Around 25 minutes ago I took around 125 Datura seeds

around 25 minutes ago I took around 125 Datura seeds
I locked myself in my room with nothing I can easily harm myself with
my roommate is in the other room and will be periodically checking in with me to see if im alright

alright Yea Forums wish me luck im going in

Attached: DATURA_INOXIA.jpg (500x500, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Would you describe the effects of the seeds as soon as they manifest?

well rn im chugging water like a motherfucker

Learned my lesson with that shit back in the 90's enjoy going blind for a few weeks.
Bread will help with the cotton mouth.

Probably because you just ate parts of a toxic plant

Enjoy not being able to see or pee. And don't drop your imaginary cigarette.

god I hope it dosent fuck me up that bad
im only here for the screams

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this shits more than toxic

I took these with 2 friends about 4 years ago, one stabbed himself with a skewer and the other got taken away in an ambulance after going outside and mumbling shit to passers by dressed in only a bra. Crazy times.

you, my friend are an idiot. that is too much of a highly toxic plant!

god speed user! update with a story when you can

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I took datura first day of new job. The night ended with me in the hospital. Completely different from psychs and dissociatives.

Oh yeah I was fired

meth causes less of a psychosis than those satan seeds coming from a hype, beware.

"Due to their agitated behavior and confused mental state, victims of Datura poisoning are typically hospitalized. Gastric lavage and the administration of activated charcoal can be used to reduce the stomach's absorption of the ingested material and the drug physostigmine is used to reverse the effect of the poisons. Benzodiazepines can be given to curb the patient's agitation, and supportive care with oxygen, hydration, and symptomatic treatment is often provided. Observation of the patient is indicated until the symptoms resolve, usually from 24–36 hours after ingestion of the Datura"

OP here
its getting harder to breath

Shit user

The pussys way out is ER, man up.

not being kriptic or anything im also super tired and i dont want to writ

Plz post time stamp when you get to the hospital. You think I’m joking but I’m not.

OP is fucked. Enjoy the insect swarm.

include me in the screencap

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if op wont respond in 15 mins i call it day


im feeling like absolute garbage
not sick but sore
its hard asf to breath and my eyes are a little double vision

guys send trippy shit

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reading a trip report on it this dude only took 50 seeds...if your breathing isnt from dry mouth or throat you may want to be concerned

Bingo. Can hear the voices yet. Listen carefully.

Good bye user. You're already dead; your body will catch up soon. And for what? The hope that you'll be legend? Green texts of your exploit? Nope. Just another bug on the windshield.

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RIP user

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ive already accepted all the outcomes of this
if I live and im fucked ill just shoot myself
if I die I die fucked up in datura land
this is kinda some bucket list I guess
last thing of course
only right after a phone call to my friend in Australia


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this guy took 100 seeds and was constantly fading in and out of conciousness and woke up talking to inanimte objects

"I woke up in mid sentence, realizing I was talking to no one, but aware I had been talking for at least 5 minutes prior. I wonder who I must have been talking to... could it have been my brother? I then realize I am naked, shortly after that I realize Im in the shower with water running down my face. I had been talking to no one.. this was very interesting to me… I wonder what could have possibly caused me to slip in and out of "worlds" like this, with no real recollection of what I had been doing prior, or at least why I was doing it."

dont ruin this guys trip he might die

also with my last post I dont want anybody to think this is some sick suicide attempt
to me I just wanted to try everything ending with this
and no im not some coke head just psych shit
stuff that could "last a while" on me
I have percussions in case I fuck up
including to call the hospital to tell them to be "in stand by"
also report on how im feeling Ive been seeing shit in the corner of my eyes so thats why ive been posting so fast so I dont look at them

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nvm he took like 450 so you might be fine

oh fucking thank god

Im here for u op youll be good

Attached: whoah.jpg (284x177, 30K)

Never fear. Nigga has some drums set aside in case things go South.

