walking around you could theoretically be the only consciousness not experiencing nothing at the moment until you die and move on in which case you'll be born into another and maybe even see your old self walking around experiencing nothing at the moment.

The odds of you being born and conscious in the universe should be impossible considering at one point nothing (supposedly) existed. The fact that you were born and are conscious meant it's possible no matter how small the odds which means given an infinite amount of time it will continue to happen 100% as long as it's possible within the law of the universe. Now it's a proven fact that the further you get from gravity the faster time speeds up which is why they adjust the clocks on satellites and the only reason you can experience time is because you're conscious in the first place. If you die you won't experience gravity or time because gravity of consciousness won't effect you anymore so you can appear again as a consciousness at any point in the future, past or present because it's possible and given enough time which you will not even experience and experience all at once it's 100% likely you will never experience a single moment of not existing ever because being conscious is possible.

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This is possible because when you don't exist there is no speed limit. The speed of light which is theoretically the fastest speed possible doesn't apply if you don't exist. Therefore although you won't exist for one second to maybe time we couldn't even imagine you won't experience a single second of it

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In a way consciousness is kind of a god and it's all one and it's you (us) separated by time which gives the illusion that multiple people are existing at once.

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Consciousness might have created everything or it might just be a byproduct of the infinite universes. That's the real question. It's impossible to say that anything is even real but I guess by definition it wouldn't be if the first is true and If the latter is true it would be.

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