The 'bi' in 'bisexual' means LGBTQ agree there are only 2 genders. Checkmate

The 'bi' in 'bisexual' means LGBTQ agree there are only 2 genders. Checkmate.

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learn the difference between sexuality and gender you fucking rudy poo

Go to /lgbt/, most anons will agree with you

found the sped genderkin

No bi means that you are attracted to two genders.

I.e. just because a bicycle had two wheels doesn't mean a tricycle can't have three.

so why arent Octosexuals or Trisexuals for example, represented ? I only see bisexual.

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when the term bisexual came into use gender and sex were the same thing, and there were only two. at least that was the general interpretation. later our understanding of gender changed but our term for bisexuality remains the same

The separation of gender and sex is ridiculous. Well the way it’s trying to be pushed now anyway.

From what I can tell, it just reinforces the idea of gender roles being innate to a person - and people who “feel” like they don’t have the specific gender roles of their sex then they want their own special little category.

and whats that term?

Not sure you understood his point there pal

I dont understand the point because I asked what their term is for 'bisexual'? Are you having a stroke, user? Im genuinely concerned.

>sexuality is based off what GENDER you are attracted to
>Bi means 2
Take your anal beads out and look at real information please

>attracted to BOTH genders
Checkmark tranny lover

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>the term bisexual
Bisexual is the term you autist.
Hes just saying the term didn’t change

But the definition did?

Lel try harder faggot

But the Q is for Queer, which adds another gender.
Bisexuals are typically attracted to conventional male + female, either of whom can be trans.
This is complicated stuff, because everyone subjectively isn't wholly committed to a set thing.
A heterosexual for example isn't attracted to ALL women or men.

If you put any stock in those political alignment grids, it's similar in that no one is either LEFT or RIGHT wing, but a blend of many different ideas that lead to different parts of a spectrum.

why do lesbians fuck each other with plastic dicks?

I don’t care for the lgbt community but it actually makes sense that they use plastic dicks. That’s just how the architecture of their pussy works.

You’re basically saying
>I don’t like orange juice
>but why do you drink water through the same mouth hole?

I demand that you call me toaster-kin.

I thought I was the only one!

Lets go toast shit.

Pfft they're all gay anyway

Ah I see you fallow bill nye the engineer guy

You made me want to drop out of my engineering degree with one post.

Wait. How many bread slots do you have?

I'm sure once you start your first job you'll agree with what you just said.

Yeah but arent they all 'queer'? Why even mention it? Also, I propose that bisexual be changed to multisexual because having bi in there is really contradicting the whole gender thing they got goin on. How am I supposed to know that bisexual includes CWC in a Dove commercial?


You can't /thread your own post no matter how gay it is.

Only 1, oof.

To me the whole genderkin thing is an excuse to pretend to be trans, a lazy trans who cant commit, and dont even shave the 5 o clock shadow peaking out from what usually appears to be clown makeup. Its all real Buffalo Billy feeling.

Can I fuck your slots If I do?
>i in there is really contradicting the whole gender thing they got goin on.
Women= Blue, Men = Red
A bisexual is attracted to both Red and Blue
Some prefer Red more to Blue, others vice versa.
A Queer isn't red or blue, maybe green for sake of analogy.

B-but, I toast from there.

not OP but whatevs
btw, pic related is disgusting abomination and the real lgbt needs to reign this dumpster fire in

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Agreed. However I've seen some college students say there's about 100 variations now. They're living in their own little world.

I was kidding. I’ve wanted to drop out since I started.

Bread sluts are a social construct


how do i know if the bi likes green or not tho?

>You can’t put me in a box and label me!

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Are you kink shaming me?

bigender and non-binary?

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Gender and sexuality are different things you fucking retards.
One signifies what you physically are and the other signifies what you're sexually attracted to, respectively.
I don't even agree with that whole born in a different body thing, but how can you faggots be so dense?
You can be a woman (gender) attracted to a woman (sexuality).
Kek, idiots reject all ideas that seem liberal simply because they seem liberal, when its a fucking fact that they simply dismiss

Not sure you understand OP pal.
Here’s his argument:
>Bisexuals are attracted to 2 genders.
>There must only be 2 genders.
Show me where he’s mixing up gender and sexuality again?

gotta butter that sweet ass up first

well i only support the first 3 letters in Lgbtq+(whatever the fuck its called now) anyway

You ask them.

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I was referring to the second comment where people were denying there's no difference between them both.
There are only two genders, I agree with that.

I literally never saw anyone say that but then again I don’t fully read every post.

Would help if you tagged the post you were referring to in your first post though

You mean like 'hey boy....hey...hey you....hey a little bi curious?'

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"Wan sum fuk"

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So its official.. LGBT should be LGMT. Bi means 2, Multi means 2+, drop the Q because theyre all queers.
Oh shit wait a minute weve got another problem here. Trans means physically changing to male or female. Again it suggests only 2 genders. Fuck me.

All I know is I'd fuck Elon and Elon as a catgirl

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