Angry Bernie is coming to tax the super rich and provide healthcare and free college to all Americans! Only quads can...

Angry Bernie is coming to tax the super rich and provide healthcare and free college to all Americans! Only quads can stop his reign of terror!

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I don't want to stop him, I'm voting for him. it's an absolute crapshoot who is able to be rich and poor and has nothing to do with anyone's character or ability, it's time the system evolved.

>Has nothing to do with anyone's character

Wrong!!! I'm really lazy and absolutely determined to do nothing. So I learned very basic marketing skills and target computer illiterate business owners and charge them a commission to run marketing campaigns. It's all autopilot.

Average 1000 a month per client. I'm rich. Because I'm really, really lazy and predatory. And I think this outlines our system quite well.

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My dream ticket is Bernie for President, Tulsi for VP. Whether or not that will be a reality is the question.

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Imagine giving a shit about billionaires. People in the 'richest,' 'greatest' country in the land are literally dying from a lack of affordable health care, or in some cases goddamn drinking water. The billionaires in the private sector could have fixed this for the last 50 years. That's how capitalism is supposed to work, right? Trickle down and all that? Instead they've done everything they can to hoard wealth and pay zero taxes. So fuck 'em.

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the fuck? you just proved me right.

This. When is the last time a candidate for anything actually did what they said? The government does what the 1% 'donor base' wants, we mean shit all.

Bernie exists outside that system to some extent, that's why the Dems shut him down in the 2016 primary.

Bernie is my nigga. Check my social-democratic dubs.

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No, I didn't because the fact I'm lazy and clever and predatory is precisely why I'm rich. You said it has nothing to do with character and I'm saying it has everything to do with it.

The rich are just lazy entitled people who don't want to work who out themselves in or.landed in a position they can ride on the backs of others.

The system is broken, but it doesnt have "nothing to do with character" friendo.

Oh shit

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Any extent he's outside that system will immediately change to inside, when he goes looking for campaign donations. That's why we're so screwed with this system. A lot of people voted Trump because, "He's an outsider." Look at him now, we may as well have elected a turnip.

Feels vs reals

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I see, well the point I was implying is that people with any character including shitty character like yours often become rich, which clashes with the normal conservative belief held by almost everyone who uses this site, that the rich are good people who work hard and deserve what they have.

look at this fat fuck who is it

liberals on socialism!
>pic related

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alex jones from infowars

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