Be me

>be me
>16 years old, best friend kills himself
>23 years old, my mother dies, father kills himself out of grief
>24 start talking to supposed girl on discord
>really like "her"
>turns out to be a 40 year old neckbeard
>today, 26 years old nothing good happens, work at a minimum wage job, everyone ignores me.

actually thinking about killing myself, should i do it Yea Forumsros?

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Don't turn out like your cowardly father.

He still had to raise you and bailed? Loser.

Rise up. Do better.

Go see a doc bro

Life sucks, but we play the hand we are delt


This. Be better than your father

start talking to supposed girl on discord
>>really like "her"
>>turns out to be a 40 year old neckbeard


Why not just be a tramp. Why the fuck are you working some dead end job thinking anything will change? Theyre called dead end for a fucking reason shitlord.

>above 18
>on discord
I have some bad news for you son

there are gonna be moments in your life where you feel joy, even a tiny bit. If you hear a cool song, see a nice painting, make a cool friend, these may sound small but they exist none the less, if all seems lost just think of a small thing that brings you joy like a song, count the seconds. One second, then another, you're still here, you can still do this, you can be better than what you are now, it must be awful losing your best friend, your mother AND your father as well as your best friend, you my friend, are strong to still be here, and I believe you're still strong enough to push foreward, the world isn't a fair place but as I said, hope and happiness are never always lost, I believe in you Yea Forumsrother, you can do this

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The world sucks and is pointless, but being dead is worse because it's nothing.

Try to find a hobby and get off of Yea Forums.


>Build model planes/tanks/cars/gundums
>Get /fit/
>learn a skill or new language
>get into mountain biking

Find out what interests you and start putting yourself to hang out with the people that share your interest, people with hobbies are very welcoming to newcomers even if you are shy(but you have to put your foot forward first)

Eventually you will find a cool chick to that you can relate to, don't look for love or the perfect woman because it doesn't exist(I'm not saying to settle for anything either, just be realistic).

get fit. that will actually change your life. then start dating normal fucking women you weeaboo.

you're gonna be fine you little bitch

perfect woman, yeah you have a point she doesn't exist but I think love exists. I mean I have a very broad definition kek i'm a feelfag

> (OP)
> start talking to supposed girl on discord
>>>really like "her"
>>>turns out to be a 40 year old neckbeard


Man you're free.

You got no attachments. No real responsibility other than keep yourself fed. Nothing to lose. You can do anything.

At least be a hobo or turn to hard drugs before resorting to suicide.

You’ve got a job. Save money, get a work permit to another country like Canada, Australia and New Zealand and go see how good the world actually is. It’s not as bad as it is where you are right now. Also another dude said get fit, that will help you a shit load, physically it will help but it will pull you out of the immediate hole you’re in. Good luck bro.

You been dealt some shitty cards bro, real fucking shitty, I don’t think many people could say they wouldn’t just kill themselves without breathing a word to anyone else if they had got dealt the same cards, so here we are man you’re reaching out which means you’re stronger than most.

At the end of the day, you can only control you bro, you couldn’t have stopped any of those people dying. And you got the control of yourself now to make something out of a fucking shitty situation.

OP, you're out and about, playing 'the game' of life. You shouldn't feel down about this, you're trying and even better, aware of what's going on.

Most people are NPCs, unaware of what's really going on in their lives. Times might be hard for you now, and people might have let you down or lied to you, but you're giving it your all. Keep trying, and you'll find what you're after.

give small goals with small rewards to yourself, like making tea only leads to making better tea.

take up cooking. it's a good way to keep your mind off things because for that moment in time, your only concern is the food. And yes, the better you get, the better the food and the reward is good food. But you have to eat your fuckups. Remember, it's money that you worked for and a stupid lose condition is a good motivator.

life is like darksouls. you can beat it just by practicing, but you can also level and use some humanity from time to time, just don't use it as a crutch.


The question imo is do you think you can sooner or later make your own life worth living and be happy about. If theres even any smallest feeling like that deep in you dont do it. I think its worth living a life that could turn to be ok at the end, if you find the right person or thing then the last years are worth it.

But if you dont feel anything then just end it on the spot because theres no point and i would do it too.

start doing hella drugs, fuck it meth on the daily my dude

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turn your negative energy into something productive. definitely find something productive to indulge yourself in and dont just consume.
you got nothing to lose.
it is super important to get your environment right. get off of 4chin, this place is a shithole. dont bother even with negativity. surround yourself and actively seek positive experiences. this will slowly change your mind. friends will come along.

good luck op, this is more than doable.

Thanks guys, I've decided not to kill myself, I will try a new hobby that fits me, thanks guys for saving me...

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Dont come to australia it sucks arse. Take it from the guy living here for 25 years.

Wow I never thought someone could say something so stupid to further ignite my hatred for humanity. Bravo faggot.