Hey all old Yea Forums users. Legitimately curious of how Yea Forums, and specifically this board...

Hey all old Yea Forums users. Legitimately curious of how Yea Forums, and specifically this board, was like in the days of old. Recount your tales for me kind strangers.

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Hitler did nothing wrong. I voted for Fapple.

same shit really, more desu and boxxy though

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Eat shit, faggot.

It was fucking great. Now it's a shithole of boring porn.

Everyone who was even slightly creative has moved to /gif/, Yea Forums, and /pol/

Less traps, more hand drawn memes, less porn in general if you can believe that, more duckrolls, more cheese pizza, virtually no sissy/swallow your own cum threads, more rickrolls, more metal gear, more milhouse, more EFG, more boxxy, more random acts of not-shittiness to innocent people, more chaotic acts of justice for those who were shit humans... Hm. I think that covers the majority of it.

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there was less shit compared to content. back then you might have to go through ten threads before you could find something worth reading. today it's more like fifty. i blame phoneposters.

more memes, more about the people of Yea Forums a lot less of the standard daily porn threads. Really feels like this board is run by horny bots now.

Less gay.

Other than that, the ratio of porn/homos/spam to actual random threads was much lower than now. Most threads were still shit, but the occasional gold existed unlike now when anything that isnt a 24/7 thread or porn quickly falls off the end and 404s with no replies.

You forgot more cats

I miss EFG.

Honestly, it hasn't really changed that much. It's kind of like stockholm syndrome... I keep hating it and complaining but I can't look away.

I liked foul bachelor frog and the spinoff, foul bachlorette frog. They kind of made me feel good when I saw something I wasn't doing.

fuck I did forget the cats.

We had lots of porn back then, thoughnot so much. You're claim of boring porn today is totally correct. Instead of giant tits, BDSM, and other semi interesting porn it's 95% beta orbited 4/10 Facebook friends pics that usually are shitty resolution and poorly taken.

Yea Forums was 85% good 15% fucking horrible

the name is mr. oldfag to you

What's it now?

Yea Forums was never good

Yea Forums had an unspoken set of rules and tons of references which were basically inside jokes. Oh, and tri forces


it seems like back then people did weird shit, I don't see many real time posts today which makes the less legendary I guess.

You could appreciate real Americans not you fucking niggers and spics, for the cwcs they are. You might want to ask about target and bennigan's