I hate to sound racist or classist (I'm really not)...

I hate to sound racist or classist (I'm really not), but certain speech mannerisms really bother me (in a pet peeve kind of way). My coworker is like 50 years old and says "mines" like he's 5.

I have no problem with slang but when people talk like they're.

A few examples:
>we was
>you stupid (omitting "are" from things in general)
>excessive use of word nigga
>what she say

It is mostly either black people or Latinos who are obsessed with copying black people and sounding uneducated who do this. It bothers me more with the latter because it's faking the funk most of the time. Come on Latinos, do better if you don't want to be stereotyped as being stupid. There is zero benefit of you trying to act black.

>pic unrelated

Attached: hotblackchick4.jpg (1080x1349, 133K)

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What do you expect, when you talk to uneducated niggers and spics?

yep, ebonics suck

Attached: ebonics.jpg (640x501, 89K)

agree. one of the main reasons i hate 99% of blacks.

the ones that can speak actual fucking english tend to be worthy of the title of human, but most of them are practically animals

I want to know what exactly is the appeal of talking like that. For black people I understand but when Latinos do it's just corny. And socially limiting themselves

like this faggot

Attached: billy.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

because niggers and spics want to differentiate themselves from 'white' personally traits, like speaking grammatically correct, using correct pronunciation, working full time, paying taxes... etc.
makes it REALLY easy to spot them, and such, avoid them.

I'm not really asking about black people though, I give them a pass because that shit was passed down for generations. But for Hispanics, there is really no excuse

behavior is learned, not inherited, you mong...

In the case of black people, it is learned partially by their parents and older relatives.

But for Hispanics who have immigrant parents and don't live around a lot of blacks, they are clearly just copying rap music and black social media which is corny as fuck