Hey Yea Forums...

Hey Yea Forums, I'm chatting to this 14 year old girl and she said she's been talking and may be dating a 20 year old she's been talking for a few years.

I'm 25 and I'm jealous since she told me this, is this bad/normal for me to be jealous? What should i Tell her

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send her a video of you fucking shooting yourself faggot

I like therm big, I like them chunky

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You should definetely meet up with her in rl to explain to her that its bad to be seeing men much older than her if shes underage


well lets see your face first. Then we can tell you if you have a chance


i would tell you to kill yourself, but death is not a great enough punishment for your sins.

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Scare her with momo

How the fuck does a 25 year old even end up texting a 14 year old?

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invite her to a function with your other adult friends.

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We're chatting through Instagram and Snapchat and she's used to talking to older guys

but where/how did you initially meet her? Did you know her age at the onset of your conversations?


>mfw age of consent is 15 here so i can legally fuck 15 year olds

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How about you leave her alone you nigger? She is young and probably didnt experience a proper relatinoship yet

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I wouldn't worry about it, shes either a cop or a paedo hunter

But She's going dste a 20 year old guy and i dont want her to I mean if she's dating am older dude she should atleast just do it with me

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why? wtf is so special about u? ur obviously to beta fag to get with women who are literally hormonaly retarded and almost half ur age. u need to start lifting and get the beta outta u.
>inb4 "you're projecting" even tho i am

No way I thought She was 18 but like we been talking for a year and only now she's told me her age but yknow we still talk and stuff.

You're literally projecting I do lift and FUCK women once in a while but we been talking for a while this girl is amazing

lying sack of shit

It's 14 here

Why is it hard to believe That a 14 year old girl can be amazing And nice? Also why are you being so angry

where/howd you first meet?

How’s your Wednesday my boys at the Bureau?

I slid in her DMs lmfao and we added each other and went on from there

did you know she was into older dudes from the get go?


Where's "here"?
And here?

Because all 14yos are fucking retards.

werr dern yer terk er sert erver derr berk

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