So this is my girl.
Tell me want to do to her and share your girl too.
So this is my girl
you bumped your fucking ugly tit thread? What is your attention whore issues little guy
ugly as fuck jesus we have the internet we can look at nice tits we don't need to see your collection of sagging shit tits
actually made me soft.....forever
Just trying to gain traction. Not many people on Yea Forums at. 6am.
gain traction? for what you idiot? this is B traction? did you really think before you typed that? if you need attention that bad go play in traffic
>tell me whet you'd do with her
Put her on a diet
Trying to get the Yea Forumsall rolling. There’s been plenty of saggy tit threads lately. Just thought I’d start something of with OC
how sad for you, you tried to gain "traction" and even with people shitting on you your never over page 4 sad