#justiceforleafy and for the best year (2016)
#justiceforleafy and for the best year (2016)
I miss the duder. Wasn't such a dense riding cuck like the rest and made awesome videos speaking his mind for the most part.
What even happened to him?
he was an edgelord faggot just like the rest of you, thats the only reason why you liked him. although he did call other faggots out so that was cool.
He just left,he didn't feel respected on the platform. He started investing in stock, all that good stuff. Check out the dramaalert interview
All of you are too fucking young to be on this site!
Fuck me are you kids reallly here crying over some fgt YouTuber?
Leafy was a Jew kike, but a smart one. Took his shekels and ran after the content cop video killed his channel.
2016 best year
imagine just running into him at the grocery store
>awesome videos speaking his mind
>repeating yourself 30 times so your video runs over ten minutes and saying literally every sentence.
pick one faggot.
Leafy is a no chinned cunt.
>be me
>run into leafy while dragging through this thing called life
>autism spikes
>”ah, it’s the no chinned faggot.” I laugh to myself.
>no chinned nig starts to cry.
>I stop and release that I said it out loud and he heard.
>begin to laugh again because he ran off crying
And that’s the story of the one encounter I had with the no chinned cunt. Lol. If you see this leafy, please stop crying. I can only laugh so hard.
Comparing him to current soyless niggers who reupload dead memes and ylyl 4 shekels I couldn't care less how much he repeated himself. Not to mention I never focused too much about the rambling since a lot of the time I let his videos play in the background whist I did something else.
>there is bad content on youtube
>so i will watch this particular bad content instead of actual good content
Good content according to who?
Get real nigger.
monitoring this thread to see how under aged and niggerdly Yea Forums has become
its basically a middle school full of feminist and cuck teachers
faggot haircut, complete beta look, lame content=youtuber.
Why are zoomers always praising some litteral faggot
Didn't ldubbz absolutely destroy him?
>talking about youtube
>looks term up on urban dictionary rather than youtube
RedLetterMedia? No nigger users do. Everyone has their taste.
some people eat their own shit too
Soo...he was behind of all that..
The best thing to come from leafy was that jailbait weaboo slut who wanted to fuck him and later turned into an e-thot. If leafy wasn't a faggot, he'd have had her ass on a plane set to come fuck him the day he she turned 18. But he's too much of cringey fag to actually have done it.
Like you.