So I expected no reply and sent the second line, got a response. What's the best way to salvage this?

So I expected no reply and sent the second line, got a response. What's the best way to salvage this?

Attached: Screenshot_20190228-072549.png (2048x1622, 399K)

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Her bio

Attached: Screenshot_20190228-072914.png (2048x1506, 342K)

I'll give you MY midnight meat train bitch

just ignore and go on

>took 2 days to reply
Just cut your loses and move on

"That movie sucked. Bradley Cooper becoming the new killer? So fucking predictable. Try again."

just my wicked sense of humor!
we should smash

Just make a cheap joke about the film and then go
Yeah that was a joke. I was messing around with a friend since I didn't think you'd get back to me

Anyone who says their favorite movie is Midnight Meat Train is not worth your time, my dude. Seriously, even the source story sucked shit.

Yea you're right, you couldn't take my massive cock anyway bitch.

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this. Just say it was a dumb joke since you didnt expect a reply

Thanks mates, will give this a go.

salvage what? she looks like an ugly boy

Don't listen to those faggots. She's shit testing you to see if you are a beta bitch or can actually have the confidence to say yes I want to fuck.

"Not a joke. Don't think less of me for being forward but fyi I won't go down on you or kiss you. Just straight penetration while taking the lords name in vain."

In the future be a fucking man OP. Stop sending emojis and double texting. Makes you look like a complete faggot.

respond with "no joke but my friends tell me that I am a wild sex lord"

The cringe is real.

Alright, I'll give this a go instead

Atta boy OP. She will probably act all bitchy. This is a good thing. Just keep doing playful banter with fucked up sexual humor.

Like if her response is somewhere along the lines of "well im not looking for a hookup"..Just say oh okay how about this, first date hold hands, second date hug, third date anal.

Just fuck with her and not give a fuck. Its not as hard as people make it out to be.

or just say "I'm all about that penetration without hesitation movement"

And if she doesn't reply move on. Delete number. You have to understand it's a numbers game with women. You need an abundance mindset.

Amen bro. Don't worry about tinder bitches

Cheers, solid advice


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This. She fucked at least one nigger in that two day “lull” in communication

Unless you're a billionaire with a 12" gold-plated dick, there's no salvaging this. She probably only responded BECAUSE of the second message.

Otherwise, be honest with her.

Don't go for her man...

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OP just let us send her a few messages. We can see how hard she's ignoring you in particular.

She sounds like Shrek, also autistic.

She looks and sounds like a dull, boring bitch.

Block her and don’t look back.

That piece of shit Cinny Jones film?

Say, I hope that favourite film was a joke you no talent hack!

Post her pic

Anyone else wondering what was the follow up question?

Lots of red flags on xer profile. Enjoy misery with your boyish girl

Send her a pic of your cock

This. Also, stop using emoticons. The only reason men use them is because woman use them. This one doesn't.

Post her profile pic

This guy knows.

Send a picture of your cock at full mast. There is no other way.

There is literally no emotion in her reply. She is either not interested in you or just dull. Either way move on.

Give us her number so we can all send her pics of our cocks

just play the game, what are you going to lose you fucking soyboy

Very important that you don't mention that "follow-up question" at all. At. All.
If she outright asks you about it, and only then, you say "yeah, wasn't my best joke, tho",then move on and don't touch the topic again.

I don't understand the follow-up question.

Think that was the point

Respectfully disagree user. I think he needs to go hard or go home. Damage is done so might as well follow through. Something like ‘haha yeah it was serious, I’ve fancied you for ages’

sounds like an attention whore who loves drama steer clear

Sounds fun to me.

That pic is the definition of the phrase "Cool beans!"

Realistically you’ve fucked it up. the only way to salvage this is to go all-in with the “lets fuck.” Your dumb emoji shit betrayed a lack of confidence and made you sound extremely unattractive. Make an attempt at alpha confidence as a Hail Mary and if it doesn’t work, cut your losses.

You’re gonna be tempted to say it was all a joke. She knows damn well it wasn’t.

Me too

Wait this is a random person you met on the internet? Shit I thought you were texting a friend, I don't have tinder so I don't know. Just say whatever the fuck you want man who cares you don't know this chick.

Please someone translate the emoticon.

It says "Are you okay?"


Definitely autistic

>"Cool beans!"

Cool beans, user. Cool beans.

Respectfully disagree back, that would work if the girl wasn't so distant and cold. How it is now, her response would be negative.
Boldness is attractive, however, I see your point.

>wicked sense of humor

The follow up question was "then we fuck, maybe?"