Do you think the federal govt should make pot legal in all 50 states?

Do you think the federal govt should make pot legal in all 50 states?

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my father used to grow this shit and I started smoking it ten years of my fucking life, this shit was dumb

In the UK too please. In fact, the whole world should. It would be a much better place to live. Let's ban alcohol while we're at it.

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Literally the only thing I like about the democrats

Nope. Some states yeah but all of them? Nope.

>should we be legal?
>no because I’m not able to control myself

You know you’re a faggot right? I’m alcoholic. Although I haven’t a drink in seven years I’m still an alcoholic and always will be. Do you think I would say to anyone with a straight face “alcohol prohibition clearly worked and we should bring it back”?

I believe in state's rights but since that ideology has pretty much gone to shit, I guess yeah.

>let’s ban alcohol while we’re at it

You know they tried that once right? How old are you?




That chart is dog shit. How is weed above the likes of Benzos, Butane and Ketamine? What the fuck damage does LSD do to the user? There is zero addiction or side effects from acid. The psychedelics shouldn't be anywhere on that list.

Yes, even if its illegal its still easy to get. Decriminalize, tax that shit and live and let live

I actually agree with everything you said

>does insane amounts of damage to teenage brains
>no effective way to test if people are driving under its influence with existing tests which only look for existence at all over several months
>it's just another way for the populace to burn money wasting their lives
>still fucks up your lungs because, wow, inhaling fire isn't good for you no matter what
>a bunch of losers have led a nation wide campaign to promote it's acceptance on the basis of medical issues and exploited those issues because they're just burn outs that want to get high

I think it should be decriminalized, and that it should be available for medical use. There is literally no argument for why it should be completely legalized beyond "b-but, I wanna get high!"

Go ahead and compare it to alcohol all you want, but alcohol is processed relatively quickly by our bodies, is very easily tested for, and a person's level of intoxication can be measured immediately. We cannot do that with pot and have no available mechanisms for it.

Want to know where pot is completely legal? Only 3rd world shit holes, and Canada. And not even that many 3rd world shitholes

The Fed doesn't "legalize it" like they're passing a law. It just has to be removed from the FDA's list of schedule 1 drugs.

At least medical weed should be legal everywhere. Lots of old people have ailments that are eased by weed, and opiate users can usually switch to weed for pain. Also very good for PTSD.

Hur dur i wanna get high.
Hur dur i wanna get drunk.
Whats the difference?
Why should the government be able to control everything fuck them. Weed cant kill you directly but Tylenol can and its legal Go fuck yourself.

god I can't wait for the next global war

No. The Federal Government should not be able to dictate the law in the states. I'm not a fan of government in general, but even less so big government. I understand the need for both state and federal governments, but I would almost always rather err on the side of personal liberty. You want to own a gun and smoke some weed? Go for it. You want to have an abortion and identify people based upon the sexual organs they were born with? Go for it. Any time anyone says "Should the federal government do X", I think you should examine it very closely. Letting powerful people exercise that power just reinforces their ability to do what they want regardless of what YOU want, and I think that should be considered carefully before you scream that you want them to do something, because next time the federal government forces everyone to do something, it very well might be something you do not agree with.

Who is to say We ALL aren't waiting for it? I personally believe if you are on this site, You are on some level a fucking Doomer lawl...

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