"Man 'risked his life' to have sex with his HIV positive girlfriend so they could have a baby"

"Man 'risked his life' to have sex with his HIV positive girlfriend so they could have a baby"


Why not just squirt it up her with a turkey baster!?

Attached: 10354688-0-image-a-45_1551268971786.jpg (308x185, 18K)

Just further proof that people are getting stupider and stupider every day.

Not only does the guy has a death wish, the girl is soo retarded. Yes they might have a baby, but it will be born with fucking HIV. Fucking degenerate

Hope they all die

That's news? I raw dogged a bitch with hep C in the ass 2 months ago. Wheres my attention?!

She's already had the baby and it's not infected!

Thats lucky, not only did they risk the man's life, but also the baby's. It's still pretty stupid

I hate them both, but no, baby's born to an HIV positive mother most often don't contract the disease. With suppressive drugs, that probability of the fetus contracting HIV is like 0

>Thats lucky,
No, it’s to be expected
>not only did they risk the man's life,
No, they didn't
>but also the baby's.
No, they didn’t
>It's still pretty stupid
No, it’s not

Jeesus fucking Christ, one line, four mistakes. Read the fucking article. She was on her meds, she was free of a detectable viral load. In these circumstances, the chances of passing on the essentially dormant virus to a sex partner or her child were basically zero.

well, doing that implies a decent sense of actual risk, though whining that it was some great danger goes the opposite way

*if* the girls viral load is even high enough to infect (if she's taking the latest drugs, probably not), the infection rate for insertive vaginal intercourse is like 1:11,000 exposures.
i'd take that chance any day just for regular sex

also if he took prep that turns the 1 in 11000 risk into 'be more worried about a plane crashing through your roof and killing you while having sex'

Fuck that.

Arrr no don't fuck that, plenty cheeky sluts on tinder have less invasive sti's than that shit

I went for a head CT scan a couple of weeks ago and that's the same odds as the scan giving you a brain tumor!


If I'm lucky imma do it again tonight. i'm gonna cream down her shit pipe because of our bold and pure love.

i went raw with several girls that had hepc plus assorted other stds, because they were actively sharing drug needles with infected people.

feel like i should get a prize or something, especially for never contracting anything myself. but i used my own needles always. well except with the one hepc positive girl i was fucking raw every day in the ass and on her period with lots of blood anyway. but then again i suspect she got it after we broke up even though when she called to tell me to get tested she thought it was before.

anyway, prize plz

Well, good luck und have fun, user. Be careful though

>having a kid with aids
They’re fucking monsters...

If she was infected the baby would be also. They share the same blood.

yep, raw dogged her on the period too. Im a dumb, dumb, hopefully uninfected man.
She's on the way! As long as nobody bleeds in my blood im good.

You got some African level intelligence going on don'tcha?

hepc is really hard to transmit during sex, it's usually the needle sharing that does it