A year ago I was a single guy with no obligations besides work

A year ago I was a single guy with no obligations besides work

Now I live with my pregnant girlfriend, my alone time is already limited and it's going to get even worse when the baby is born

Honestly, I regret it all. I don't want a girlfriend or a child taking away "my" time

Sure I get sex daily, but it gets pretty boring with the same girl. Much better were the days when I was able to flip through pr0n to get my rocks off

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>complaining about starting a family
You sound like a nigger.

He's probably going to abandon his child like a nigger.

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I used to get annoyed with my girlfriend of like 7 years and want my space. Then she broke up with me and now I’d like nothing more than to be married to her and having a kid.

how far into the pregnancy OP?

you met her and got her pregnant within a year? good luck pal

Pure ayran at least as far back as my great grandparents

No, I understand what responsibilities are. I just don't want them

Wanna trade places mang?

4 months

Accidents do happen

OP im guessing you talked to her about it and she's keeping it and you are left with being with her and the child. If you really dont want it pray your ass off to get a miscarriage. Or talk to a person in pharmacy, sneak in the pill that terminates the baby and just wait it out

Question though OP, is she hot?

See, if I prayed for a miscarriage and it did happen I'd probably feel guilty

But let's just say if a miscarriage does happen I doubt I'll be phased

She's a solid 8/10 where as I'm a 5/10 at best

We both work decent jobs so she's not a pure golddigger

OP sounds like a nigger.

If you really dont want the child, youre gunna eihter have to go get that miscarriage or that antibaby pill that terminates the future child. Do you know anyone in pharmacy OP?

Stupid. You should know this beforehand.

Push her down some stairs lol


I'll trade with you. I don't even have work as an obligation right now.


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I feel pitty for your Kid. I hope that you die soon so it doesnt have to deal with a bullshitdad like you.

just give your wife some herbal tea and miscarriage the baby

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Jesus fuck dude. It’s not the end of the world. Sure you won’t be able to just do whatever the fuck you want, but you will still fall into a schedule and can make time for yourself. I have two with a 60-70 hour work week and still get time to fuck off on my own AND spend time with them. It’s all about time management and having a girl that understands people need time alone. There’s days I get to go out and ride my motorcycle, fish, or grab a six pack and play games in the PC with old friends and then there’s days where I’ll take the kids to our lake for the day and she can go off and do whatever she likes.

It’s not the end of the fucking world.