>No spaceships
>No Moon bases
>No Mars landing

What went so horribly, horribly wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


the military industrial complex.

LibTards thought it was more important to subsidize hood-rats.

This. Average citizens can't comprehend how important space is; feelings are much easier.

The 'Great Society'. It was the beginning of the end of America.

Socialism. People think if their society is happy, it must be a good system. They think breaking even is good enough. History will forget the nations who follow this path.

religions are slowing us down.

Attached: i uhn know.png (560x407, 13K)

Religion had a much stronger presence during the space race. Despite promoting stupid ideas, religion can be an effective motivator. Not to imply the space race was motivated by religion; of course it wasn't.

no religion = no sience

how stupid people can be to miss this concept

Obama cut the budget to nasa. Also, there's no huge incentive to do it; the space race and beating Russians was the incentive into space/the moon. Having a moon base would be expensive and wouldn't accomplish much with current science

Also no 800 year dark age

Wasn't religion that caused the dark ages, dumbass.

Yuh huh


You'll have to show me where you took the logical leap there. Just because the learned men of early science happened to also be religious does not mean religion is responsible for science. It means people who were observant were responsible for science, and were also, on an unrelated note, often religious because EVERYONE was or at least claimed to be during the enlightenment period.

Then what

Except we have all those things except moonbase, which would be pointless because iss

Most of the human race decided to focus on GDP growth and consumption rather than progress and doing cool things that humans actually take pride in

>No spaceships
>No Moon bases
>No Mars landing
How is that bad? Sounds like fulfillment of conservative/anti-globalist dreams.

If man was able to travel the stars he would have a city on the moon already. I think space is fake, it is as real as harry potter.

>we have all those things except moonbase
We have nothing significant that we didn't have 1000 and 2000 and 3000 years ago, except mass surveillance (mobile phones and the Internet).

Humanity made a brief progress when it embraced liberalism. Then Yea Forums happened. Humanity abandoned space exploration for the memes.

>Wasn't religion that caused the dark ages,
Yeah, because Rome, Greece, India and Egypt all were religion-free.

Maybe China may lay some claim to having been religion-free.

Obvious projection.

>Not colonizing space
>Not vying for control of spacevwith other nations
>Not exploiting resources and selling them at a premium

Ur dum

And what resources are those, exactly?

Think of how many people would want to do a moon trip in their life and how much some crazy ones would pay.

Imagine the US if, in the 1950s, all non-blacks moved out because their home countries were crumbling. The only heirarchies or institutions of power left would be the Black Southern Baptists and a whole bunch of gangs. The only people left pretty much with a shred of an education would be the church. Nobody would know how to build any of the stuff they used, and would continue to use existing infrastructure until it collapsed.
There would be no knew growth whatsoever. People still trusted the church and they feared gangs so they logically turn to the church for guidance and emotional support. This power wasn't taken, it was given. Of course the church ended up with immense power in a short period of time and we all know absolute power corrupts.

This is literally what happened to Europe following the collapse of the (Western) Roman Empire


That's why it's been republicans who have generally gutted NASA budgets far too many times to even count.

That's why it was republicans killed the SSC in Texas, which would have been a super collider to dwarf the LHC of CERN's.

That's why the republicans have actively gone against common sense and science more times than you can reasonably count.

Look, I disagree with like 80% of the lib movement? But put the blame where it belongs. Since the 70s it's been the republican habit to cut science funding.

We didn't keep on with landings because it was no longer "IF we don't do it now, the Russians will". People became more concerned with if queers could marry or if some woman has an abortion than with science and industry. Our technology spending is in the toilet compared to what it COULD be, but it's not "important" enough, so we spend money on bullshit military projects that fail miserably while friends of politicians make billions off our tax dollars.

Same as those on earth but in larger quantities?

>Same as those on earth but far more difficult, dangerous, and expensive to access?

>space emigration is good
A planet without borders is not a planet at all. Also space exploration is degeneracy because it's against nature. Also leaving your mother's planet is the most unpatriotic act imaginable.

#StopSpaceExploration #BuildWall

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lazy fucks like you and me exist

We can't even take proper care of our home planet, why do you think our luck would be better elsewhere if we take the problem with us?

You still need them if you want growth.

Maybe so, but it's better than having all your eggs in one basket.

There is absolutely no point in harvesting resources from space unless you are going to be using them in space. That way you are at least offsetting the cost of space mining with not having to launch Earthbound stuff. Bringing back things that we already have here is a pointless waste.

