lost again :(
President Pence was the plan all along.
>Talks between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un wrapped up significantly earlier than expected Thursday, and the White House announced that no agreement had been reached between the leaders. A planned signing ceremony set for Thursday afternoon in Hanoi, Vietnam, was scrubbed
Is it game over for him?
>Is it game over for him?
No, not as long as 35% percent of the population remain clueless idiots.
Sounds like a lock-in.
What about him?
Nigga Hitler did not build that wall, the Russians did it
He wishes he was as cool as Hitler.
>the Russians did it
Well, if you're going to be a nitpicky smart-alec,
wasn't it actually the East Germans?
Cope harder racists.
Hitler was a good public speaker though
Inevitable: SDNY brings RICO act charges against Trump Organization. Criminal conspiracy, money laundering, bank fraud--a million broken laws operating under the watch of one person--just like the mafia. The real question is--does Trump have the balls to let Don Jr. hang or step down to save him? Is he THAT narcissistic? He might just son? He was barely involved in my business; whatever he did--he did.
Just seeing how Yea Forums reacts to a picture and just "trump"
... Yeah? The top 20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites. But 50% of whites have an IQ of less than 100. So 20% of blacks have IQs higher than 100.
Is this, like, an inverse troll? I can't tell if you're trolling yourself, or trolling people who think it's a troll by trolling the troll itself.
Early COBOL compilers were primitive and slow. A 1962 US Navy evaluation found compilation speeds of 3–11 statements per minute. By mid-1964, they had increased to 11–1000 statements per minute. It was observed that increasing memory would drastically increase speed and that compilation costs varied wildly: costs per statement were between $0.23 and $18.91
I don't think any of that is going to happen, because your premise is imaginary.
Nope. Everyone is about even actually.
>because your premise is imaginary.
>The New York attorney general filed a lawsuit against President Trump on Thursday, charging that he misused his charitable foundation for personal and political gains over more than a decade.
the top 20
liberals are worthless pieces of shit
the best con man of all time
Is a retard and the enemy.
lol, it's that forced-as-fuck unfunny meme. How droll.
The top 20 what? The top 20% of blacks are smarter than the top 20% of whites? Unlikely, since the whites will severely outnumber the blacks.
Top 20 smartest blacks are smarter than the top 20 smartest whites? Maybe, but I'd need a direct comparison of professional credentials in very specific fields. Is the smartest black astronomer superior to the smartest white astronomer?
Cognitively, black and white people have the same potential. The question is are there biological temperamental differences that might promote or inhibit the fulfillment of that potential? Black people tend to be more impulsive, which means they're less likely to plan long term, which means they're less likely to think abstractly, which means they're less likely to score well on cognitive tests. The data plays out that about 40% of the time, blacks score lower than whites on such tests, even when they're compared within the same income levels, extracurricular involvement, and family compositions.
Shitfaced gibbon panicked about the kickass Cohen testimony that drove the first of many nails into the subhuman traitor's coffin.
>Misuse of charity funds is the same as being a mafia boss
You idiot.
False. Hitler was intelligent and a good public speaker.
The controlling oligarchs of Russia run it like a mafia and are referred to as a mafia. There are records that show that no US bank has been willing to loan Trump a dime since the 90s because he's a retard who never pays anyone he hires. After that, the Russian mafia financed his properties and that was the hook that got him into high crimes. He launders money for them and sets up meeting places for them in his properties.
"In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets," --- Trump Jr.
"We don't rely on American banks, we have all the funding we need out of Russia." -- Eric Trump
"Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys [in Russia] that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time." -- Eric Trump
The very first thing Trump did when he was given the presidency by the operatives was release and weaken sanctions against the Russian Oligarchs. He had a secret meeting with a known Russia spy in the Oval Office. He compromised a Top Secret intelligence channel between US troops and Israelis to the Kremlin.
He's a fucking Russian asset. They've got him under complete control. Just look at the moron's posture coming out of the meeting in Helsinki.
Hillary's emails (and the DNC spreadsheets) were hacked and released specifically to harm the election. The ones who did it were Russian military cyber warfare operatives (NOT the troll web brigades who infest this site and social media). What they did was an act of war.
