Yea Forums i am in need of some cash...

Yea Forums i am in need of some cash. ill draw whatever the fuck you want within reason if you would send me a couple bucks.

venmo is travis-m-3. if you send something put what you want me to draw in the venmo caption thing

first one of you chumps to reply will get a draw for free

Attached: a draw.png (689x549, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Any hard limits?

Or things you rock at drawing?

Is that the only example of your work?

frog army

if you want to see my art tumblr, its xylocell. im pretty good at human anatomy, dynamic poses, action shit. i like to do character design

Attached: flex.png (920x880, 66K)

comin right up

here ya go

Attached: frog army.png (1176x823, 48K)

This is cute, OP. If I had any ideas I would pay you.

Attached: hey-thats-pretty.png (800x567, 360K)

Ill check it out when I get home

Can you do a character from a text description?


also to whoever paid me 3 bucks to draw a squirrel smoking weed, here ya go

Attached: high squirl.png (1227x725, 35K)


ill start titling my replys as op

Oh man this stuff's amazing, I'd love to pay you to draw some silly stuff but I can't :(

thank you. if you end up coming up with something, no matter how simple, consider venmoin me. it doesnt need to be grandiose

thanks. it happens lol thats why im here

I just lack imagination for these sorts of things. When I pay for art its usually something a bit more scenic.

that was me lol, that's epic man

Nsfw stuff ok?

glad you like it cheif. appreciate the charity
i can draw a character you like doing something silly, an inanimate object come to life, or w/e . but you do you.

it depends. absolutely no loli or anything heinous. find someone else for that shit

I just have no ideas coming to mind for such a thing, sorry OP. I will bump the thread for you though.

appreciate it cheif.

quick smoke break, will be back and drawing in 10ish

You've earned my respect for me

im back. gonna work on a mech request


Attached: 1549337085594.gif (300x168, 285K)


Nice drawings user, tumblr was also cool ; )

I sent one for the crystal ball bro

jared, is that you?

appreciate it!
ill get to you next
it literally says travis in my venmo name. so, no

and heres the mech. i guess i should say now, i literally NEVER draw mechs so if you want your moneys worth maybe request something else. if you want a 2nd smaller drawing lmk, just reply with what your name is on venmo

I think you missed the post

Hey Travis, will you be posting fulfilled requests here, or send them directly to the donors ?

Noice. You can post here I don't mind

youre right
im posting here. though, if youd like to actually commission me for something more substantial, let me know and we can work something out via email or w/e

Attached: bad mech.png (871x807, 37K)

here ya go

Attached: boy and a crystal ball.png (1282x885, 56K)

Dude, that's awesome.

I may end up using it as a reference for a kit bashed game piece

:D if I go again, can you do a lens perspective?

Fucking stoned

glad you like it! i felt like it was janky as hell. but alls well that ends well :-)

heres a bonus for you cause i wanted to redraw it. also, what do you mean by lens perspective?

Attached: orb2.png (1212x859, 66K)

I man I wish I had a good idea. I'd like some cute boys being cute somewhere and I could shoop it to be in a beautiful landscape.

hey guys im gonna go pick up some bud. please bump this thread while im gone. if it ends, ill be back posting tomorrow. if it doesnt, expect more draws

thanks for all the generosity guys!

I explained it there. Like the field of view zoom

id like to comission something for myself. Just an illustration of me, doesnt need to be colored. Whats the best place to send you a picture? Also do you have paypal?

We might need a new one. Put 'boke' in the title?

Attached: 1548224529632.jpg (622x634, 75K)

Email [email protected] if you want to commission a portrait. I do have paypal. We can work payment out via email

I’m On my phone rn but I’ll make a new thread when I get back home

i'd like to see the nostromo and a star destroyer making love, preferably on the beach or under a waterfall
next user will pay

Attached: 1187436839371.jpg (400x400, 23K)

Dope. Shot you that email.

Here’s an example of a portrait commission I’ve done

Attached: 0FACA3C9-8387-4119-AEF2-B964ADBA408A.jpg (1506x1808, 823K)

Lol nice try

Not op

Ok squad here’s the M.O. I’m gonna smoke a cig, take a shit, smoke a bowl, make a new thread and link it in here, then get drawing again

I don't do Venmo. How bout Bitcoin bro?

I’ll start the new thread with that drawing

Lmao if you sent me a Bitcoin I’d draw you whatever

Tell you what. Make an Ethereum address and I'll send you some ETH for drawing the laziest mexican.


they say beggars cant be choosers, but ill pass. keep it out of the realm of anything racist, homophobic, or pedophilia, and ill give you the best i got.

Okay. How about Jesus getting rimmed by Muhammed?

I'll send you 5 bucks if you've got a PayPal my man

LMAO. youre getting close, but no. i appreciate the generosity you are willing to show, but think of something at least marginally wholesome. like i said ill even draw nsfw just dont be edgy about it

paypall is linked to [email protected]

How about a puffin hugging a cherry?

Bonus points for a Narwhal eating a donut

Sent. Take care user.

i can do that
i can do that too

but first and foremost, new thread!
see yall there

If that was on a candy bar, I'd eat it

thanks bud. bless you

Kek, 'new one' is kill.
We're surviving

just bump it chump

posted your drawing in the new thread

whatever. if were staying here i guess were staying here. heres your drawing

Attached: cursed orb.png (1289x892, 69K)

That works, I'm out. Stay lit

Attached: 1548033180958.png (750x497, 576K)