What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Momo? Apparently it can cause suicide

What are Yea Forums's thoughts on Momo? Apparently it can cause suicide.

Attached: momo.jpg (810x539, 35K)

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has some nice feet

Why are people using her again? I don't think the thing causes suicide it's people sending videos to kids telling them to do stuff. The porn Is pretty good tho

GTFO normie scum

It's retarded and so are you faggot


Momo is the monster from birdbox

It's a hoax, made current by a few board anons. It's a meme, a joke, and anyone who belives any of the suicide stuff is actually occurring is part of the joke.

OP please give me a day to day on how it's like living with autism

I just heard about it.. OP here and havent had a PC in years.

Of the porn? Just look it up on rule34 or something

Attached: 2e5900cfee8a3f99e412410ff899e668-sample.jpg (891x1000, 115K)

It's a trend amongst kids. My niece and nephew have been talking about it for months. It's a just a 'scary' picture/story kids share at school.

Autism is great. I've just never heard of this till ten minutes ago.

I saw the fuggen bojrk guy suicide video when I was about 13. Kids these days are pussies. .

That's my thoughts.

This stuffs pretty old tho, it when she was first popular

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Don't think people draw her anymore either, or just not as much

I know bitches that look kinda like that.

Really tho it’s just some faggot tryin to spread his shitty character art and gay fake lore behind it.

Currently confused af
> Heard of this month's ago, knew it would pass
> Be on facebook today
> Normie friend with kids posts something from a serious news outlet talking about how "momo" caused dumb shit to happen
> Saying it pops up in kids youtube channels and shit like that
> Normie friends with kids commenting saying they've seen it appear between episodes of kids shows on various legit apps and shit

I think this is going to be one helluvan annoying meme for several months to come.

How do I play this mono challenge I need a reason to kill myself

Momo *


Go to the 3 minute mark

It's fucked up, because they are targeting unsuspecting easily scared children. Edge masters on here will claim its "funny" and "edgy" and "so cool".

Comment above is litttalry high functioning autistic

How the fuck did this get popular again? Did normies find it? I remember the original picture of the statue that chink made last year.


Some board fags started hacking kids YouTube videos and using the image. Parents caught on and are mad

I'd smash but I wouldnt hit it twice. Unless it talked back. #dishwasher

Oops looks like were both high functioning autist

fuck i keep thinking about my 3 year old brothers seeing this shit by having it pop up on autoplay while they're watching some peppa pig shite.
this is shit
they'd be traumatized

Mom finds suicide instructions hidden in videos on YouTube Kids | KATU

Momo is homo

Being yourself is a good enough reason, mate

You're not wrong

Attached: Snapchat-772040210.jpg (1242x2208, 108K)

Anybody who kills themselves over a shoop is doing humanity a favor.

It's not a shoop. It's a sculpture made by a Japanese artist in 2016..

Attached: Momo.jpg (443x799, 87K)

Honestly I thought Yea Forums was behind it. Photoshopped original post going to small news outlets, to celebrities tweeting, to full out chaos.

natural selection taking its course