We also know, by the way, that the Russian operatives had finance dirt on the Republicans as well that they didn't release (that's collusion and proves intent). They also "hacked" the voter logs for several million voters in key swing states that the GOP "accidentally" left on a filesharing website. It's true. Look it up.
>A summary of the Cohen testimony
Appeal to emotion
Appeal to emotion
Baseless accusation
Appeal to emotion
Baseless accusation
A check written to the amount of $35,000, to the purpose of a baseless accusation
Appeal to emotion
Baseless accusation
Old news that turned out to be baseless accusations
Inference of unethical behavior proposed in the manner of a baseless accusation
Appeal to emotion
Appeal to emotion
Appeal to emotion
Appeal to emotion
Yeah, nails in the coffin. A 4 hour testimony where the only evidence provided was a check that Cohen received for unknown reasons, but which Cohen promises was a hush money reimbursement. What a waste of fucking time.
He is not a bad fellow, though an absolute imbecile in his profession.
Your derangement and hysteria are showing. There is literally no evidence for anything that you've said.
Soo...he was behind of all that..
Op here, all i did was post a picture and the word trump.
>I have no idea what RICO is
>but I don't let that stop me from defending my guy on the internet
All I did was post a headline from tonight's Fox News with an image of a Trump tweet from last year.
As a liberal with stage 5 TDS, I will give Trump a credit for making a progress with Kim Short Dong. I just hope Kimmie doesn't make a fool out of Trump like he is.
>hasn't read the news in the last hour
if the top 20 percent of blacks are smarter than 50 percent of whites. Then there are 80 percent of blacks that are dumber than 50 percent of whites..
Good stuff. Can you imagine how much worse people would take an angry public crowd if it wasn't antifa. I mean look at the violent attacks they carry out, most countries would start machette attacks against those crowds once they went home.
Holy fuck. You're right. I just checked the news. It doesn't look good. Fuck.
>ha ha ha look at all these pathetic partisans who bend everything to their own ideology!! lol
>if only they saw life the REAL way!
We're not going to die from NK, they have their game to play.
It just shows that even Kim Jong Un can play Trump.
>if the top 20 percent of blacks are smarter than 50 percent of whites. Then there are 80 percent of blacks that are dumber than 50 percent of whites..
It implies you can't draw any conclusions about intelligence based on the skin colour of an individual.
Agreed. When I said it doesn't look good, I meant the progress to freeing the North Koreans. The progress to ending the war. The progress to reunification (it doesn't mean making both countries the same, just that they can freely move around.)
someone should make a thread where it starts off with trump, but gets more orange and distorted with each post
New York Post today
Matt Gaetz Under Investigation by Florida State Bar Over Michael Cohen Threat
NBC News 3 hours ago
Eight Republicans side with Dems on background checks for gun sales.
The Hill today
Gun Control Legislation: House Passes Sweeping Bill
NPR today
Vernon Madison - Supreme Court orders new hearing for Vernon Madison
CBS News today
Chief Justice Roberts joins liberals in court's ruling for death row inmate today
Six Key Takeaways From the Michael Cohen Hearing
Wall Street Journal today
Democratic freshman lawmaker Tlaib raises specter of racism during Cohen testimony
Accusations of racism swirled Wednesday...
Fox News today
Doctor shot by patient in wheelchair in Florida VA hospital, FBI says
NBC News 2 hours ago
FBI: Doctor shot by patient at West Palm Beach VA Medical Center
WPEC 5 hours ago
Texas Secretary of State David Whitley at his confirmation hearing in Austin.
NPR today
Reps. Tlaib and Meadows clash during Michael Cohen testimony
The Daily Beast today
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's line of questioning at Michael Cohen's hearing is earning her praise. Here's how it could affect Trump and his businesses..
Business Insider today
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez fires back at Ivanka Trump's comments on her Green New deal and minimum wage
CBS News today
Virginia first lady criticized for handing cotton to black students on mansion tour
>I'm not seeing anything
You realize that Kim fucked off recently?
he probably thinks cuddling with kim will save his ass.
I would fistpump if someone threw a molotov into that crowd.
You'd fistpump that man on the ground who spreads his legs while he's on fire?
Interesting fetish you got there.
>pretend to like democracy
>violently attack everyone you disagree with
does not support the rave