Safe travels, Keith Moon.

na cunt my haert isnt puinping

k cant feel my tongue

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>put the hospital on "stand by"

who the fuck would do this, might as well dial 911 and think some1 wont be showing up

drink wadda

shut up piece at mind

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im gonna post slower now
i fele like rubber and im gonna close my eyes
stay posting if I pass out

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listen to this playlist

I know
i get that now

OP should be aware that it is possible for the seeds to get stuck in your bowels and thus result in random tripping months after ingestion


no im real
but my friend just told me I only ate 115 seeds so im feeling optimistic


im gonna close my eyes and my friends gonna wake me up in thirty minutes
post happy shit when I wake up

I heard it on a documentary once, sounds possible if you don't chew them up. They don't get fully digested

I think I just had a stroke
for about thirty secounds my entire left side of my body just quit working
am I gonna be ok?

Love these things. Back in the DOS days there was a screen 'saver' called "Dazzle" very similar to this. Was the best DOS SS ever.

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HOW big a hit?

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at least you're still able to type, you must be ok, juste hang on and keep dinking water

IMIK NOT OK im gonnas throw up

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im seeing shit hard now
little eyes and wisper s

Godmod idea

im gonna sleep
msy friends gonna come back

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it wont com up

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No such thing like a "Luck" with blended brain for rest of life.

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i just thought my teeth fell out
guys at what point should I call it quits

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I believe this is a storm you have to ride out on your own.

you might try to induce vomitting to get any leftover seed out.

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well I mean go to the hospital

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Vomiting might actually do some good

oh god are those faces

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Heyy...nice Elon...

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I think thats just random fluid patterns

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b is here for you OP

no im seeing faces in the screen
its not scary just trippy
they look happy

Attached: tumblr_nwu6qnICTL1txeruoo1_500.gif (450x450, 1.97M)

Yeah, but... you're not on daikon seeds (or whatever)

Good luck

Im still tripping out tho

I personnaly don't see anything figurative

Cauliflower, or clouds?

Attached: Clouds.gif (500x500, 1.95M)

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the filename says clouds

OP - what's your screen - phone or computer (little or big)?

Attached: Creation.gif (432x768, 1.64M)

>administration of activated charcoal can be used to reduce the stomach's absorption of the ingested material.

pretty sure you could do that at home with activated almonds.

I feel like I’ve seen a ice cream flavor with the same colors

17" notebook

Attached: tumblr_nr36l6oQAO1qhrm3lo1_500.gif (450x338, 1.95M)

That's just what I named it.

im on a shitty laptop

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he put the hospital on standby wtf? my sides

Okay - so big images work too.

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im dumb

(I'm not OP but) that's a cool pic

OP have you done psychedelics before or did you just jump into it with this shit?

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ima go to tha sto
my bones do hert my lungs in vain
hurt urt judy hurt
im not ok my friend is coming

ya im done before ya

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Patterns traced in the sand by a pendulum during an earthquake in 2005. From a shop in Port Townsend, WA.

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Attached: dqfggh.gif (300x300, 1.95M)

ya thats nice and good

Just chill out and chug the water mein bruder.

Can you guess the animal? Skull in our office.

Attached: ES01_R.jpg (1024x768, 398K)

I'd say it's a boar skull

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Attached: WinterForest.jpg (1920x1080, 1.19M)

Two more guesses.

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Just remember that chicken joe is rooting for you my man

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Is it an extinct species ?

This is actually really cool.

Attached: tumblr_nw1fieDv2Y1r4w8k5o1_500.gif (450x450, 1.92M)

Nope. Hint: it's very big.

Good thread op

Is it a hippo?


Hey its Ops friend here to tell you that op is asleep and 911 has been contacted

I don't think hippos have tusk or that kind of teeth

No, but it too spends a lot of time in water, and a little smaller.

Attached: ES03_R.jpg (2048x1536, 717K)

Godspeed user, your buddy is a trooper

Wait now I’m confused... I thought you left.

Well, that pretty much completely narrows it down to seals. Elephant Seal?

Maybe some kind of feline ?

Well... I'm disapointed but not surprised.

I wish him to recover well

Attached: 1542562768738.jpg (359x301, 14K)

>Elephant Seal
Yes indeedie!

Attached: ElephantSeal.jpg (1203x838, 298K)

I figured it was something with one hell of a nose to have a hole that big in its head, but it didn't look like any animal I was thinking of, but I wasn't considering marine mammals.


well the ambulance just took him away like ten minutes ago

Shit man. I sure hope it was worth it to him.
I suspect not though.

anyway im sure tomorrow he will be fine

ya hes a fucking idiot but after this he is gonna have some respect for living