Parents are poor

>parents are poor
>born in the middle of nowhere
>literally 7 hours from anything
>never been anywhere happy or cool
>Im in the middle of nowhere with nothing but other small towns like 20 miles away
>parents never bought me a car or did anything for me so i was already completely fucked on top of being completely fucked
>get a dui over one hit of weed because Im black basically and targeted by the whites
>all i want is to move to a big city
>impossible because parents are poor
>no car parents take all my money no savings from my parents
>finally get a shit load of money with 0 resources just because Im a super genius
>black out get arrested for a dui on accident was pretty much just god sabotaging me because i broke out of poverty despite him ruining my life 24/7
>get longest probation sentence ever because Im black and i had that one dui over one hit of fucking weed
>stuck living in broken down house with parents in shitty ptsd hell wishing for death and destruction every day
>talk to chad from my town
>he spent all of high school partying and fucking hot girls
>his mom married some rich dude
>moved to bigger city in a better warmer climate
>they get him a job selling cars so he makes a good amount of money without having to get skills or go to college
>his parents bought him cars and shit all through high school they bought him expensive shit he didnt have to work for
>gets to race dirt bikes and shit like that becuase his parents werent poor
>got jobs easy because he had a car and was chad
>tell him i got a dui and my life is ruined and fucked
>just tells me he got caught driving drunk once and the cop just told him to go home and not do it again
>i pretty much have lost my license my entire adult life for things that arent my fault and my parents were too poor for me to ever pay off some 500 dollar fine

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How much cash did you have and how? Sorry about being black and stuff

well your really in a pickle there bud.

join our discord no rules H3fYUhj

Life is not equal for everyone. Everyone has to deal with their own frame. Stop comparing yourself with people who had an easier life, believe me that there are enough people who had it worse. It doesnt matter if they live in the same neighbourhood or not. And your problems are always defined by the goals you have set for yourself. Being humble and grateful is what makes life easier, not just by solving your current situation.

complaining and blaming everyone/everything else wont fix your life. you dont have to be product of your suffering. get up and stop crying like a bitch, join the army, work a few jobs or go up in management so you can make money and get out of there. lying down and hurting will never fix your issues.

there's always fortnite

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Fuck you, your copypasta and all the tards who continue to fall for it.

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I just wanna live in a big city but I can’t even do that

Stop posting

>can't even
Well me neither. You are not entitled to that, then. Who cares.

>Inb4 fixes issue
>New problems arise
>"muh can't even do that"

I made a shit load of money and dedicated my life to it and got arrested as soon as I could

Once the dui is sorted out and you get your license back save up for a decent van to live in deck it out with any cool shit/possessions you have. Live in it, go to the city and get 20$ gym membership so you have a place to shower.

Not gonna happen man I got a lifelong probation sentence

You made the concious decision to take a hit of weed and go out and drive. That's your own fucking fault you moron.

So it's God's fault for sabotaging you over your choice to drive drunk? You're a faggot. Own your mistakes and stop blaming reality for what is clearly your own fucking fault. If you weren't a fucking idiot, this wouldn't be a problem.

I didn’t drive drunk

Two DUI dude strikes again. A thread died for this.
No man, it was pills or weed or something.

Accidentally overdosing isnt the same as chugging a shit load of beers and going fuck yeah lets go drive

Still earns you a DUI both times, idiot.

Either way a dui wouldnt be punished this harshly for anyone else

It would in my state. How many of these threads do you have to post before you stop whining?

How do I know which lawyer I can get to get me off it

How the fuck should we know? Ideally, one that costs the most money. Realistically, you're not getting off on this. Weren't you sentenced a long time ago? You've been posting the same whine thread for what seems like a year. First on adv, then here.

I wanna get the probation shit switched to unsupervised not have them be like alright all charges dropped and I’ve been on good behavior and have money

How the fuck should we know who you should hire? Hire a criminal attorney. See if you can get Ken Starr. On an unrelated note, do you know which carpenter I should hire to redo some doors?
I'd also like to point out that you've been posting thread after thread of wanting to leave where you are. That seems like a solid plan to get arrested.

I meant how do I find one not their name

waaaaa I did nothing and didn't work hard and now my life hasn't improved waaaaa

How are you even asking that in 2019? That thing you're using to jack off and whine can also be used to find goods and services. Or, find a fucking phone book.

I mean i can find lawyers on google but theres no way to know if they’re good or not

It’s not like living in civilization like a normal person where a lawyer is well known and their name rings bells and shit

Stop being a pussy. Reputation isn't a thing when there are a million lawyers. Call one and get a consultation. And stop fucking posting this blog. You get the same advice every time and it's never a pity party.