Can someone explain to me why 10-14 year old girls like horses so much?
Can someone explain to me why 10-14 year old girls like horses so much?
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Princess fantasies
horses have big cock. good for the young to suckle on.
My gf rode horses from a young age and that is how she says she had her first orgasm. Riding and humping against the saddle.
same reason why old fat slobs like to ride motorcycles with no muffler
Power fantasies
I was gonna say, in a non-joking manner, that it probably did have something to do with this in all seriousness.
my cousin and i used to get off climbing a pole and lifting our legs as high as we could and holding them there, gave us the most incredible orgasms, though I didn't know that's what we were doing at the time. It wouldn't surprise me if girls liked horses for similar reasons
I want to fuck that horse.
They unconsciously want to have a powerful animal between their legs. And they also like to be in control.
Because it's loud and they feel tough after a long week of being an accountant?
God damn fags
my cousin and i were both dudes, so afraid I'm probably not what you're looking for.
That's about it honestly. just a lot of pole climbing and keeping your legs elevated, creates a very strong, powerful orgasm, something we called 'the feeling' at the time.
legit did not realize we were masturbating until years later.
nobody told you to stop, go on user
>what else did you do
that's it man. we each took turns climbing poles. that's really it.
we played truth or dare a lot, most it amounted to was running around the house in our boxers, which we slept in so really not too daring after all lol.
I know you want some story to fap to you sick fuck, but sadly I don't have any. you'll just have to go to your deep web sources I guess
I’m just trying to picture what you mean.
Why did you have climb a pole to lift your legs up? Couldn’t you just lay down & prop your legs up?
because a 10-14 yo girls with rich parents get to have horses.
riding a horse makes their pussy tingle. My ex said the first time she had an orgasm was when she was 13 while riding a horse.
>lay down & prop your legs up?
that doesn't require any muscles user.
I'm no biologist, but there is something about contracting the pelvic floor muscles that induces an orgasm.
This can be done, for isntance, by hanging from a pole, in our case a clothesline pole shaped like a "T". We'd dangle off one of the ends and bring our knees to our chests, or put our feet up near our heads, you'd feel your body contract and we'd jizz almost instantly, or at least I would.
Horses secrete manliness
what secretes female-li-ness?
Used tampons and bobby pins.
you deserve to die
>but sadly I don't have any
Wtf faggot, are you saying you wish you sucked your cousins cock? what a degenerate incest loser
you're doing just fine sweetie, was it exciting running around the house in your boxers?
nah, was sympathizing that you wouldn't have your degenerate, pre-teen gay coming of age fantasy fulfilled I guess? I'm too polite lol
We all do friend, we all do.
nah not really
death comes to the archbishop
The first 15 seconds from the point linked.
I honestly don't know, something oidious(ly)?
nothing to finish Yea Forumsro.
we climbed, we came, we went on about our day.
I refer to it as the "disney complex". Girls watch these films as children and actually believe that animals are there little friends and footmen. And they are a little princess who will find their Prince because their little friends and footmen will lead them to their destiny.
Ultimately, they will end up as iG whores. Read: "social influencers".
what does she see in that dumb horse?
'content creators?"
say what you will, but Hannah G from the Bachelor is the finest woman I ever did see
because stockholders
Also it's a big, hairy, muscular animal that also loves and caresses them
so you were all floppy like little firehoses, i bet that was quite the sight
>Loves and caresses them
Ever seen a horse bite a girl's face off?
no not really? we were never nude, sorry to disappoint
The horse caresses the girl??
I dont trust that horse caressing any girls
All American girls love horses. I LOVE horses, and I don't even like horses.
My mom and sister own horses. My sister was obsessed with them as a girl/teenager/etc but didn't own one until she was an adult with my mom.
Here are things I've learned:
>They are fun to ride and pet and stuff, its kinda like a dog you can ride
>They are expensive as fuck. I mean holy shit with the amount of money they spend on two horses, vet bills, shows, gear, etc we could have lived in a mansion
>They talk about horse cocks like it's normal, not even joking. It's really awkward. It's not in a sexual way but it's also not in a normal way either. It's like a "joke" and they giggle like school girls when they talk about having to clean the male horses dick, which I guess is a normal thing to do.
>They talk about the horses like they are mystical creatures like a unicorn. I mean dont get me wrong, they are neat animals and can be fun - I love all animals, but they kinda talk about it like it's mystical
>The horses will almost always take precedence over anything else in life. They've chosen them over birthdays, family events, holidays ,etc. The only time in recent years I can remember my mom staying home from seeing the horses was when I had an emergency medical issue
That's about it. Basically I have no idea why girls like horses.
Definitely sounds like they're doing more than cleaning the dicks, user.
I think if a girl actually fucked a horse it would kill her.
F in the thread for Mr. Hands
woah woah, i was just imagining the thin cloth hiding the treasure, don't get all nasty unless you really want to
Weird, that's so fucking strange because I've heard that before
>used to get off climbing a pole and lifting our legs as high as we could and holding them there
I thought I was the only one! How does that even work?
They are majestic and powerful.
Doesn't matter the age, they always love horses. If not horses, then dolphins and mermaid shit. Next I'd say is tigers/leopards.
Like a v-sit?
Because their asses look amazing in those riding pants and they know it. Also orgasms.
my sister wanted to be a "professional mermaid" when she was like 14
i know huh
oh shit they're hot
no but i want to
i saw that shit, cannot unsee
Honestly no idea
Wrong. I stuck my dick in the jets of a pool. Then every girl just put their vaginas up there. No need for animals. Let go interesting times a few months later.
None of those girls rode a horse
because they are majestic and graceful animals.
that's it. it has nothing to do with big horse dicks, or or humping a saddle.
This is why, it can start as anything else but it turns into this every time
Orgasms create an emotional bond, this is likely the main reason. The first orgasm a girl has is the most affective, and will create a very strong memory imprint. Girls should be banned from horse riding until after they have been married.
tits or gtfo
They should replace the milk in schools for horse sperm, befire girls reach puberty.
TFW you realize there are horses who have torn more hymens than you have
This is a bot.
This is a salafi.
This is an ordinary person.
is this modern entertainment, four noisy fuckwits sit in a garage shouting at a camera about nothing
post video of your sister cleaning the horse dick
you’re an american girl
this is a cunt
>we find pony’s pretty. We’ve been playing with ponies since we were pushed out of a vagina and it was marketed to us and our parents bought it. It’s a “girly” toy. That’s why most girls like pony’s.
A dick, to be precise.
Let's see, you probably weren't the third one I responded to, unless you object to being deemed an alright specimen of the race. So which is it? Are you upset that your use of language is so amateurish that it is akin to bot language? Or are you upset that your views of the world are such that you have more in common with jihadist idiots than any other group of people?
Instinct, Practice for loving something bigger and more powerful than them.
have you seen the size of horse cock?
this thread was made in the name of progression.
The progression of immature horniness perhaps.
I hate anyone that ever had a pony when they were growing up.
I wonder...
hol up tell me how
aye nice reference
>It's like a "joke" and they giggle like school girls when they talk about having to clean the male horses dick, which I guess is a normal thing to do.
Go on
Look at the state of white women. They are obviously deranged most of them want to fuck niggers. Even that fellow poo is more correct about them, and why are you so hyper defensive?