Yes we do have things here. But we have them in limited quantity. And if we need more things than what the Earth can provide then someone will have to go fetch them from space.

>lazy fucks like you and me
I see hardworking people every day. Do you seriously believe that they create progress?

Do you remember the other time when people worked hard? The Middle Ages. Wow, such development.

I'm pretty certain that hardworking people are the main reason why we are still stuck on Earth.

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Oh yeah, because we're running suuuuper low on silicon, nickel, and iron.

That's circular logic. A species capable of space conquest would obviously be a better species than the one you are describing. Don't be that species.

It doesn't matter if the eggs burn any basket you put them in

I think we've proven than a species can make the incredible strides in science and engineering necessary for space travel without having to acquire the understanding and respect for the ecology that sustains them that would ensure longevity on this or any planet. We're brilliant, impatient, and short sighted.

Men need to start doing fun stuff again, instead of making useless crap to keep stupid women happy.

Cite your work

In all honesty, if the best we can do with modern computers is Windows and Android and Netflix, we are not ready to become star sailors.

We need to learn to use the power that we already have.

We must learn computer programming first.

Good point.

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We didn't need no fancy compoo-tar programin' to get to the moon in the 60's.

Unfortunately this is true. There is no political party for conservatives in America. The Dems are just neoliberal extreme centrists, while the Republicans are pretty much just a political consulting firm for old money. They've shown again and again that they'll go back on their principals for just a little extra cash. The conservative base continues to stick with them: a because most of them are from a generation that listens to the media unquestioningly, and the talking heads that appeal to them tell them that the Republicans reperesant their best interests and b, the only alternative is a party so concerned with tokenism that they'll sacrifice political capital just because they believe it will put them on the right side of history

That's my point, kind of.

Imagine what an ancient engineer of the calibre of Pythagoras would do with our computers if he could calculate the dimensions of Earth with nothing but pencil, ruler and compass. Definitely more than us.

We have superfast electronic brains and we can't put them to a good use. Pathetic.

Obama cut nasa funding
Liberalism is cancer

basically this and with modern societies attitudes/distractions coupled with technological advances shortsighted things seem more alluring than long term ones.

Spineless liberalism is cancer. Obama was spineless liberal. We need more liberalism instead of less.

I have never read such ignorant bullshit as the content in this thread.

you are all fucking morons.


>stupid women

give it ten years dipshit

Based and redpilled. All these people claiming that muh socialism is the problem seem to forget welfare programs existed in the sixties, and we were funding a massive, pointless war. The only thing that's changed since then is that taxes for the mega rich have decreased significantly, and we've decided to subsidise private space exploration firms rather than have our own program

That's what they were saying eighty years ago.

I wanted to say this.

>50 years after the first Apollo Missions
>give it ten years
Good job, idiot.

No socialism. That just takes money from normal people and gives it to lazy people

They look like they could grow a beard.

Does that make you jealous?

Conclusion: we need more women with beards. LOL.


Yes, those women are so intelligent and powerful.
I guess we are all equal after all.

We've realized that with massive strides in our remote sensing technologies, there is a far more cost effective way to explore space.
Sending humans into space is just silly, and the only thing it accomplishes is so that they can stick flags on rocks, something that is ultimately pointless gesture.

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You know what happened. Baizuo.

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The Space Race was about ICBMs. Now that we have ICBMs and satellites, the assholes who control the discourse don't see any reason to go back to space.

Good point

The average tax payer household can't afford existentialism from an economy that forced both parents to work in order to survive and latch-key their children

Socialism or capitalism... either will work, as long as the society is free and educated. People in Africa don't have socialism and they work hard to survive. They should be so prosperous, right? What ruins Africa is corruption.

>it's the republicans who have been pushing for gay marriage and transgender bathrooms

Jesus Christ

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>we iz stahvin out heya!
>weighs 400 pounds

That poor oppressed starving melanoid kween. Look at her, she clearly hasn't eaten in hours! When will the madness end :,^(

>These issues somehow prevent space travel

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What ruins Africa is black peoples limited intelligence and lack of morals

Space conquest is just the first thing we think of when we reminisce about broken science-fiction dreams. But that's just a tip of the iceberg. We are backwards in every possible area. We have no cyborgs, no immortality, no time travel, no organ regeneration, no replicants, no teleportation, no supervision, no holodeck, no pyramid cities, no supersonic travel, no pneumatic mail... you name it.

Nice job responding to what i posted instead of giving me a reddit one liner based on a straw man


dirty racist

people legit waste billions of dollars that could be used to feed starving children in africa smdh don't you read the facebook articles??

This tbh. Watch a Chinese documentary called "empires of dust" about a chinese rail company building a railroad in Africa only to be constantly let down by the black workers, who at one point even steal a mirror off the gravel truck.

Liberals with their stupid fag rights and nigger rights. If US was like in the 50s when niggers and fags were murdered on sight we'd already find another earth alike planet with aliens

What's your point?

Lol wrong fallacy dickbrain

Honestly religion has alternately helped and hindered scientific progress to the point where id say it almost evens out and it doesn't have to much of an overall effect on progress.

At the very least id say not having religion wouldnt cause us to be thousands of years more advanced with technology.

My point is negation of your point.

Your point is that we don't have the things that we wanted to have because we realised don't need them. That's not true.

The church tortured Galileo for the heresy of suggesting that the Earth revolved around the sun. That didn't do the future of space travel any favours.

Copernicus was a priest. Catholic!

Sure, thats why we use and built the ISS... because we don't use it for research. Oof.

That's a pretty big leap to go from human space exploration to immortality and time travel.
Your point negates nothing but your own intelligence


Try again, idiot.

Last time I checked there were astronauts on the ISS. Not really sure what you're getting at

Ah yes, pneumatic tubes. The epitome of bleeding edge technology.

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We decided to cause our own extinction rather than exploded existence. I mean, why explore when there’s no money to be made? Money money money... a species dependent so dependent on its own creation that it has destroyed us all. We should be so PROUD

>i don't even know what a straw man is
Nice argument, genius.

Imagine typing this bullshit reply and honestly believing yourself to be at all intelligent. Pathetic. Dunning Kruger effect strikes again

I wanna see you two fuck so fucking bad.

Deal is clearly the bottom

Honestly? Nixon nerfed NASA and held us back for 40 years.

Because Obama didn't cut NASA funding either. Oops.

Both had wars to fund.

Repeat that back to yourself, slowly

>>>no u
>>no u
>no u

No u

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Read this as Jaws and imagined giant sharks leaping out of the ocean to snatch up our rocket ships.

How many hurr Durr does it herp to derp herp di Durr hurr

I didn't know this was a YLYL thread.

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An equally likely cause

Jews and subhumans.

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But it's true. Anyways my point is the church had the power in that area ONLY because every other power structure collapsed as they were all dominated by Romans. ALL learning and knowledge left with the Romans, it wasn't sucked out of brains by priests with straws.

They sound like smart women. He referenced specifically stupid women

Oh stfu go whine about your species limitations somewhere else. Fucking cry about not having the ability to fly while you're at it

And still ten times better than your fucking car.

Dis nigga know.

“Space Race” ...all that BS. It was never about some altruistic exploration or advancement of technology.

It was all R&D for the Military and free product development for Corps that blur the line between private and govt entities. (aerospace engineering, defense contractors and others who could buy and sell Senators and Congress men)

It’s not that we didn’t achieve the “goals” or “stopped trying” we accomplished what we set out to just fine.

Realizing the idea on the cover of some gay 1950’s science fiction magazine was never the goal.


It turns out money was a meme: it served nothing but its own reproduction.

Jokes aside, money is an humanised representation of energy. As such, it's part of the nature. There's unimaginable material wealth deposited for us among stars. There's no sound economic reason not to go there. The problem is that no one would know what to do with all that immense wealth. Not even Trump.


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He failed to reference smart women and stupid men.

Simplest answer, no one cares enough about space anymore.

We beat the russians to show we had a bigger dick then the cold war ended.

Nope, republicans are the ones cutting NASA funding, along with literally everything else except spending on the military.

>overthinking and perfectionsim is good
permavirgin detected

Yea Forums happened. Humanity abandoned the progress for the memes.

fuck the moon, it's more important you learn gender studies and pronouns.

We out-dickwaved the Commies, became Stalinists, and now we all live in a 1984 bad-end.

monks were literally the only people who could read, so i guess there is the tie?!

Marxists and Liberals aren’t considered mentally ill and institutionalized on sight.

They’ve burdened the private enterprise with so much regulation and taxation, to pay for social programs that don’t do anything but subsidise laziness, or corporations.